


Marvel Heroes 2015: 2016 Version Plans Revealed

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 08:35 AM PDT

2016 Version Plans Revealed

Gazillion Entertainment has revealed the upcoming content coming with the rebranding of Marvel Heroes for the 2016 iteration of the game. Players have a lot to look forward to with a new story arc, controller support, overhauled graphics and much more.

Divergence Online: Voxel-Based Building to Star in Live Stream Event

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 07:44 AM PDT

Voxel-Based Building to Star in Live Stream Event

Ethan Casner will be showing off the voxel-based building system ("Ferrocrete") that will be used in Divergence Online. The event is slated to take place on the Divergence Online YouTube on Wednesday, October 14th at 6:00 pm Pacific / 9:00 pm Eastern.

Chronicles of Elyria: Character Roles and Skill Advancement

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 02:25 AM PDT

Character Roles and Skill Advancement

Tired of having to raise your character level so you can craft? Chronicles of Elyria allows players to focus on just the areas they want. Finally, you can be a full-time crafter without having to gather or engage in combat.

Magerealm: Destroy Your Enemies in New 5v5 Arena Mode

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 04:55 AM PDT

Destroy Your Enemies in New 5v5 Arena Mode

Magerealm players can take it to the mat in the latest addition to the game. In the 5v5 arena, the new PvP mode is based on the classic capture the flag game. Two teams of 5 players each face off and work cooperatively to grab and control flags on the field.

League of Angels: Bacchus, Mr. Uninhibited, Arrives in Game

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 04:45 AM PDT

Bacchus, Mr. Uninhibited, Arrives in Game

The League of Angels team has announced that Bacchus has been released into the game in all his uninhibited glory. He calls the game's warriors to come and join his fight for peace and joy.

Elite: Dangerous: A Quick & Dirty Look at Planet Exploration in Horizons

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 04:37 AM PDT

A Quick & Dirty Look at Planet Exploration in Horizons

Horizons is the first announced expansion for Elite: Dangerous. In a recent 23-second video, Dave Braben wrote that "this is a quick-and-dirty un-edited capture from Horizons from a debug build on one of our dev machines...just zooming out ever faster from a crash site..."

EVE Online: Vegas Event Schedule Revealed

Posted: 10 Oct 2015 07:57 AM PDT

Vegas Event Schedule Revealed

EVE Vegas, a community event that is already sold out, is just a couple of weeks away. To give attendees a chance to prepare ahead of time what to go and see, CCP has revealed the event schedule for all of the panels and speeches that will be delivered during the convention being held at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas.

Elsword: Taking on the Behmoth in the Sandor Secret Dungeon

Posted: 09 Oct 2015 03:55 PM PDT

Taking on the Behmoth in the Sandor Secret Dungeon

Elsword players have another in the secret dungeon series to explore with the deployment of the Sandor Secret Dungeon. Players will travel through space and time to take on the Behemoth to change the outcome of a future battle.

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