Phantasy Star Online 2 Western Release Delayed Posted: Of course this is another disapponting news for Phantasy Star Online 2 western fans since the Southeast Asia server has been running for four months. Days ago, SEGA announced that "PSO2 is still delayed. SEGA is currently working on bringing PSO2 to the West and will update as soon as we know more."  |
TERA - Instance Matching Exploitation and Group Accountability Posted: TERA's biggest tool for getting into dungeons is the Instance Matching System (also known as the IMS). This is a tool designed to help group players up in pick-up groups, allowing solo players to jump into a group easily (although sometimes at a disadvantage of time.  |
ArcheAge Open Beta Affected By DDOS Attacks! Posted: With ArcheAge opening its doors for Open Beta today, many players flooded the server out of anticipation. However, the growing popularity of the game apparently attracted unwanted attention from DDOSers. Denial Of Service attacks, which were used recently on Blizzard, Riot, Grinding Gear Games, PSN, Xbox Live, and others, disrupted Trion World games for a little while when doors were officially opened for players to enjoy the game.  |
Douxian Online Character Customization and Gameplay Posted: Another Chinese game that hit Open Beta the 5th. I don't really think this game is a mega hit. But it does offer some fun flashy combos. And interesting boss fights. Reminds me a little of Kritika Online.  |
Dead Trigger 2 Summer Explorer Update Adds Daily Missions and A New Region Posted: The Bronze Award-winning Dead Trigger 2 has been download 27 million times. To celebrate, developer Madfinger Games has rolled out the "Summer Explorer" update.  |
Vindictus: A New Boss Zecallion to Challenge! Posted: Vindictus(also named Mabinogi Heroes) recently has released a new trailer of its new raid boss named Zecallion, he is sort of a lion beastman wielding a large and intimidating axe. Not just a typical melee boss, Zecallion's attacks cover some range as well, such as his boulder toss.  |
Aura Kingdom Debuts New Modes and Characters in Content Update Posted: Aeria Games today has released the latest content update for the popular free-to-play anime MMORPG Aura Kingdom! The enhancements include upgrade of Eidolon companion characters, new game modes in dungeons as well as new features in the crafting and fishing systems.  |
GW2: What to Expect From the Summer 2014 Feature Pack Posted: Guild Wars 2 is going through a massive update in September's feature pack. This is designed to help increase the quality of life of players, adding in new systems and revamps to existing ones. There is a lot coming, so check out what you can look forward to with this new update!  |
Dragon Nest: Soul Eater PVE Raid/Nest Focused DPS Build Posted: Disclaimer: This guide is based on my experience in DN SEA in the 70 cap, some items/skill names/etc may be different from CDN/NA DN/KDN's translated/original names (items may be non-existent), I apologize for that. This guide is also targeted to a pure DPS PVE Nest/Raid SE  |
Gorgeous Angels Stand out from League of Angels Cosplay Competition Posted: A cosplay competition held by League of Angels recently has attracted lots of cosers to join. As an important character in game, pretty and powerful angels are the favorites for cosplayer. Enjoy the pictures of top winners who bring the beautiful angels from virtual world to reality.  |