Aura Kingdom Available on Steam from July 4th Posted: Be prepared for fireworks this Independence Day! Aeria Games has announced that their anime MMORPG Aura Kingdom has successfully passed Steam's Greenlight process and is available on the well-known platform from July 4th.  |
Black Gold Online Revealed New Challenging Dungeon in the Ocean Posted: Thanks to the strong support of Xsolla, Snail tightened their partnership with the release of Black Gold Online. The steampunk fantasy MMORPG was first presented by Snail Games at E3 in Los Angeles (June 10-12, 2014), where players got their hands-on the new MMO.  |
MapleStory 2: New DevSpeak Video Describes Game Concept Posted: Recently, Nexon released a new DevSpeak video for MapleStory2, revealing the main design concept of the game as well as some interesting development details such as the "block" world, map and character design, keyboard control, multiple camera views, etc.  |
Rift 3.0 Preview Recap Posted: Daglar, Rift's executive producer, has made a blog post talking about Rift 3.0: Nightmare Tide. Through this post, Daglar states that we can look forward to multiple things with the upcoming expansion.  |
How to Get Free Diamonds on Hay Day Posted: Hay Day is one of the most popular free game in our list, it involves a seemingly mundane premise for its game mechanics – the art of farming. It's fun to produce and sell your own mobile produced goods and trade plenty of more farm-owned items with your best friends.  |
MMO To Watch 2014: Elsword Online First Look Posted: In this MMO To Watch I dive into Elsword Online and explore its newest update. So far it's the oldest entry into the "MMO To Watch" series, but with how much it has grown in the past three years that it has been released and how much more promise it holds, it's hard not to think of this game as a top contender in today's F2P landscape.  |
Black Gold Skycaller class Review by "Rokwood " Posted: Hello mmositers,today I will share my first impressions about Black Gold online. I picked the Skycaller (Magic Range class), and I must say I apsolulty love this class. The character creation is pretty good compared to Age of Wushu online. It took me 2 hours+ to get level 15, anyway it was easy thanks to the easy quests and powerful skills.  |
Diablo: Patch 2.1.0 Seasons Posted: We previewed Greater Rifts a few days ago; today we'll be previewing another feature that comes in Patch 2.1.0 called Seasons. Ladders are part of Seasons and after being long-promised were added to Diablo 3 in the said patch that will be out in the summer of 2014.  |
Asura Online Character Creation First Dungeon Chinese Server Posted: This is the character creation and the first dungeon in the game. I really like this game. It's a mix of Diablo and this games own style and flair. It's very addicting and very deep game play wise. Look forward to the review for this one. I have played this more than any thing else this week.  |
Monster Hunter "New Bow Skills Update " Preview Posted: Today we are going to check the ranged BOW skils for monster Hunter Online.Tencent and Capcom will develop Monster Hunter Online "for the international market," not just China, said Crytek in a press release.  |
ArcheAge Patch 1.2 Omega Server A Good Look At It Posted: The new patch 1.2 for ArcheAge has a theme. The theme is speed, or you can say streamlined. Someone pointed out in a past stream it, took me around 4 hours to get to level 20. I did a stream last night live it took a little over three. And I really noticed the difference from the start.  |
Rise of Incarnates-New Characters preview Posted: Rise of Incarnates is a High quality action 4 vs 4 online fighting game.After the first Alpha phase which ended 6/1/14,.they realise new Characters :- Erendira Quinn / Brynhildr,Reinhold Kruger / Odin.  |
Nanbo's Swordsman Online Review Levels 1 - 20 Posted: Hello MMOSITE readers and welcome to Swordsman online review. I will be taking an in depth look at the Perfect World's latest title that has just launched into Open Beta. This is my first 20 levels into the game and I will give it a score based on this early experience at the end of the article.  |
WoW: The True Ending To the Mists Trailer! Posted: With celebrating July, 4th, Blizzard has revealed what they claim to be the true ending to the Mists of Pandaria cinematic shot just moments after. It depicts the two main protagonists, the orc & human after they had their conflict cut short by Chen Stormstout.  |
Transformers Universe Open Beta First Impression Posted: Finally Optimus has come back to the building. Well sort of in Transformers Universe. You can be one of 8 Autobots or Decepticons. You start out with only 3 you can choose. The rest needs to be unlocked from in game currency. You can freely earn the currency called Relics. Or you can outright buy it to save time. So far the game seems pretty giving on the currency.  |