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MMOGaming News

Mythborne Gets Its 2nd Server Now With Coolest Event


Mythborne Gets Its 2nd Server Now With Coolest Event

Mythborne, the fantasy 2.5D browser-based MMORPG is getting its 2nd server, Hex Plains, on September 18th at 10:00 AM EDT!

Beach Buggy Racing Steers onto iOS and Android


Beach Buggy Racing Steers onto iOS and Android

Beach Buggy Racing, the sequel to the Bronze Award-winning Beach Buggy Blitz, has been released for iOS and Android. As with the first game, Beach Buggy Racing is a free to play off-road kart racer, however, it has much more content for you to steer yourself into. Expect to be driving across volcanoes, beaches, and swamps this time around. Of course, you'll be collecting power-ups and throwing flames and dodgeballs at your opponents.

Destiny Scores 20m Twitch Views in Launch Week


Destiny Scores 20m Twitch Views in Launch Week

Destiny has been as big a hit on video platform Twitch as it has on the charts, with content from the game viewed over 20 million times in launch week. That makes it, in Twitch terms, the biggest console launch on 2014 so far. "Our community has always blown us away with their desire to share, entertain, and inspire," said David Dague, community manager at Bungie.

Grimoire - Unreal Engine MOBA+FPS in One


Grimoire - Unreal Engine MOBA+FPS in One

On the first look it seems that we have seen this game before, but after some research we can confirm this game is Unique ... Here are some details about the game.

Best Games, Coolest Events, Biggest Prizes All In Wakti!


Best Games, Coolest Events, Biggest Prizes All In Wakti!

While I was playing New Star Wars, I even got a BIG prize via the android store events! You may ask me which free android store provides such a good games and events, wow, it's Wakti!

Win Angel Alecta in 5th Cross-Server Team Tournament of League of Angels


Win Angel Alecta in 5th Cross-Server Team Tournament of League of Angels

The 5th Cross-Server Team Tournament of League of Angels is live on September 19 and will last to September 25 (server time). Now, players can team up to join to participate and the elite teams from all servers will compete for the championship. Each participant will get Roayl's Mark according to their final rankings.

Final Fantasy XV TGS2014 Trailer With Demo Coming Next Year


Final Fantasy XV TGS2014 Trailer With Demo Coming Next Year

Final Fantasy XV has been in development since 2006, and it's been more than a year since we've heard anything about this game. Square Enix dropped a new trailer at the Tokyo Game Show, which makes me believe it look like a complete game. The trailer depicts plenty of cinematics in dystopian future world with fantastical set pieces and monsters, and it also shows lots of in-game combat and driving.

Top 5 Strategy Mobile Games You Must Play


Top 5 Strategy Mobile Games You Must Play

There are many strategy mobile games on each app store, but which one should we play? Are you confused when you are choosing a right strategy mobile game? It's OK! Just follow our top 5 strategy mobile games you will find the one you like!

Neverending Nightmares Coming to OUYA and PC September 26


Neverending Nightmares Coming to OUYA and PC September 26

Neverending Nightmares, the psychological horror game that has been called "gorgeous" and "repulsive" in the same breath, will be launching on Steam and OUYA on September 26.

ArcheAge Responded to the Question of Long-time Queue and Made A Launch Update


ArcheAge Responded to the Question of Long-time Queue and Made A Launch Update

Following with the head start and official launch of ArcheAge, it brings exciting experience to players that they are expecting. However, some players have complained of long-time queue which is fiercely discussed. From the latest post in Forum, CEO Scote Hartsman gave us the answer.

Star Wars: Commander Now is Available on Android


Star Wars: Commander Now is Available on Android

Disney has flicked its magic wand to release Star Wars: Commander on Android. If you don't know what this game is then allow me to fill that hole with one short sentence: Clash of Clans with a Star Wars re-skin. No kidding. We called it a "cumbersome" and "tired" take on a tired genre in our iOS review. "You probably don't need Star Wars: Commander in your life," was our conclusion.

New Items Added to Red Bean store with Firefall 1.1


New Items Added to Red Bean store with Firefall 1.1

Hello Pilots! Red 5 Studios has released a new post to announce that they have added a number of new items to the Red Bean store, as well as one new item to the Gold Token reward pool! Check out the new cosmetics and returning vehicles below:

ArcheAge - Making Gold From Land Flipping Becoming A Realtor


ArcheAge - Making Gold From Land Flipping Becoming A Realtor

One of the best parts about ArcheAge's ability to create buildings and own land is that you are able to trade that to other players. This creates a separate economy all on its own, mimicking the real estate market we're used to from the real world.

Warframe: Storm Files - S2/Ep.27 "Gate Crashing" Update 14.7


Warframe: Storm Files - S2/Ep.27

What's up so we had content "Operation Gate Crash" drop on us late last night. I stayed up with a few co gamers. And pretty much got it down and done. For my troubles I got new slash mods. And the cool to look at Dagger Weapon Sheev. The event is fun won't take you long to do at all. I also took the liberty of showing off the new whip weapon Atterax and Sniper Machine gun "Buzlok" that homes in on targets. One of the more cooler weapons ever in Warframe. Very nice additions to the game this week.

Colorful Dodge-'em-up Octagon Is Now Available on Android for Free


Colorful Dodge-'em-up Octagon Is Now Available on Android for Free

Octagon plays like some kind of inverted, first-person Super Hexagon, only with eight sides, not six.It's a dizzying, twitchy dodge-'em-up that will have you swerving, sliding, and flipping your way - every which way - through a maze of platforms, without falling off the edge.

Aion's 5th Anniversary Has Officially Kicked Off


Aion's 5th Anniversary Has Officially Kicked Off

The developer NCSOFT announced ongoing plans to celebrate Aion's 5th Anniversary in North America. Throughout the celebration, players will experience added buffs, increased item drop rates, interaction with GMs, special armor and plenty of chances to win prizes through social media contests and giveaways.

MapleStory 2: 5 Cute Classes Gameplay Videos You Can't Miss!


MapleStory 2: 5 Cute Classes Gameplay Videos You Can't Miss!

Yoo ho! Nexon highly anticipated MMORPG MapleStory 2 has released its Alpha test phase in South Korea rencently.Even There are only a few players invited, and it's still unavailable in NA/EU, all we can to do is just to wait and see the Alpha gameplay videos or news - it quite sucks!

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