


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: Defenders of Eorzea v2.3 Deployed

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 07:32 AM PDT

Defenders of Eorzea v2.3 Deployed

Square Enix has announced that the latest patch, Defenders of Eorzea, has been applied to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The new content brings three-faction PvP to the game, as well as The Hunt feature, new main and side quests and much more.

General: World 2 Announced for Later this Year

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 07:29 AM PDT

World 2 Announced for Later this Year

OXON Game Studio and Guangzhou have announced that World 2 Online is currently in development and is headed for a late 2014 release on PC, with XBox Live and PlayStation Network launches to follow shortly after. World 2 Online is the sequel to World Online and will offer players fifty characters to play as well as a unique control system.

General: Archlord 2 Rolls Into Open Beta

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 07:23 AM PDT

Archlord 2 Rolls Into Open Beta

Fans of the original Archlord may be interested to note that Archlord 2 has officially entered its open beta phase of development. If players have a Webzen account, no key is required and the client can be downloaded from the official site.

Firefall: Launch Day Announced for July 29th

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 11:42 PM PDT

Launch Day Announced for July 29th

Red 5 is ending one of the longest development cycles ever with the announcement that Firefall will finally hit its retail release on July 29th. Firefall will be free to play with an in-game shop filled with convenience and cosmetic items for players to purchase.

Guild Wars 2: Entanglement Video Revealed

Posted: 06 Jul 2014 06:12 PM PDT

Entanglement Video Revealed

ArenaNet has released a new video for the next part of the Guild Wars 2 Living Story Season 2. The video is called "Entanglement" and, as the name implies, the flora and fauna of the Maguuma Wastes is getting out of hand. Adventurers will be called to continue their quest in Entanglement, set to hit live service on July 15th. Check out the video below and let us know what you think in the comments!

General: Ten Most Voted MMORPGs for Female Characters

Posted: 06 Jul 2014 06:17 PM PDT

Ten Most Voted MMORPGs for Female Characters

A few months ago, we had an exciting MMO Super Women discussion about what essential elements create memorable female protagonists. We asked you to name the women characters from MMOs that made an impression on you. As a result, we compiled your votes into the following ten MMORPGs. Enjoy, and be sure to add any additional female favorite heroes in the comments below!

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: Details Revealed for New Game System, The Hunt

Posted: 06 Jul 2014 06:03 PM PDT

Details Revealed for New Game System, The Hunt

The latest Letter from the Producer has been published on the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn site that lays out some interesting new details about The Hunt, a feature that will arrive in game with the release of Defenders of Eorzea. The Hunt will send players on epic journeys of discovery to track down and defeat "elite mark" and notorious monsters roaming the game world. Defenders of Eorzea is expected to go live on Tuesday, July 8th.

Rift: Game On #48 | The Team Talks Nightmare Tide

Posted: 06 Jul 2014 05:29 PM PDT

Game On #48 | The Team Talks Nightmare Tide

This week on Game On we're pleased to be joined by the RIFT Team from Trion Worlds to talk about the upcoming expansion, Nightmare Tide. Guests include Executive Producer, Bill Fisher, Lead Content Designer, Mike Daugherty, and Community Manager, Eric "Ocho" Cleaver to talk about just what players can expect in RIFT 3.0!

General: The Return of Underworld

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 08:57 AM PDT

The Return of Underworld

Last week we got the chance to sit down with Paul Neurath, long time game designer who had worked on such titles as Ultima: Underworld, Thief, and System Shock. Paul is now part of Otherside Entertainment which is a new studio looking to bring new life into classic RPGs that we grew up with. The studio is beginning their first project with Underworld Ascension which will bring players back to the classic Underworld franchise.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Tatooine Homestead, Life in a Sandbox

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 12:19 PM PDT

Tatooine Homestead, Life in a Sandbox

Bioware has released a new Star Wars: The Old Republic video that showcases the Tatooine Homestead, a humble abode that can be found on the galaxy's sandiest planet. The Tatooine Homestead is part of the upcoming digital expansion, Galactic Strongholds, that will bring housing into the game. All who have an active subscription by July 15th will be awarded a Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace for free.

WildStar: Get Your Face Squirged

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 11:37 AM PDT

Get Your Face Squirged

WildStar players are in for a rather grotesque surprise in celebration of the game's first month. Anyone who has applied a retail key to their WildStar account will receive a Facesnuggler account-wide mask.

Destiny: Collector's Editions Revealed, Beta Access Included

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 11:17 AM PDT


The Destiny page on the Bungie site has been updated with information about the special editions of the game that are now available for preorder in three different versions, Limited, Ghost and Digital Guardian. In addition to this news, Bungie also announced that beta access, set to begin later this month, will be included with all preordered copies of the game.

General: The MMO Isn't Over - It's Evolving

Posted: 05 Jul 2014 05:45 PM PDT

The MMO Isn

Recently, I read a piece proclaiming the MMO "era" to be over. While the genre has undergone some shifts through the years as both technology and gamers change, the genre isn't on life support. While certain trends have held and others faded, MMOS are still being made, played, and planned. The genre is evolving, just as it evolved after 2004, and continues today. We seem to be on the verge of a new chapter right now, in fact.

General: Occulus Connect Event Announced

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 10:41 AM PDT

Occulus Connect Event Announced

Occulus has announced that a special event, Occulus Connect, will be held in September in Los Angeles, California. Members of the team will be on hand to present information about Occulus and session titles will be announced in the very near future.

Guild Wars 2: Is This the Game We Were Promised?

Posted: 05 Jul 2014 05:33 PM PDT

Is This the Game We Were Promised?

I remember the day a when a friend showed me the original Guild Wars. From that point on, I was hooked! Cut to a few years later, and I'm still playing with my friends, and the second game is announced. Obviously, since I was a fan of the original, news for a sequel was pretty exciting. But once ArenaNet started to talk about what they were doing with Guild Wars 2, it sounded like they were making the perfect game.

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