



General: F2P Has a Limited Shelf Life According to MMO 'Pioneer'

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 07:58 AM PDT

F2P Has a Limited Shelf Life According to MMO

MMO "Pioneer" Richard Bartle, co-creator of MUD1 and author, has gone on record with GamesIndustry.biz as saying that, in essence, the free to play bubble will burst when players realize that they are about to be "nickled and dimed to death". Bartle engaged in a healthy debate with F2P proponents during the Develop conference held recently in England.

Strife: Harrower Arrives in Latest Patch

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 07:49 AM PDT

Harrower Arrives in Latest Patch

The Strife team has deployed the latest game patch that brings a new hero into the game as well as several significant changes and updates to existing features. Harrower is the latest playable character to enter the game, and a formidable one at that: He can shift from melee to ranged in the blink of an eye.

General: Get Your Indie On at GoG.com

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 07:42 AM PDT

Get Your Indie On at GoG.com

GoG.com is featuring a large number of independently developed RPGs for sale ranging in price from $0.79 to $5.99. Check the image below for a list of what's on special for this weekend only.

Swordsman: More 'Hack' Than Slash

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 06:55 PM PDT


Having given Age of Wushu and similar departures a try here and there, I felt that Swordsman Online could be the breath of fresh air I needed to cleanse my palate for a while of grittier, more frustrating affairs. And while it's certainly not perfect, completely polished, or even difficult (at least as far as the lower levels go so far) it's an interesting alternative to succumbing to games with subscription fees or steep entry costs.

World of Warcraft: Artcraft & the Male Draenei

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 08:34 PM PDT

Artcraft & the Male Draenei

The latest Artcraft has been posted on the World of Warcraft site. This time, the team reveals the updated character model for the male Draenei that will arrive with the Warlords of Draenor expansion set to be released later this year.

ArcheAge: Beta is Coming… Next Week!

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 07:55 PM PDT

Beta is Coming… Next Week!

By now you've read our news article about the closed beta for ArcheAge launching next week on July 17th for four days. Fear not! It's just the first of several upcoming closed beta events before the game goes live later this year. To clarify this information and much more, we chatted with Trion Worlds' CEO Scott Hartsman earlier today.

ArcheAge: Beta to Kick Off July 17th

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 05:57 PM PDT

Beta to Kick Off July 17th

Trion Worlds has announced that the beta for long-awaited ArcheAge is set to kick off on Thursday, July 17th at 10:00 PDT / 1:00 EDT. Beta is expected to run throughout the weekend and end on Monday, July 21st at 10:00 PDT / 1:00 EDT.

General: SOE Live Premium Pass Giveaway!

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 04:07 PM PDT

SOE Live Premium Pass Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has teamed up with Sony Online Entertainment to give one lucky winner a pair of passes to this year's SOE Live event in Las Vegas.

H1Z1: Making Weather a True Part of the Game

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 07:53 AM PDT

Making Weather a True Part of the Game

In most MMOs, weather is just a novelty. It adds some ambiance to the world and makes a zone seem more lifelike. That's not going to be the case with SOE's zombie survival MMORPG H1Z1 (also known as Hizzy). I had the chance to sit down and chat with Senior Designer Jimmy Wisenhunt and Graphics Programmer Ryan Favale to talk about how weather in their game won't be just a setpiece, but a part of the survival and gameplay in H1Z1.

TERA: Rising: Bluehole Reveals Plans Including New Level Cap

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 11:29 AM PDT

Bluehole Reveals Plans Including New Level Cap

BlueHole has revealed its plans for the Korean and Western versions of TERA. The Korean update will happen later this summer, with the En Masse Entertainment version to be updated by year's end. Players can look forward to level 65, a new city, new dungeons and changes to existing systems.

Guild Wars 2: International All-Stars Tournament Announced

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 11:16 AM PDT

International All-Stars Tournament Announced

ArenaNet is taking Guild Wars 2 on the road to this year's GamesCom ni Germany. During the convention, ANet will be sponsoring a global "All Stars" PvP tournament, with players participating from around the world, including teams from China where GW2 recently launched.

WildStar: Bring Your Friends

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 04:52 PM PDT

 Bring Your Friends

WildStar is unashamedly a themepark MMORPG, but how does the multi-player aspect really stack up? In his latest column, Gareth Harmer examines just how group-friendly Carbine's game really is.

Eldevin: Desktop Version Deployed

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 11:01 AM PDT

Desktop Version Deployed

Hunted Cow has announced the release of a desktop client for Eldevin. Previously only available in browser, the team is laying the groundwork for a full rendering upgrade to be released in the next several weeks. Lastly, the game will be updated to bring a much-requested feature on board: Mounts!

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Will Galactic Strongholds Be Your Star Wars Home?

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 04:26 PM PDT

Will Galactic Strongholds Be Your Star Wars Home?

Ever since February, we knew about Galactic Strongholds as 'SWTOR Does Housing', but we really hadn't seen many details on how it will work, what it will entail, or perhaps most importantly, how much it will cost. BioWare Austin recently announced their plans to do a weekly livestream on http://twitch.tv/swtor on Thursdays to go over the features of the new expansion between now and when it soft launches in August.

WildStar: Add 2-Step Verification and Get Stuff

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 08:42 AM PDT

Add 2-Step Verification and Get Stuff

The WildStar site has been updated with enticement for players to add a two-step verification to their accounts by July 10th have sweet rewards to look forward to receiving in-game.

Quest for Infamy: Now Available on Steam & GoG in PC, Linux Flavors

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 08:24 AM PDT

Now Available on Steam & GoG in PC, Linux Flavors

Phoenix Online Publishing has announced that Quest for Infamy, a turn-the-tables RPG, has officially been released for both PC and Linux on Steam and GoG.com, as well as on the Phoenix Online shop. The game retails for $19.99 and sends players on a quest to cheat and steal their way to infamy.

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