Top Five Addictive Angry Birds Games by Rovio Posted: When you were impressed by Angry Birds, you might not know there were more angry-bird games coming on the way. The fact is that Rovio has built an empire of Angry Birds, and it is expanding: Angry Birds Transformers will be coming soon since the Transformers: Age of Extinction movie has swept the globe. The female-oriented Angry Birds Stella should follow later this year. Now, it is a good time for us to have a look at the Angry Birds games that have come out. Check out the following five addictive Angry Birds Games you can't miss:  |
Sonic Jump Fever Cheats Tips And Strategy Guides Posted: Are you a fan of parkour games? Do you want to have an adventure journey in parkour world? Sonic Jump Fever is a great choic for you. Sonic Jump Fever is a new free Doodle Jump-esque affair for iOS and Android.  |
Asura Online Beta Look Monkey King Play+How to play the game Posted: By now everyone knows I'm a huge Diablo fan. So when I get to test games like this it's extra fun. With that said this game is basically a Chinese Diablo with drama level MAXED out. So much story is going on in this game. You struggling to even figure out who exactly the bad people are.  |
Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Goes Free-To-Play On iOS Posted: Angry Birds Star Wars II is now a free-to-play game. Rovio has taken a lightsaber to the app's price, cutting it to free while the previous 99 cent price cried out in horror. The whole game is available for free, and 30 new levels have been added.  |
Games of Glory MOBA - Gameplay Footage Posted: Lightbulb Crew recently released a new Alpha Gameplay video for its upcoming MOBA showcasing the the progress made during the last few weeks.  |
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.9.0 Update is Available Now Posted: Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.9.0 Update has finally been released in the very early hours of the morning today, which is free. Dubbed by Mojang, it is the biggest update of the game has ever received. The brand new update adds a whole bunch of content that makes the game an even more enticing prospect.  |
ArcheAge Is Set to Kick off Closed Beta on July 17 Posted: The next test phase of ArcheAge is coming. Trion Worlds has announced on July 10 that the ArcheAge's Closed Beta is set to kick off on Thursday next week with the first event, A Brighter Age, which will run through from July 17(10:00 AM PDT) to July 21 (10:00 AM PDT).  |
Level Cap of TERA Hits 65 with New Continent Coming Posted: According to the latest announcement by Bluehole Studio and En Masse Entertainment, TERA will receive a level cap increase, and this fantasy MMO will also expand into a new continent later this year. The level cap will increase to 65, adding new skills and glyphs in the process. Along with this will come the Northern Arun continent and the world's fourth largest city, new instance dungeons, quest guide, enchanting system improvements, and more.  |
Leo's Fortune is out Right Now for Android Posted: Leo's Fortune, the Bronze Award-winning physics puzzling platformer, has made the leap from the App Store to the Google Play Store.  |
Skyforge: Portal Explained by My Team+Q&A Chat Video Posted: Now a portal sometimes can make or break a game company. If users don't like the gaming portal they tend to shy away from the game. For examples you can look at; Arc, Marble Net, Game Portal, and OGplanet. It's a first impression sort of feel to things. If you're annoyed can't load the portal or install it on your machine. You will be pissed off before you even get into the actual game. So it's nice they're taking it serious now. Most companies don't even do portals until games are long out and established.  |
Aura Kingdom - A Look at The Hype And After The Hype Posted: Aura Kingdom (or Fantasy Frontier for the Korean version) is a anime, fantasy MMORPG published by Aeriagames. I do not think I have to give more details since a whole bunch of people were anticipating this game for a long while before it even came to the Western market.  |
C9 Released ERTA - A New Advanced Mystic Class Posted: Today, a new advanced mystic class Erta has been released in C9, a hot free-to-play dungeon-based action MMORPG developed by WEBZEN.  |
Guild Wars 2 Has Sold 3.8 Million in China Posted: The launch of ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2 in China has doubled the game's total sales. According to new server census taken by publisher NCSoft - translated on Reddit - Guild Wars 2 has around 3.8 million players in China alone, a rate of growth that far surpasses its performance in the rest of the world.  |
Player Dingo Matt has Spent 7.7K USD on League of Legends Posted: Recently, a League of Legends called Dingo Matt received a letter from Darkz who is in the League of Legends Player Support. In the letter, he showed thanks to Dingo Matt for his supporting League of Legends through RP purchase. According to the letter, Dingo Matt has spent 7715.00 USD up to now since Ahri came out. This is definitely quite a lot of money. I even have not spent the 400RP.  |
Unreal Engine 4 Shooter Fortnite Is to Kick off Alpha Soon Posted: Epic Games recently announced to bring Fortnite crafted using Unreal Engine 4 to Europe at their Gamescom Storm Chasers event in Cologne, Germany from August 15 – 18. And they are sending out invitations to the event starting today based on Alpha signups in the region.  |