


EverQuest: Travel Back In Time with the Progression Server

Posted: 12 May 2015 06:12 PM PDT

Travel Back In Time with the Progression Server

Every MMO gamer knows of the title "EverQuest." Some of you actually played it, but the rest usually listen wearily while EQ veterans wax and wane about the so-called glory days. Regardless of your position on the game, there's no doubting that EQ fans are some of the most passionate you'll meet, and their insatiable appetite for nostalgia goes unrivaled.

General: Evoland 2 - First Gameplay Trailer Arrives

Posted: 14 May 2015 07:27 AM PDT

Evoland 2 - First Gameplay Trailer Arrives

Shiro Games has released the first game play trailer from Evoland 2 to show off the game's classes, features, art style and more. Evoland 2 is slated for PC release later this summer and will be playable on Linux and Max at a later date.

General: Knights of Pen & Paper 2 - New Trailer for Mobile Devices

Posted: 14 May 2015 07:05 AM PDT

Knights of Pen & Paper 2 - New Trailer for Mobile Devices

Paradox Interactive has released a brand new trailer to show off some of the features coming in Knights of Pen & Paper 2, an RPG that hails back to earlier days but that is packed with modern features including new classes and races, customizable parties, and brand new campaign featuring new locations, sidequests, and dynamic dungeons. Check it out!

WildStar: Returning to Nexus

Posted: 12 May 2015 06:54 PM PDT

Returning to Nexus

With Drop 5: INVASION freshly released, Gareth "Gazimoff" Harmer pulls on his engineering boots and heads back to Planet Nexus.

Guild Wars 2: Don't Fear the Reaper - The Necro Elite Specialization

Posted: 12 May 2015 08:30 PM PDT


The third in a series of articles designed to reveal the Elite Specializations coming to all classes with the Heart of Thorns expansion has debuted on the official site. This time, the Necromancer's specialization is revealed. Called The Reaper, Necros will have the ability to wield a two-handed greatsword to become a devastating melee brawler facing off against as many foes as can be gathered.

Darkfall: Team Investigating Technical Issues Prior to Possible Reboot

Posted: 14 May 2015 06:24 AM PDT

Team Investigating Technical Issues Prior to Possible Reboot

Aventurine Studios is looking into the technical issues to see if it is feasible to bring back Darkfall in response to player requests. A KickStarter is also being considered for financial support of Darkfall should it be relaunched.

The Repopulation: Second Half of UI Upgrade Arrives & Much More

Posted: 14 May 2015 06:19 AM PDT

Second Half of UI Upgrade Arrives & Much More

The Repopulation client was upgraded recently with a host of other added features including a Diplomacy Minigame, Transportation and Cloning Terminals that will now reside in player-owned cities.

World of Warcraft: 100,000 User Accounts Banned for Bot Use

Posted: 14 May 2015 03:42 AM PDT

100,000 User Accounts Banned for Bot Use

Blizzard is taking an aggressive stance against players using "honor bot" programs and has recently banned over 100,000 user accounts for six months for violating the Terms of Use. Community manager Bashiok took to the forums to explain Blizzard's reasons for the ban stating that a fair and equitable play experience is paramount.

Blade & Soul: Friends & Family Beta In Progress for English Version

Posted: 14 May 2015 02:56 AM PDT

Friends & Family Beta In Progress for English Version

Over at Reddit, in the same thread that apparently verifies WildStar is going Free to Play, a Carbine Studios employee let the cat out of the bag that Blade & Soul is still coming to the West, and that it's already in Friends & Family beta testing internally.

WildStar: UPDATED: Steam Info Points to Free to Play Upcoming

Posted: 14 May 2015 02:49 AM PDT

UPDATED: Steam Info Points to Free to Play Upcoming

Thanks to a tip from reader Zoltariel, it seems that Steam's Database has been updated with a WildStar entry, signifying a possible move to a Free to Play (not Buy to Play) revenue model.

Lego Minifigures Online: Going Buy to Play This Summer

Posted: 12 May 2015 05:35 PM PDT

Going Buy to Play This Summer

Funcom has announced that LEGO Minifigures Online will be going 'buy to play' this summer on several platforms including PC, Mac, Linux and some iOS and Android tablets. The game will feature cross-platform play between platforms.

WildStar: The Daily Quest: If WildStar Goes F2P, Will You Play?

Posted: 12 May 2015 05:05 PM PDT

The Daily Quest: If WildStar Goes F2P, Will You Play?

Now that it seems the WildStar going F2P cat is out of the bag, the daily quest is a very short one. Will you or won't you and why?

General: Nekro: Charming but Dull in Early Access

Posted: 13 May 2015 09:05 AM PDT

Nekro: Charming but Dull in Early Access

Essentially a prolonged paid beta, Early Access is a great tool for indies to keep the lights on as they work their way to official launch. But the newly coined development state has its own fair share of issues, chief among which is putting a clearly unfinished game out to the general public. That's kind of where Nekro, from DarkForge Games, sits right now. It's an Action RPG Strategy hybrid of a game with a novel setting and design, but it's also just kind of boring to play.

Black Desert: Want to See What 100 v 100 Warfare Looks Like?

Posted: 13 May 2015 12:56 PM PDT

Want to See What 100 v 100 Warfare Looks Like?

The Eastern MMO connoisseur over at Steparu has just put up a nice look at Black Desert's largescale PVP. Revel in the sheer madness that is 100v100 warfare in the upcoming sandbox MMORPG.

Overwatch: Eight Minutes of Unedited Zenyatta Gameplay

Posted: 13 May 2015 12:51 PM PDT

Eight Minutes of Unedited Zenyatta Gameplay

Fans of Overwatch hungry for more information and gameplay footage from the forthcoming Blizzard title will be happy to hear that there is a new video with eight big minutes of footage featuring Zenyatta, the omnic monk. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Cabal 2: More Closed Beta Keys!

Posted: 13 May 2015 12:18 PM PDT

More Closed Beta Keys!

We received just 500 more Cabal 2 beta keys to give away today. These are going to be gone in a matter of minutes so get yours now!

Gigantic: Imani, the Sneaky Sniper Revealed

Posted: 13 May 2015 11:57 AM PDT

Imani, the Sneaky Sniper Revealed

The latest hero from Gigantic has been revealed on the game's official site. Her name is Imani and according to her description, she is a sneaky sniper. Fighting from range, Imani can deal massive damage before making herself invisible and beating a hasty retreat.

Heroes of the Storm: First Impressions of Kael’thas the Sun King

Posted: 12 May 2015 11:22 PM PDT

First Impressions of Kael

If you were looking for the other side of that squishy mage coin, the one that just wants to burninate everything, well you may want to get patching, because Blizzard just released Kael'Thas the Sun King - and this guy really brings the heat.

Neverwinter: XBox One Version Becomes Top Seller on XB Live

Posted: 13 May 2015 10:58 AM PDT

XBox One Version Becomes Top Seller on XB Live

Perfect World and Cryptic Studios have announced that the XBox One version of Neverwinter has become the number one free to play title. Over 1.6M players have downloaded the console title since it launched earlier this spring.

General: What We Can Learn from the Latest NCsoft Earnings

Posted: 13 May 2015 10:06 AM PDT

What We Can Learn from the Latest NCsoft Earnings

NCSoft has released their financial results for the first quarter of 2015, and the results are a mixed bag of the good and predictably bad. Blade & Soul has seen continued growth, the company is in an overall better position, and second half releases are set to bring in an infusion of cash. There is nothing to worry about.

General: The Meaning of Community

Posted: 11 May 2015 06:10 PM PDT

The Meaning of Community

One word that comes up over and over again in relation to MMOs is community. But does "community" mean much anymore to modern MMO players and developers?

Heroes & Generals: The Battle Rages with 5M Registered Accounts

Posted: 13 May 2015 09:03 AM PDT

The Battle Rages with 5M Registered Accounts

Reto-Moto has announced that its World War II themed MMOFPS, Heroes & Generals, has scored over five million registered accounts worldwide. The explosive growth has taken off since H&G launched its early access program on Steam in the summer of 2014. To celebrate the big news, Reto-Moto will be giving all players a gold voucher code during the upcoming weekend.

Life is Feudal: 200k Downloads During Early Access

Posted: 13 May 2015 08:57 AM PDT

200k Downloads During Early Access

Bitbox Ltd. is reporting that Life is Feudal, a "hardcore, medieval MMO", has been downloaded over two hundred thousand times on Steam during its current early access period of development. To celebrate the big news, Bitbox has a special Developers' AMA scheduled on Reddit for Thursday, May 14th at 9:00 am Pacific / 12:00pm Eastern.

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