


Wasteland 2: It's All About the Nostalgia

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 04:47 PM PDT


The year was 1988. I was 12 years old and I lived on my Commodore 64. A handful of groundbreaking games were released that year, including King's Quest IV, Bard's Tale III, Ultima V, and Pool of Radiance. It was an important time for the RPG genre, but no single game meant more to me than Interplay's Wasteland.

Wasteland 2: Release Day Arrives

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 08:25 PM PDT

Release Day Arrives

Fans of "old school" RPGs will want to check out today's official release of Wasteland 2. The Wasteland series is the predecessor to the Fallout series. Wasteland 2 was one of the first successfully crowd-sourced games made.

Pathfinder Online: Alpha Stress Test Announced

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 06:29 PM PDT

Alpha Stress Test Announced

Open, Explorer, Early and Alpha access patrons (and anyone who already has an alpha invite) for Pathfinder Online will get a chance to see the game first hand thanks to the just-announced alpha stress test that is supposed to take place on Monday, September 22nd.

ArcheAge: Scott Hartsman on the State of the Game - Week 1

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 05:46 PM PDT

Scott Hartsman on the State of the Game - Week 1

Trion CEO Scott Hartsman has taken to the ArcheAge forums to talk about the state of the game a mere two days after the game opened up for all players. In the letter, he discusses server capacity, the addition of more hardware, how the team is taking proactive steps agains AFKers, the need for more and better communication and how customer service will be taking it up a notch.

Champions Online: Steel Crusade Launches

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 01:06 PM PDT

Steel Crusade Launches

Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios have announced that the latest content update for Champions Online has been released. Called "Steel Crusade", players will find Millennium City under attack by Mechanon.

General: World of Diving: Hands-On with the Scuba

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 04:45 PM PDT

World of Diving: Hands-On with the Scuba

World of Diving aims to unite the peaceful exploration of ocean depths with entertaining group play. But its secret sauce is Oculus Rift support, transforming this from an interesting diversion to an immersive adventure. Columnist Gareth Harmer went hands-on to find out more.

DUST 514: A Million Skill Points? Yes, Please!

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 01:01 PM PDT

A Million Skill Points? Yes, Please!

The DUST 514 Million Clone Challenge has returned! From today through September 22nd, players are taking on an epic task to kill a million clones. Doing so successfully will earn each player a million skill points!

Destiny: Game On #54: Should You Buy Destiny?

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 12:56 PM PDT

Game On #54: Should You Buy Destiny?

Welcome to another episode of Game On with MMORPG.com! Liore is out this week, so Chris is joined by return guests Casey and Jacob to talk about their experiences in Bungie's new MMOFPS, Destiny. Together, they represent all three types of players, the newbie, the leveler, and the endgamer. What do they think? Give it a listen to find out!

General: Final Fantasy XIII Series Announced for PC

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 11:59 AM PDT

Final Fantasy XIII Series Announced for PC

Square Enix has announced that it will be bringing the Final Fantasy XIII series to PC via its own proprietary digital system and via Steam. The announcement was made at this week's Tokyo Games Show. The first in the series will be available on October 9th.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Forged Alliances Finale Spoilers and a Teaser for the Future

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 04:36 PM PDT

Forged Alliances Finale Spoilers and a Teaser for the Future

The Rakata Prime Flashpoint teased at the PAX Prime Cantina Tour Stop does indeed complete the trilogy of Flashpoints that lead directly into the as-yet-unrevealed next expansion for Star Wars: the Old Republic. This past Tuesday, Community Manager Eric Musco and Lead Writer Charles Boyd took to the game's official Twitch channel to run through the Flashpoint and revealed who the big bad of that expansion might very well be.

WildStar: 5 Things Carbine Should Add

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 04:07 PM PDT

5 Things Carbine Should Add

Since WildStar's launch in early June, Carbine Studios has been focusing heavily on quality of life updates and bug fixes. As a result, Drop 3 looks like the biggest update yet, with a number of changes in the works. But what happens when it's time to start on shiny new stuff? Columnist Gareth Harmer details what he'd like to see arrive on Nexus.

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