


Pillars of Eternity: The White March – Part 2 to Launch in Late January 2016

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 06:12 AM PST

The White March – Part 2 to Launch in Late January 2016

Obsidian Entertainment has announced that the next expansion to Pillars of Eternity will be launching in late January 2016. Called The White March - Part 2, the expansion brings to a close the storyline started in part one and includes new quests, abilities and a new Barbarian companion named Meneha. Players can also look forward to an increased level cap and something called "Story Time mode" that progresses the epic tale at a faster pace.

EverQuest: The Best Things About EverQuest From the People Who Made It

Posted: 15 Nov 2015 02:30 PM PST

The Best Things About EverQuest From the People Who Made It

Recently we had the chance to sit down and chat with three EverQuest developers, just before both the original EQ and its sequel are to receive their 22nd and 12th expansions. We have a full week of features on EverQuest planned, but today we wanted to ask each developer what they love most about the storied franchise. Here's what Holly Longdale (Executive Producer), Jonathan Caraker (Lead Designer) and Alan VanCuvering (Assistant Lead Designer) had to say.

Lost Ark: New Site & Trailer Revealed - No Word Yet on Western Release

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 06:04 AM PST

New Site & Trailer Revealed - No Word Yet on Western Release

TenCent is taking the wraps off of the Lost Ark MMO that is in development, both with a new trailer and a brand new site. While no word is officially revealed about a western release, those with a forward look may want to check it out!

Fallout 4: How to Kill the Fun - Mosignor Plaza Bug Can End Game

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 04:37 AM PST

How to Kill the Fun - Mosignor Plaza Bug Can End Game

According to Gamespot, there is a potentially game-ending bug in a quest line that takes players to Mosignor Plaza. Traveling to the location causes a desktop crash and pops up an error message.

Tree of Savior: Korean Version to Sport 53 Classes at OBT Launch

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 04:32 AM PST

Korean Version to Sport 53 Classes at OBT Launch

Steparu is reporting that the Korean version of Tree of Savior will launch with fifty-three playable classes, nine more than the current forty-four. In addition, each class will feature seven distinct ranks.

Black Desert: New Sorceress Face Template Incoming

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 01:46 AM PST

New Sorceress Face Template Incoming

According to the Black Desert Online Facebook page, a new face template will be added to the Daum EU version of the game soon. Check out the new look and leave us your thoughts in the comments.

General: MSI Begins Shipping New All-in-One Gaming PC

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 03:36 PM PST

MSI Begins Shipping New All-in-One Gaming PC

MSI Computer Corp has announced that it is now shipping the new All-in-One Gaming PC that is packed with a ton of features most desired by gamers including the i7 desktop processor, Nvidia GEForce GTX980M graphics card and MSI's Gaming 27T.

Crowfall: Hunger Dome 1.1 Almost Here According to Devs

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 03:28 PM PST

Hunger Dome 1.1 Almost Here According to Devs

The Crowfall site has been updated with a letter that lets fans and alpha supporters in on the fact that Hunger Dome 1.1 is nearly complete and is, in fact, in the final bug squashing phase.

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