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MMOGaming News

Preview of the New Features in ArcheAge’s 2.0 Patch


Preview of the New Features in ArcheAge's 2.0 Patch

The Korean server of ArcheAge is going to launch the 2.0 patch on May 20th. Yesterday, the publisher revealed all the new features of this update on the game's official site, as well as a new trailer released

Heroes of the Storm Gives the Detailed Introduction about Kael’thas


Heroes of the Storm Gives the Detailed Introduction about Kael'thas

Yep, this week of Heroes of the Storm is for Kael'thas. Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.

Castle Clash Launching A New Event: Wretched Gorge


Castle Clash Launching A New Event: Wretched Gorge

Strategy game Castle Clash is updated with a new multiplayer feature, Wretched Gorge, that further enhanced the social aspect of the game as well as a powerful new hero. In the new event, Wretched Gorge, players can team up to set their Towers, Hero Bases

Action Combat MMORPG Age of Heroes Online Tag Team System Preview


Action Combat MMORPG Age of Heroes Online Tag Team System Preview

The action combat MMORPG Age of Heroes Online offerrs a unique tag team system where players are able to instantly switch their main character in mid combat! Each character has its own set of equipment and levels.

Overwatch: The Omnic Monk Zenyatta Gameplay Video


Overwatch: The Omnic Monk Zenyatta Gameplay Video

Since there is still quite a long time before Overwatch's 1st CBT, many Overwatch's fans are eager to know more about the game itself. And fortunately, there comes a new video with eight minutes of footage featuring Zenyatta, the omnic monk. Here is the video below.

Master X Master Aims to Win over Players from League of Legends


Master X Master Aims to Win over Players from League of Legends

According to NCsoft's Q1 earnings, it unveils that Master X Master OBT is planned to launch in this year, and NCsoft hopes that this game will win over players from League of Legends by its different gameplays. And whether it can defeat Riot's League of Legends, it remains a mystery. So, what's your opinion about it?

Champion Reveal: Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time


Champion Reveal: Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time

Recently Riot has unveiled League of Legends' next new champion Ekko during MSI, Ekko's super natural ability - shattering time - makes him more unique than other champions so far. And Riot has given the detailed information about Ekko's abilities on its official website as well, let's check them out.

Korean Server of Core Masters to be Closed Next Month


Korean Server of Core Masters to be Closed Next Month

Korean game developer Soft Big Bang announced today that they are going to close Core Masters' South Korean server on June 15th

Tian Kong Sky Palace CN


Tian Kong Sky Palace CN

A fan of the channel hit me up with this game. So I decided to give it a whirl and get some gameplay on it. Have fun I'll see how far I can go in this one. The quest aren't all run of the mill. So sometimes you get stuck on what to do next. Also it is said to be using IMAX technology for the game.

Continue reading Tian Kong Sky Palace CN.

Lineage Eternal Plans to Start A Small Beta Test This June


Lineage Eternal Plans to Start A Small Beta Test This June

NCsoft released the Q1 2015 financial result and later revealed their plan for Lineage Eternal. A small beta test for it will start in June. Also, Lineage Eternal's global Beta Test which is most concerned by all was reported to kick off in the second half of 2015.

Upcoming MMOs In May 2015


Upcoming MMOs In May 2015

Hello and welcome to MMO game coming out this month.Heroes Of The Storm,The blizzard's MOBA Open Beta is coming out on may 20 and that's because people stop buying closed beta keys from blizzard. feautering some of the most bad ass heroes of blizzard games,like Diablo,Tyrael,Arthas A smoakin hot blonde named nova appearing for 10 second on starcraft 2,Lili the bloodthirsty panda and even the lost vikings,oh god I was just a kid when this game came out.Be ready to join forces with 4 other random noobs cursing on you with words you are ashamed to even think of and conquer the Nexus.

Continue reading Upcoming MMOs In May 2015.

Metal Reaper Online New Features Announced for Launch Version


Metal Reaper Online New Features Announced for Launch Version

Metal Reaper Online, the latest title from PC Planet, is going to launch its open beta on May 21. Today the developer announces several new features that will be added to the launch version

Path of Exile: The Awakening Supporter Packs Achieve Record Sales


Path of Exile: The Awakening Supporter Packs Achieve Record Sales

Grinding Gear Games is pleased to announce it has seen unprecedented sales of its recently introduced Supporter Packs that provide early access to the closed beta of Path of Exile: The Awakening

VR Tank Training on Android Offers First Google Cardboard Gameplay Experience


VR Tank Training on Android Offers First Google Cardboard Gameplay Experience

The worldwide release of VR Tank Training, the very first Virtual Reality tank-based training game from Digital World Studio is available on Android.

Monster Hunter OL: First 10 Levels Review


Monster Hunter OL: First 10 Levels Review

So what's new in the Chinese MMORPG scene in 2015? While I might not really wna call this game 'new', it is once again, a CN MMORPG in CBT. I sometimes wonder whether 90% of the players would have already given up on the game and went in search of newer stuff even before the beta tests end

Off-kilter Physics-Based Freak Circus Racing Headed to iOS and Android in May


Off-kilter Physics-Based Freak Circus Racing Headed to iOS and Android in May

Freak Circus Racing is the most unique 2D racer you'll ever come across. You play as Hugo the human cannonball who has been unfairly fired (pun totally intended) from the Freak Circus because they want to turn his cannon into a racing vehicle.

Tera Online: Gunner Class Fun


Tera Online: Gunner Class Fun

I want to pick this class up. Because I never played all the way through in Tera. This seems like a good time to start. Basically the gunner is very fun.

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