World of Warcraft: Lords of War Part Two -- Grommash Posted: Before you can harbor any hope of defeating the Iron Horde, you must first understand what—and whom—you're up against. Our five-part series Lords of War introduces you to some of the major players in the campaign on Draenor—beginning with the sadistic Kargath Bladefist, leader of the Shattered Hand, and continuing today with the mighty Grommash Hellscream, chieftain of the Warsong clan.  |
Korean Action MMORPG HeroWarz to Kick Off Open Beta on September 26th Posted: HeroWarz, a "next gen" Acton MMORPG developed by Astorm is going to kick off Open Beta Test(OBT) for online action brawler this month. HeroWarz is an action online game with an isometric view, where players choose from different characters to play, each with unique abilities and skills.  |