Soccer Showdown 2015 Cheats And Tips: The Strategy Guide Posted: Are you a fan of soccer? Do you want to have an exciting experience in the soccer world? Soccer Showdown 2015 is the best choice for you. Here are some cheats and tips for you to have a higher score.  |
Brand New FPS Battleborn Revealed Posted: Gearbox revealed its own MOBA Battleborn. And this "hero shooter" is projected to be live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC before 2016.Adopting a first-person perspective, Battleborn features both a co-op campaign and multiplayer PvP mode. Seldom first-person shooter has ever had such many character as Battleborn.  |
Star Trek Online to Announce Future of Game at Star Trek Las Vegas Posted: Cryptic Studios has announced that developers and producers of Star Trek Online will be beaming up to Creation Entertainment's Star Trek Las Vegas 2014 for an important panel discussing the future of Star Trek Online!  |
Age of Wushu CN - Jiagnhu Update with New Gameplay Features Posted: According to MMO Culture, the biggest content update of Age of Wushu CN which will introduce the new area Jianghu has been released. Since things in Wulin have become more friendly that players will have a new experience at any corner of Jianghu.  |
Elder Scrolls Online Dev Blog Teasing Revamp of Veteran Rank Content Posted: ZeniMax has just posted a new Elder Scrolls Online dev blog, titled The Road Ahead, which outlines the studio's plans for the game in the relatively near future. Of note to MMO players are details for update 3, which is due to hit the test server "soon." The patch will enhance guild creation and management (with ranks, bank permissions, and heraldry) as well as address class balance changes, itemization issues, and combat feel.  |
Finally Firefall Is Officially to Be Launched on July 29 Posted: Latest news came that Red 5 Studios would launch the long wating First Person Shooter Firefall on July 29, and this dynamic open-world MMO shooter will be live for the PC platform through Steam and  |
Latest Update of Real Racing 3 Brings New Ferraris Supercars Posted: There's seemingly something new being added to Real Racing 3 on at least a monthly basis. This driving sim title has just received a pair of fancy new Ferrari supercars on iOS and Android.  |
Hearthstone's Expansion Curse of Naxxramas Pricing $24.99 Posted: Since the expansion was originally hinted at, Hearthstone [Free (HD)] players everywhere have been speculating how much the expansion was going to cost. Well, Blizzard just gave the answer. First off, players who participate in the launch event which will last around a month following the release of the expansion will gain access to the first wing, the Arachnid Quarter. After that, the rest of the wings can be purchased for 700 in-game gold each, or $6.99 in real money.  |
Jacob Jones and The Bigfoot Mystery Will Be Stomping onto Android on July 23rd Posted: The Professor Layton-esque puzzle adventure Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery is coming to Android on July 23rd.Lucid Games stated that both the free prologue and the premium first episode will be available on Google Play later this month.  |
Timberman Puts You to Work Chopping Trees on IOS and Android Posted: Throw on your trapper hat and slip into some sturdy flannel - it's time to chop some wood.Timberman is a recently released arcade-style reflex game that will have you utterly obliterating what has to be the world's tallest tree, dodging its descending branches in the process.  |
Sonic Jump Fever Goes Worldwide on July 10th Posted: Last month, Sega announced Sonic Jump Fever, and subsequently soft-launched it in Canada. Well, good news, after a much shorter soft launch than Fates Forever the game releases worldwide on July 10th.  |
Mucho Party Brings Manic Minigame Collection to Android Posted: Manic local-multiplayer game collection Mucho Party is now available on Android. This is a collection of fun minigames that you can play with a pal, with you both using the same device.  |
Cabal 2 Online Second Look Posted: Among all of the fan fare behind Cabal 2 being announced to come west. You really don't see many people covering it hardly. Well one reason is the face of the game. You need to really be a Cabal Fan to understand it or play it. Mainly because it's slower than the original Cabal.  |
YuGiOh Online BAM Review Posted: So since I was writing that Duel Arena review, I figured I might as well do Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM as well. BAM was designed to be played on Facebook and players use a much smaller 15 card deck rather than the standard 40 card deck.  |
Dragon Slayer Debut Trailer - Mounts and Monsters! Posted: With the recent release of Aura Kingdom, X-Legend stated that they intended to release at least two more client games this month, on July 17th. According to MMOCulture and X-Legend, the game will be going into its initial test phase this month.  |
Swordsman Self Cultivation System Overview Posted: After you reach lv30-35 this feature will be available for you to use. The Self Cultivation system is more like an in-game Auto-Bot feature where your char will perform set actions and activities base on how u setup the system.  |
Master Your Combos in the Return of Dark Blood Posted: After a long period of waiting, Nexon GT announced the launch of Dark Blood Online on Steam, which is a hack 'n'slash action MORPG game with an extreme combo battling system featuring the side-scrolling style of old school arcades with the modern twist of intensive action.  |
Tree of Savior Dev Describes New Wizard and Cleric Classes Posted: Recently, Tree of Savior dev blog has described their Wizard and Cleric classes on Q&As, including the Linker, the Psychokino, the Sadhu, and the Necromancer.The monsters that are linked together will receive damages or de-buffs simultaneously.  |