


General: This Week's Live Stream Schedule

Posted: 14 Oct 2014 07:06 AM PDT

This Week

Join us this week for live streaming fun in the MMORPG.com Live Stream channel with our amazing broadcasters!

General: Two Recent Questions

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 05:13 PM PDT

Two Recent Questions

What role should governments have in the online game industry? This question was brought back to mind recently by news about a bill in Singapore that may have substantial potential to impact how the free to play revenue model can operate there. I also had renewed reason to wonder about the future of World of Warcraft in our planet's largest market, China.

General: Hero Commander Gift Pack Key Giveaway!

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 11:03 PM PDT

Hero Commander Gift Pack Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given special gift keys for Hero Commander - the all new game from GTArcade! Hero Commander is a cute fantasy strategy game by GTArcade set for a 2014 release, perfectly combining tactical and MMORPG elements into a heroic adventure of epic proportions. Get your key now!

Destiny: Weapon Balance & Templar Encounter Addressed

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 06:35 PM PDT

Weapon Balance & Templar Encounter Addressed

The latest hot fix patch has been applied to Destiny. With its arrival, various weapon balance issues have been addressed and the Templar encounter in the Vault of Glass has had a number of fixes applied to it.

Camelot Unchained: Live Stream Event to Feature an "Important Announcement"

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 01:41 PM PDT

Live Stream Event to Feature an "Important Announcement"

City State Entertainment has announced that it will be hosting a special Camelot Unchained State of the Game live stream event at 4:00 p.m. EDT / 1:00 p.m. PDT today. During the event, Mark Jacobs will be on hand to field questions and the team has teased that there will be an "important announcement for our backers".

General: You Got Your RPG in my Sports Game

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 07:58 PM PDT

You Got Your RPG in my Sports Game

This may or may not matter to some of you, as I do not know who here plays games like NHL, NBA2K or Madden outside of their MMO and RPG habits. But recently, after years away from sports games, I picked up both this year's Madden and NBA 2K15. I have a history with both games, but what I found in this years' versions hit me right in the nerdy bone. It's like the funny bone, but instead of jokes it's RPGs, Star Wars references, and comics that tickle this one.

General: The 5 MMOs with the Best Quests

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 05:42 AM PDT

The 5 MMOs with the Best Quests

It's no secret that most MMO quests are incredibly boring. If it weren't for the engaging gameplay, multiplayer camaraderie, or epic scenarios that players find themselves, chances are this genre wouldn't exist any longer. If you compare the questing found in most recent MMO releases to that of early pioneers, the types of quests are almost identical.

General: Room for Creativity – Is Sandbox the Only Way?

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 05:01 PM PDT

Room for Creativity – Is Sandbox the Only Way?

With changes coming to several games, and the release of others like ArcheAge, I've been thinking about player-driven systems and the space a game's story leaves for players in between. Do things like story, scripted elements, and even predetermined politics necessarily stifle player involvement and fun? Is a sandbox the only way to give players room to feel in charge of their own destinies, or are there alternate paths to make this happen?

WildStar: Megaservers Coming This Week

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 08:45 AM PDT

Megaservers Coming This Week

Carbine will be bringing down all WildStar servers on October 15th for twelve to twenty four hours to implement megaserver technology. The team will be keeping players informed of the progress of the update throughout the downtime.

Runescape: Trading Card Game Set in Runescape World Announced

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 07:58 AM PDT

Trading Card Game Set in Runescape World Announced

Jagex has announced that it will be releasing a new trading card game set in the Runescape world. Called "Chronicle: RuneScape Legends", the multi-platform title is expected to be released sometime in 2015.

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