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MMOGaming News

Monster Hunter Online (CN) Intro Gameplay Missions


Monster Hunter Online (CN) Intro Gameplay Missions

I'm not feeling well at the moment. So I won't be talking much in this one. But as most YouTubers say the show must go on. Even if I can't go on with it. So this game play is the intro quest, and another following quest that makes you take on a Raptor. The game is mainly instanced based. I'm ok with that but I'm aware a lot of people do not like things like this. I will just preach a little patience. Because this game works in this manner. Not every game does but this one does.

Armored Warfare Reputation System Revealed


Armored Warfare Reputation System Revealed

Today, developer Obsidian Entertainment and publisher My.com have revealed the reputation system in Armored Warfare, which serves as the main progression currency in the game and is used to unlock vehicles and upgrades, advance to higher tiers and more!

Dododoro's Brief Overview of Skyforge


Dododoro's Brief Overview of Skyforge

Dododoro here with a VERY brief overview of skyforge, now as an avid action mmorpg enthusiast, anything with "action" and "combat" in it's name, I'll be on faster than a bee on honey.Does Skyforge live up to it's hype? What do I feel about the game? Well read the overview below!

Marvel Heroes: Iron Man Review/Free Avengers Weekend Try Them All Out


Marvel Heroes: Iron Man Review/Free Avengers Weekend Try Them All Out

Iron Man like Batman is one of my favorite heroes. Mainly because they're both mortal and have limits. But still manage to be bad ass anyway. This version of the big red machine is well made. He is a bit clunky to use at times. Which he should be because he's a guy in a metal suit.

Siegelord Reveals 3.5 Updates Along with Diamond Giving Event


Siegelord Reveals 3.5 Updates Along with Diamond Giving Event

The global game publisher 37Games is thrilled to release Siegelord 3.5 on 23rd April, 2015. This update focuses on optimizing the gaming experience and adding more new content for everyone in Thieden to explore. To celebrate 3.5 all players can check-in to get rewards!

Guild Wars 2 - Playing the Market Effectively Part 2


Guild Wars 2 - Playing the Market Effectively Part 2

Guild Wars 2 allows players to buy and sell gold for its in-game cash shop currency, Gems. This is a great benefit to players that want to buy cash shop items without having to pony up any cash.

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