Lineage II Classic Server Detailed Posted: NCSoft KR is opening a Lineage 2 Classic Server for those who miss the old school version of the game. This is not C1 or C2, it's a hybrid that will please the nostalgic fans.  |
ArcheAge Alpha Popularity Forces Trion to Upgrade Hardware Posted: One of our awesome Massively readers forwarded to us an email from Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman to ArcheAge's alpha testers. In it, Hartsman thanked the players and noted how their numbers had helped to stress test the studio's hardware.  |
Diablo: Datamined List of Season-Only Legendary Items Posted: Patch 2.1 will add Seasons, Tiered Rifts and many other features. In Seasons, existing characters won't be able to participate. It's presumed you'll need to start a totally new character as the new game mode will be similar to Hardcore/Softcore differences, in terms of no stash / gold sharing, no Paragon levels sharing etc.  |
'Tipperz' Out Now on iOS & Android Posted: Atom Split Games and Cloudystar are proud to announce that Tipperz is now available on iOS and Android devices in English, and is free to download and play.  |
Civilization Online HD Gameplay Video Preview Posted: The first Closed beta of Civilization Online started May 27th ( 15:00 ).Civilization Online is a unique new MMO in which players work together to build a civilization from the stone age to the space age.Players can create custom avatar and then choose which role you will play in the expansion of your empire.  |
Diablo: Rift Guardian Tier List Posted: You face a Rift Guardian everytime you complete a Nephalem Rift. This list sorts Rift Guardians according to their difficulty as perceived by the general player base. Some Rift Guardians have their own Tier for being specifically difficult and/or easy to kill.  |
The Hottest Cosplay of "Li Ling" Posted: Li Ling is a Sexy Chinese Cosplayer,she was Banned From Game Show For Showing Too Much Skin.Li Ling was cosplaying as a booth girl for Chinese gaming company ZQGAME to promote their online game Legend of Saints.  |
Dungeon Crawler MMORPG Kritika Online (KR) First Look Posted: Ever wanted Devil May Cry as an mmo? Well now you don't have to desire that. Kritika is all of that with a dash of Dragon Nest and C9 thrown in. This game is a dungeon crawler all the way.  |