Swordsman Online Will Be Officially Launched on July 29 Posted: Based on a Kungfu novel of Louis Cha, Swordsman OL presents the original customs in the story that may make you feel like a real outstanding martial artist. Gone through a short-term Open Beta, Swordsman OL finally announced to launch on July 29.  |
Angry Birds's Latest Update Brings Gigantic Birds Posted: Rovio has updated the Silver Award-winning Angry Birds with a brand new bonus episode called "Flock Favorites". You lot have been tweeting, chirping, and flinging your feathered bodies to vote for your favourite episodes in Angry Birds in recent weeks.  |
Shanda Partners with Airlines to Promote Final Fantasy XIV Posted: Final Fantasy XIV reaches an important milestone today, as it began the non-wipe beta test phase in China, under publisher Shanda Games. There seems not to be too many changes compared with the other versions, as Shanda Games once mentioned about having the same staying "original".  |
Transport Empire Available on Android Now Posted: Transport Empire, the Steampunk tinged strategy game, has been released for Android. Transport Empire is an engrossing industrial strategy game that invites players to restore production and create a vast transport network in the once prosperous country of Storwell.  |
World of Warcraft: Beasts of Shadowmoon Valley Posted: Blizzard recently started to preview mobs from the upcoming zones brought in the Warlords expansion. Today, we'll have a look at Shadowmoon Valley, the starting experience point for Alliance players that cross the Dark Portal and land in Draenor. The lush Shadowmoon Valley appears peaceful and idyllic, lulling many would-be adventurers into a false sense of security as they explore its rolling hills and violet forests. But countless hidden perils lie waiting behind the tranquil facade, and only those well-armed with knowledge can hope to survive. What dangers lurk in the shadows?  |
DC Universe Online (S.I.P.) aka Should I Play series guide Posted: I'm starting a new series designed, to a be all in one quick stop for games. This series will only be American games already released. Foreign gamers please don't take any offense to this. I cover a lot of overseas games, but western games need love too. Basically I'll be touching on games quickly.  |
Skyforge The Cryomancer Revealed, the Master of Ice Posted: My.com, together with The Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment, revealed the Cryomancer character class in Skyforge. The Cryomancer is a dangerous opponent capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage, which allows him to quickly dispose of his enemies.  |
The Way Home Will Update on July 30th Posted: moWOW Studios announced that the Update of The Way Home has been out of testing and got ready to players after 2 months of tinkering and playing around with time itself. The new update will be available for download from the Apple App Store starting with Wednesday, the 30th of July.  |
League of Legends Cinematic: A New Dawn, Bringing a Visual Feast Posted: Do you remember A Twist of Fate? Well, Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, has released a brand new six-minute cinematic video featuring Champions battling it out in a bloody brawl across a forest landscape. This very latest Cinematic is called A New Dawn, which was created to explore fleshed-out champion interpretations and brutal team fights in ways they've never been seen before.  |
Diablo III: Seasonal Rewards! Posted: Patch 2.1 adds Seasons, a completely new game mode, where you'll start over with a completely new character, no shared stash between softcore/hardcore & you need to train your Artisan from the get-go. Seasons is available on both softcore/hardcore.  |
Archeage (RU) New Territories and Bosses Update Posted: Hello guys, the Russian Archeage is getting new contest updates this month include new territories and bosses. I'm sure all this contest will be available on the English version too ( Later ). The Russian version still has a large amount of English spoken players, so let's take a look at the upcoming update.  |