Cho'gall Guide by Mimiron Posted: A gamechanging Hero is joining the Nexus and now would be the ideal time to have a closer look at his abilities and gameplay preview.  |
World of Warcraft Legion Classes Preview 8 Warlock Posted: The most famous Warlock ever must be Gul'dan who exists and forms the main story line for versions. In Legion Warlock will be developed with Demonology talent returning back to the roots of summoning, utilizing and empowering demons.  |
Neverwinter: Underdark Now Available Posted: Perfect World Entertainment Inc. and Cryptic Studios launched Neverwinter: Underdark on PC, with Xbox One to follow in early 2016  |
World of Warcraft Legion Classes Preview 7 Death Knight Posted: Coming in in the Lich King's rein, Death Knight was really hot and powerful at that time as it will be with Demon Hunter. In Legion the resource system is greatly changed, the division into three different talents is removed and instead Death Knight will have six unified Runes to spend with a maximum of three recharging at the same time.  |
World of Warcraft Legion Classes Preview 6 Shaman Posted: The communicator of the elements, Shaman obtains power from the nature. Totem is the typical symbol of this class that diversify Shaman into roles as damage dealer and healer. In Legion the totems are reinforced, totems of the same nature type can now be summoned together and new battle resources Maelstorm is introduced.  |
ELOA: Elite Lord of Alliance Begins Open Beta Test Today Posted: WEBZEN announced that the open beta test for its upcoming triple-action hack 'n' slash MMORPG ELOA: Elite Lord of Alliance has begun, with the official release currently slated for the 24th of November.  |
World of Warcraft Legion Classes Preview 5 Warrior Posted: Master of all weapon, Warrior always rushes in the front every battle. Feel no fear, Warrior uses rage to clear the way. Warrior is the most typical melee class in WoW with flexibility in gameplay with different application of skills and weapons.  |
Sword Art Online: Lost Song Launched in North American and Latin American Posted: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc., the premier anime video game publisher, today announced that it has launched Sword Art Online: Lost Song in North America and Latin America for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system  |
Daum Launches Black Desert Online's Pre-Orders Posted: Daum Games has announced pre-order packages with CBT access and released a series of gameplay videos highlighting the six character classes.  |
TERA: Fate of Arun – New Start Area and More Posted: In the latest update to the action MMORPG TERA: Fate of Arun, Gameforge and developers Bluehole unveil a brand-new start area – Stepstone Isle  |
Global War Closed Beta Keys Giveaway Posted: MMOsite has teamed up with YOUNG WORLD CO., LTD for a Closed Beta Key Giveaway for their MMORTS, Global War.  |
Moonlight Blade CN Will Launch New Expansion This Winter Posted: Tencent Games announced the winter expansion 'Stretching to Sky' for its self-developed wuxia-themed MMORPG Moonlight Blade Online that will be updated at the end of 2015.  |
Project Genom First Look Posted: Project Genom is a new Sci-fi MMO. It has a lot going for it, cool mounts, mechs, and a Dna transformation system. The combat is a little weird at times.  |