MMO Updates |
- I saw a real Jedi in Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Trion Worlds' Scott Hartsman: F2P reduces barriers
- Roberts' latest post peeks behind the Star Citizen development curtain
- TUG rolling out new features and blocking Proving Grounds
- The Daily Grind: Should devs give up on raid content?
- Vindictus shows off its TV spot
- Super Hero Squad Online revamps cash shop, posts Recharged trailer
- Archlord 2 kicks off open beta
- Global Chat: Being the bad guy
- Massively Speaking Episode 304: On the hook!
- Elder Scrolls Online plans massive revamp of veteran rank content
- SOE Live player panels include support for military gamers
- Battleborn melds the MOBA with a first-person perspective
- A preview of the third closed beta for wuxia MMO Moonlight Blade
- Hearthstone's Naxxramas will cost $24.99 to fully unlock
- Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2's Gates of Maguuma is a leap forward
- Frontier opens Elite single-player combat build to all pre-order pilots
I saw a real Jedi in Star Wars: The Old Republic Posted: 09 Jul 2014 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Classes, Culture, Game Mechanics, Lore, MMO Industry, PvE, Free-to-Play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, MMO Travelogue Let me tell you about this Jedi Guardian named Nayelii. She lives on Star Wars: The Old Republic's Ebon Hawk server. She could actually be a he, but the avatar (and the name) seemed female, so that's the pronoun I'm going with at the moment.I say "seemed" because Nayelii was wearing hooded robes, it's fairly dark through most of the Kuat Drive Yards flashpoint, and I tend to play dungeons with my camera at max range. Anyway, that's all beside the point because last weekend Nayelii put on what is unequivocally the best tanking performance I've seen in all my years playing MMORPGs. Continue reading I saw a real Jedi in Star Wars: The Old Republic
Trion Worlds' Scott Hartsman: F2P reduces barriers Posted: 09 Jul 2014 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Business Models, Interviews, MMO Industry, Free-to-Play Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman is preaching the gospel of free-to-play far and wide these days, saying that it makes sense to have games as accessible as possible to players."If there's one thing we're learned through all of our own prior development, it's that the barrier of having to purchase a thing before getting into a game is proving to be a bigger and bigger barrier as time goes on," Hartsman told MCV. But will F2P backfire by giving away the store for nothing to penny-pinching players? Hartsman doesn't think so: "What we're discovering is that if you take great content and great gameplay and reduce the barriers and take that leap of faith, customers will be there for you and will be there to support you." All of Trion Worlds' game library is free-to-play at this point.
Roberts' latest post peeks behind the Star Citizen development curtain Posted: 09 Jul 2014 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Bugs, MMO Industry, New Titles, Patches, News Items, Sandbox, Crowdfunding, Star Citizen, Buy-to-Play Star Citizen has opened another window on the world of game development, this time courtesy of a Chris Roberts post that details the investigative process behind Arena Commander's lag and rubber-banding issues. In a nutshell, the problems surfaced with patch 12.4 as Cloud Imperium expanded the pool of AC participants past the initial 60,000-player threshold."Like doctors trying to identify a mysterious illness, we looked for common environmental factors," Roberts writes. "Was there a significant geographic distance between players? Surprisingly, no: in many cases, players with almost no latency between them were still having issues. The team moved on to examining our own code." He goes on to explain how CIG translates potential problems into JIRA tasks and assigns them to engineers who are responsible for repairs prior to the next patch. [Thanks Cardboard!]
TUG rolling out new features and blocking Proving Grounds Posted: 09 Jul 2014 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Patches, News Items, Sandbox The latest update on TUG is both good news and bad news. The good news is that the game is getting ready to roll out a major update that will include a lot of fun stuff for players. Like what, you ask? Like hunting, and farming and all the goats you can ask for. Even if you ask for a lot of goats, you can have never have enough goats.So what's the bad news? Well, it turns out that the team kind of broke Proving Grounds on the way to adding in new features. Rather than delaying the update, the current stopgap solution is to block off Proving Grounds and simply add it back in during a later update. You can read the full update if you need some specifics; the hope is that players won't ultimately be surprised when the update goes live for everyone.
The Daily Grind: Should devs give up on raid content? Posted: 09 Jul 2014 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous, Dungeons It's certainly not a new concept that raids make up one of the smallest player populations in MMOs while sucking up a considerable amount of development time. Turbine's essentially given up on them for Lord of the Rings Online, while WildStar is double-downing on them from the get-go.In the interest of allocating resources -- money, time, and manpower -- to impact the game the most, should developers stop making raid content for MMOs? I'm not saying to give up on small-group content, as that's far more popular, but the giant raids that seem to appeal only to the most hardcore guilds. Would those resources be better spent developing content that the majority of the playerbase will experience?
Vindictus shows off its TV spot Posted: 08 Jul 2014 09:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, News Items, Free-to-Play, Vindictus If you're already a fan of Vindictus, you're not really the target audience for the game's TV spot. Not that you should avoid watching it all the same, though. Who doesn't enjoy the prospect of seeing a game on the small screen? And you can watch it right now!As mentioned, there's not a whole lot to be said if you are a fan of the game, although you can certainly determine how well you think the ad represents the game as a whole. If you're not a player or a fan, though, you can still check out the trailer just past the break to find out what the game's all about. (Hint: hacking at people with swords.) Continue reading Vindictus shows off its TV spot
Super Hero Squad Online revamps cash shop, posts Recharged trailer Posted: 08 Jul 2014 08:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Video, Business Models, Game Mechanics, Patches, News Items, Free-to-Play, Casual, Family Kid-friendly Super Hero Squad Online is today touting its recent Recharged patch, the game's biggest ever release. Recharged brings new starter heroes, new gear, new achievements, and new missions to the game. Players and parents will want to know that the cash shop has been revamped and prices on buyables like heroes have been reduced. Currency acquisition has also been redesigned and simplified; the game's currencies have been merged into one currency called fractals, which are now obtainable in larger quantities and through more activities.Gazillion boasts that its active playerbase has more than doubled in size since the update. Enjoy the game's fresh trailer below. Continue reading Super Hero Squad Online revamps cash shop, posts Recharged trailer
Archlord 2 kicks off open beta Posted: 08 Jul 2014 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Patches, Free-to-Play "Are you Archlording it up today?" "Oh you know it, brah!"Well, while those might not be words that you'll hear in your average game store, it doesn't stop the fact that Archlord 2 is picking up steam as it chugs toward release. Today the title has entered open beta, which means that you and all of your brahs can check it out to see if this is the MMO for you. The open beta test comes with a new patch that increases the level cap to 41, adds the Aquila Arena skirmish, and toggles on battlegrounds on every day of the week except Sunday. Because battlegrounds are forbidden on the sabbath? We're not sure. Former closed beta testers will also get a unique cape for their efforts.
Global Chat: Being the bad guy Posted: 08 Jul 2014 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Lord of the Rings Online, Culture, Guild Wars 2, Global Chat, Miscellaneous, Destiny As an MMO enthusiast blog, Massively has always had a special appreciation of the dedicated (and unpaid!) writing that gamers put out on their own blogs every day. Every week there are dozens if not hundreds of terrific posts on MMOs out there, and since I'm the resident loon here who reads pretty much all of them, I decided to start up a biweekly column to point you in the direction of some of the best discussions going on in the blogosphere. We'll see posts on specific games and general topics, geeky gushings and zany rantings.For our inagural edition of Global Chat (yes, I'm recycling the name from a long-dormant feature on this site), we'll take a look at how outfits tie into identity, surviving MMOs as a chicken, a requiem for a gold farmer, and so much more! Continue reading Global Chat: Being the bad guy
Massively Speaking Episode 304: On the hook! Posted: 08 Jul 2014 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Podcasts, MMO Industry, News Items, Massively Meta, Massively Speaking, Miscellaneous Industry news clashes with game news this week, so whether you're interested in the meta or simply the beta, we've got a bit from both columns! In this episode, Bree and Justin discuss gooey monsters, why raiding is the most awesomest thing ever, and decorating houses on Tatooine.Get all of our opinions and analysis on the most important stories of the past week right here on Massively Speaking, the industry's leading MMO podcast. And if you have a comment, question, or topic for the podcasters, send an email to We may just read your email on the air! Get the podcast: [RSS] Add Massively Speaking to your RSS aggregator. [MP3] Download the MP3 directly. [iTunes] Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. [Stitcher] Follow the podcast on Stitcher Radio. Listen here on the page: Read below the cut for the full show notes. Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 304: On the hook!
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Elder Scrolls Online plans massive revamp of veteran rank content Posted: 08 Jul 2014 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Game Mechanics, Guilds, Patches, Previews, News Items, Dev Diaries, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription ZeniMax has just posted a new Elder Scrolls Online dev blog, titled The Road Ahead, which outlines the studio's plans for the game in the relatively near future. Of note to MMO players are details for update 3, which is due to hit the test server "soon." The patch will enhance guild creation and management (with ranks, bank permissions, and heraldry) as well as address class balance changes, itemization issues, and combat feel.The team also means to revamp grindy veteran rank content with short-term balance tweaks in endgame zones, some of which are live on servers already; ultimately, the veteran points system will be deleted entirely from the game and replaced with a new system "based on new character customization and growth mechanics" that will be discussed at this year's QuakeCon and beyond. The full post can be found on the official site.
SOE Live player panels include support for military gamers Posted: 08 Jul 2014 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, EverQuest, EverQuest II, Events (Real-World), Free-to-Play, DC Universe Online, EverQuest Next, PlanetSide 2, Landmark, H1Z1 SOE Live posted its list of player panels today for its convention, with topics ranging from supporting military gamers to fansite management. The full list is as follows:Friday, August 15
Battleborn melds the MOBA with a first-person perspective Posted: 08 Jul 2014 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, New Titles, Consoles, MOBA Challenging the notion that all MOBAs must be played from an omniscient isometric viewpoint, Gearbox revealed its own MOBA, Battleborn, that takes place from a first-person perspective.Battleborn promises a wide array of character variety as heroes battle on an alien planet, including Elvish archers, steampunk riflemen, and minigun-toting heavies. The lore hook is pretty solid, too, with the good guys fighting to protect the very last star in the universe against a faction called the Varelsi. The MOBA will feature both a co-op campaign and multiplayer PvP mode, and will be coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC next year. You can check out the reveal trailer after the break. Continue reading Battleborn melds the MOBA with a first-person perspective
A preview of the third closed beta for wuxia MMO Moonlight Blade Posted: 08 Jul 2014 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Historical, Game Mechanics, Previews, News Items, Miscellaneous Would you say there's a distinct lack of wuxia MMORPGs in your life at the moment? Then you might be interested in learning more about Moonlight Blade, a wuxia game published by Tencent and currently in the midst of its third beta test in China. Steparu recently discussed the beta test, covering everything from missions and quests to character customization, with the caveat that the author doesn't speak a word of Chinese and has muddled through much of the game with the help of friends.Moonlight Blade features three different combat modes based on player preference, ranging from traditional point-and-click gameplay to fully active combat. While the game looks gorgeous, according to the beta review it's still very buggy and the combat lacks some satisfying impact. Check out the full piece if it seems like something you'd be interested in; there's no word on a Western release, but showing interest can't hurt. Continue reading A preview of the third closed beta for wuxia MMO Moonlight Blade
Hearthstone's Naxxramas will cost $24.99 to fully unlock Posted: 08 Jul 2014 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, Free-to-Play, Trading Card Games, Promotions, Hearthstone While the first taste of Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas will be free for all players, the rest will cost a good chunk of money. Blizzard announced its pricing for the solo adventure pack today, stating that players will have several options to purchase Naxxramas including a $24.99 package that includes the full deal.The first of five wings of Naxxramas will be offered for free, with the remaining four wings available to purchase separately at $6.99 apiece or together in bundles of various size. The only option to buy the wings using in-game gold (and the only potentially free path) is to buy the wings at 700 gold each. Once Hearthstone opens the doors to Naxxramas, the devs will unlock a new wing at the rate of one per week. Blizzard also announced that it will offer heroic versions of these wings -- and new card backs -- once they're beaten in normal mode.
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2's Gates of Maguuma is a leap forward Posted: 08 Jul 2014 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lore, Patches, PvE, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles, Buy-to-Play Anyway, we've been delivered to an oasis: The Gates of Maguuma are open, and we've taken our first steps into a new region of Tyria. Along with several other media representatives, I was invited to take a developer-led tour of the new Dry Top zone and story content. Does it live up to the anticipation? The answer necessarily contains spoilers, so read on at your peril, mortal. Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2's Gates of Maguuma is a leap forward
Frontier opens Elite single-player combat build to all pre-order pilots Posted: 08 Jul 2014 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Business Models, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Crowdfunding, Elite: Dangerous, Buy-to-Play Frontier has doubled the number of players fighting, trading, and exploring their way through the sprawling cosmos of Elite: Dangerous. The firm released Elite's single-player combat build to all beta backers earlier today in preparation for the multiplayer beta launch on July 29th.If you've pre-ordered or backed Elite, you can download the launcher by logging into the game's website and pointing your browser at the "My Downloadable Products" link. Frontier also wants you to know that you can still pre-order the multiplayer beta and receive immediate access to today's single-player release. [Source: Frontier press release]
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