League of Legends Season Rewards Announced with New Master Tier Posted: Riot has announced on the official website of League of Legends that 2014 season will end in November, and the data and time will be announced in October. The prizes given out will be based on ranked ladder placement. Summoner Icons, Banner Trims as well as the Victorious skin for a pre-selected champion will all be available for those who climb into the top ranks of League of Legends. The Victorious skin is predicted to be Victorious Morgana.  |
Lucky Frame's The Nightmare Cooperative is to hit iOS on August 28th Posted: Lucky Frame's The Nightmare Cooperative came out on Steam back in July, and was announced as coming to iOS at around that time as well, but now we know when the company's "kind of a puzzley roguelike is finally hitting, on August 28th, this Thursday. Check out their trailer below for the game's impending mobile release:  |
Orcs Must Die! Unchained - New Content is coming to Closed Beta on August 27 Posted: New Hero, Trap Card Expansion Pack, Captains, Twitch Support and More are coming to the ORCS MUST DIE! UNCHAINED™ closed beta on Wednesday, August 27. You can look forward to taking the mighty Tundra, a brand new hero, into battle with their friends.  |
Tree of Savior: Weekly Dev Blog Update with More Details Posted: This week Tree of Savior dev blog update has been released. Developers answer the questions that they have received from various sources and also introduce you the new classes in the game. Tree of Savior is a game which is currently under development so the answers that are given below can be changed in the future when they start the official service of the game.  |
Asker Revealed A Fantastic Gameplay Video of Two Playable Classes Posted: It has been ten days since Asker (formerly known as Project Black Sheep) had unveiled two playable classes until yesterday, Asker released a new gameplay video of Gladiator and Assassin. Lots of scenes are magnificent as far as I am concerned. With a variety of monsters, the game looks quite fun. Check the video below  |
Final Fantasy XIV: Game Launches With Over 30 Servers in China Posted: Final Fantasy XIV launched around 15 hours ago in China, with Shanda Games as publisher. The game currently has over 30 servers (34 at launch), with several added over the course of the day. Character creation is closed for some servers as well, making the launch an initial success.  |
Albion Online: Summer Alpha Coming on 15th of September Posted: Berlin-based studio Sandbox Interactive today officially released the start date for the next test on their cross-platform Sandbox MMORPG Albion Online. Testers will be able to explore the medieval fantasy world during the closed alpha test from the 15th of September.  |
Swing Copters Gets Way Easier in New Update Posted: Love it or hate it, Swing Copters [Free] has been glued to the top of the charts since it was released last week. Much like Flappy Bird, Swing Copters launched with some ridiculous difficulty levels. Fast movement, huge hit boxes, instant death, and more all combined to make a game that was brutal. In fact, people uploading videos of them not even able to score one point to YouTube has become a thing.  |
Echo of Soul (TH) Hidden Dungeon Overview Posted: If you're a big fan and lover of detailed PVE strategic dungeons, then you're on the right place. Echo of soul is a great all around mmorpg, the game has a good English playerbase even on the TH version. especially those who like lineage 2 should try this game, this game is a must try  |
Enjoy the Artworks of TERA 2014 Summer Loading Screen Contest Winners Posted: TERA has ever hold a 2014 Summer loading screen contest, and the winners of this contest are fresh out. They are becoming the honorable mentions now. The artist designs of TERA always amaze us. We select some beautiful and fantastic contest entries, check them below:  |
Diablo: Reaper of Souls Expansion On Sale Now! Posted: As unfortunate as it may seem, Blizzard has decided to put Diablo's expansion, Reaper of Souls on sale, prior to the release of its first content patch 2.1, which is currently on Public Test Realms. If you were waiting to buy the expansion, or if you want to buy it for a friend now it's the ideal time to do so. It is unknown how long this sale will last, so grab your copy as soon as possible. The worst thing is that Best Buy ships to US only.  |
Egg Hunt Mania - A New Match3 Game for Android and iOS Posted: Egg Hunt Mania a new match3 game with cute and innovative graphics has been released by Mousee Games. In Egg Hunt Mania, Hen the Wise is the mother of all our birdies and she needs your help to combine and open more and more eggs and free all the birds!  |
ArcheAge - Leveling Mounts Like A Pro Posted: When it comes to mounts in ArcheAge, it is important to get them leveled up quickly. This will boost their stats and will allow for equipping better gear. There is a lot of confusion about how the mounts are leveled.  |
Revelation Unveils CG Trailer and To Kick Off Closed Beta Soon Posted: Netease 3D Oriental Fantasy MMORPG Revelation has unveiled its 3-min-long CG trailer recently, and will kick off the closed beta on Aug 28. It's learned that this CG trailer costs several million RMB. This CG is a typical fantasy style, and tells players what the Revelation world really looks like. Meanwhile, Revelation closed beta client has been available since Aug 21.  |
League of Angels - Spin Hang Ten and Moonbeam Wings in Wheel of Luck! Posted: Fashion Core (Rare) and Tidal Essence are used to synth the costume Hang Ten.Fashion Core (Rare) and Moondust are used to synth the wings Moonbeam Wings.And you can synth them in Forge.  |
Tips for The Crew's PC Closed Beta Coming on August 25th Posted: The second closed beta for The Crew is coming on August 25th. The Crew is an open and persistent world for racing across the United States. Its creative director Julian Gerighty has called the game a role-playing game with large-scale multiplayer elements. The multiplayer is not separate from the single-player. Players can form "crews" to race together or against ghost records.Here are a few tips to prepare you for the second PC Closed Beta starting Monday, August 25th at 12PM CEST.  |
FFXIVARR: Ninja Gameplay Released During The 14 Hour Live Letter Posted: First introduced in E3 2014, Ninja evolves from the class Rogue. Ninja, like rogue, dual-wields 2 blade/dagger weapons and utilizes various types of poisons. Ninja will also use different types of Mudras (Ninja hand signs) in correct combinations and orders to create Ninjutsu and cause desired effects.  |
MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [08.25] Posted: Morning, dear MMOsiters~ Here is your Weekly Cosplay Highlight show. I have collected some hottest cospalys and most of them are quite amazing! I hope this morning call will bring you a good beginning of the brand new week!  |