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MMOGaming News

League of Legends: Pion's Sexy Vi Cosplay Show


League of Legends: Pion's Sexy Vi Cosplay Show

League of Legends S4 is gonna to kick off the final! And the famous Korean cosplayer Pion has showcased her LOL character cosplay to cheer for the competition. Sexy Vi, you won't miss!

Destiny's 500 Million Is Rewarded Now!


Destiny's 500 Million Is Rewarded Now!

It's been a month since Destiny's launch, Bungie's spending 500 million on in Destiny seems to be rewarded now. Really? Let's see the datas from Bungie itself!

Asker: The Light Swallowers Gameplay Videos from Closed Beta


Asker: The Light Swallowers Gameplay Videos from Closed Beta

When Asker was first announced, I had pretty high hopes for the game, seeing it as a potential challenger to Black Desert and ArcheAge. But as it turned out, Asker is really a dungeon-based game, almost like a lesser, downgraded version of Mabinogi Heroes (also known as Vindictus).

A Free Puzzler Prelude Sigils of Elohim Is Out Right Now


A Free Puzzler Prelude Sigils of Elohim Is Out Right Now

Croteam and Devolver Digital have just released a free mini-game prelude to The Talos Principle called Sigils of Elohim on iOS and Android. In it, you are tasked with solving dozens of sigil puzzles. This involves rotating several tetrominoes so that they all fit perfectly into a single shape.

Migni Is About Setting The World On Fire by Giant Chickens


Migni Is About Setting The World On Fire by Giant Chickens

In Migni you will get chased by a knight riding a giant blue chicken. That's enough of a reason for me to pay attention. But it goes on giving me more reasons: You play as the last "Flamewalker" who is on a mission to set the world on fire again.

Final Fantasy XIV Special Game of the Year Edition Announced


Final Fantasy XIV Special Game of the Year Edition Announced

According to an announcement by Square-Enix, there will be a limited edition boxed version of Final Fantasy XIV starting November 14th. Titled as the Game of the Year Edition, it comes in a special collector's box resembling the in-game Book of Diamonds weapon, albeit most likely without the glow effects.

Carbine Studios Brings Megaservers to WildStar This Week


Carbine Studios Brings Megaservers to WildStar This Week

Carbine Studios have announced that Megaservers are coming to WildStar this week. By introducing Megaservers, they have increased server capacity and will allow you to enjoy the game with more players around you. Carbine look forward to players being able to group with friends, raid with guildmates, and providing more opportunities to enjoy all that WildStar has to offer!

Age of Zombies Update with New Sentry Weapons


Age of Zombies Update with New Sentry Weapons

Halfbrick is continuing with the Zombie Month updates for their dual-stick shooter Age of Zombies, as another significant update is now available for the game. The month of updates began a few weeks back when Age of Zombies was updated with co-op multiplayer, and this latest update completely revamps the game's Survival Mode into a wave-based affair complete with boss fights called Horde Mode.

Terrible Tower Is Free to Play On Android Dervice


Terrible Tower Is Free to Play On Android Dervice

Terrible Tower, a free-to-play platformer for Android devices by start-up RedOrb Games, is now available. It puts a twist on conventional mechanics of the 2D platformer genre by making players progress from bottom to up instead of from left to right.

Capcom Announces New Street Fighter Mobile Title with Puzzle Element


Capcom Announces New Street Fighter Mobile Title with Puzzle Element

Street Fighter is going mobile with a new game for Android and iOS platforms that looks like Capcom's take on mobile megahit Puzzle & Dragons. Dubbed Street Fighter: Puzzle Spirits, the game looks more like the gem-matching action of GungHo's runaway free-to-play hit than it does like Capcom's own Puzzle Fighter.

Star Trek Online (SIP) Should I Play Series


Star Trek Online (SIP) Should I Play Series

Well by now you should get the method behind this series. If I'm showing it? More than likely you should be playing it. Fans of the shows and movies will feel right at home. Because the game does an excellent job telling stories. And making you feel as if you truly are a Starfleet Captain.

Card Game Chronicle: RuneScape Legends Will Be Launched in 2015


Card Game Chronicle: RuneScape Legends Will Be Launched in 2015

Jagex, the studio behind the multi-award winning fantasy MMORPG, RuneScape, is pleased to announce the development of a brand new game set in the world of Gielinor. Chronicle: RuneScape Legends (working title) is scheduled to launch in 2015 on PC/Mac, tablet, and mobile platforms, and is a collectible card game. Played out within the pages of a living book the game focuses on quest building

TERA - The Fault Behind Active Combat


TERA - The Fault Behind Active Combat

TERA is a great game when it comes to bringing something new to the table. With its true active combat system, it has brought skill forward, as opposed to simply being based on gear.

Card-Battling My NBA 2K15 Out Now on Android


Card-Battling My NBA 2K15 Out Now on Android

2K's card battling NBA 2K15 companion app has arrived on iOS and Android so that you can, er, battle with basketball players, I guess. MY NBA 2K15 seems to be what we get this year instead of, say, an actual basketball game like last year's NBA 2K14. Whether we'll get NBA 2K15 on mobile is something we'll have to wait and see.

Smash It! Adventures Will Be Live on iOS and Android on 16th October


Smash It! Adventures Will Be Live on iOS and Android on 16th October

Thumbstar Games and Bica Studios announce the launch of 'Smash It! Adventures' on iOS and Android Devices on 16th October. Agnes needs you! This little funky Witch calls for your help this Holloween to rescue her beloved CAT from the voracious Blarghinis – slimy creatures that are absorbing all the animals around.

12 Fantastic Classes Artworks Unveiled for Perfect World 2


12 Fantastic Classes Artworks Unveiled for Perfect World 2

Perfect World 2 has entered Open Beta in China since Sep.24th, lots of gamers have experienced the charm of this Chinese martial art MMORPG which is also the sequel to the classic Perfect World International during the test. Today we are going to share you guys with the fanasy artworks for the twelve classes in Perfect World 2.

MASTER X MASTER Online Review of the 1st CBT


MASTER X MASTER Online Review of the 1st CBT

NCSoft's latest new title Master X Master is in development and a lot of people are questioning if it's a good or bad game. At a first glance one might think it's just another MOBA/AOS game with the same old mechanics that is copy and pasted from another game, but is it really!? Time for you to find out in my latest gaming adventures!

Blade and Soul KR: New Fashion "Alchemist Master" From New Event


Blade and Soul KR: New Fashion

Recently, Blade and Soul KR has kicked off an event of alchemist, players can join this event to win the rare fashion "Alchemist Master". Seems another way to waste time on gathering materials? If it's good-looking enough, I think it will get popular with players. Let's see what the fashion looks like!

MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [10.12]


MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [10.12]

Morning, dear MMOsiters~ Here is your Weekly Cosplay Highlight show, and some of the cosplay works are quite amazing, including characters from Sailor Moon, League of Legends, BLACK ROCK SHOOTER, The King Of Fighters.

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