
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Meet the Goddesses in Tree of Savior


Meet the Goddesses in Tree of Savior

The concept of Goddesses in Tree of Savior Overview game is abstracted from the Lithuanian Mythology. So far there are five Goddesses that are included in the game: Goddess of Destiny, Laima, Goddess of Death, Giltine, Goddess of Evening Star, Vakarinė, Goddess of Fire, Gabija, Goddess of Sun, Saulė.

Need for Speed: No Limits - Have Another Racing Experience Right Now


Need for Speed: No Limits - Have Another Racing Experience Right Now

After several months test, Need for Speed: No Limits, the latest mobile car racing game from EA is available on Android and iOS.

Mavenfall: SLG+Hearthstone Coming in This Fall


Mavenfall: SLG+Hearthstone Coming in This Fall

Mavenfall is a hybrid strategy game that mixes CCGs (collectible card games) with battlefield miniatures, which combines the model of Hearthstone and SLG games.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta Got Extended by One Day


Star Wars Battlefront Beta Got Extended by One Day

Originally slated to end on Oct. 12, the Star Wars Battlefront beta test has been extended through Tuesday in order to test extreme server scenarios

Monster Hunter Online to Launch No-wipe Test This Year


Monster Hunter Online to Launch No-wipe Test This Year

It is confirmed that Monster Hunter Online, the 3D action MMORPG developed by Tencent and CAPCOM, is going to launch no-wipe test this year in China

Critho Leaves Blizzard


Critho Leaves Blizzard

Crithto was a Community Manager posting behind a cute puppy avatar on the official forums. He joined the Leaver's Club of Blizzard Commuunity Manager.

Continue reading Critho Leaves Blizzard.

Doom Warrior: Second Look


Doom Warrior: Second Look

If you want something quick to do that you don't have to think. And have a quick romp get gear have some fun. This advanced rock paper scissor gladiator game.

Continue reading Doom Warrior: Second Look.

Game Monetization and Pay to Win Games


Game Monetization and Pay to Win Games

A big concern when it comes to free MMORPGs is whether or not they're going to be P2W (or pay to win). This is a classification for games where players with more money will always (or at least usually) be above those that have less.

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