Novus Mundus - Conquest of the New World Posted: Today we will introduce Novus Mundus - Conquest of the New World, a new MMORPG that is holding a campaign at Indiegogo. Novus Mundus is a MMORPG set in the era from the colonization till the Wild West.  |
Oh My Gods: Tower Defense: How to Get More Souls Posted: OMG: TD! (or Oh My Gods: Tower Defense) is a smash hit iOS and Android game of a very popular mobile genre. Your goal in this game is to help Zeus and the other Greek gods, as well as Daedalus, to take Olympia back from a horde of invading satyrs, minotaurs, and other odd creatures.  |
Make It Rain: The Love of Money: How to Earn Massive Amounts of Money Posted: Make It Rain: The Love of Money is a game where your goal is to earn money by… earning money. Essentially, that's the gist of it, but at the same time there are a number of strategies that you can use in order to increase the money you earn in the game. Read on to find out how to get more money in Make It Rain: The Love of Money!  |
WildStar Released its Last Pre-launch Trailer Posted: Is your body ready for WildStar launch?! Whether you are a peaceful quester following the explorer path or a raging PvP arenas master, ganking everyone in your path, Nexus has something for everyone! It's the last week before WildStar's launch. Head start kicks off on Saturday. And they have released their last trailer for WildStar.  |
Spiral Cats Tasha Blade and Soul Cosplay Posted: Jin Seo Yeon from the famous Korea Cosplay Team Spiral Cats, has released her latest cosplay of Tasha in Blade and Soul. Check out the following cosplay pictures.  |
Nanbo's Aurora World Review Levels 1 - 25 Posted: Hello MMOSITE readers. Today I am sharing my experience in the Aurora World; A MMORPG published by GBE games (guys that put out Heroes of the Obelisk). I noticed they have active events and a decent community activity.  |
Swordsman online CB Starts June 16 Posted: Perfect World Entertainment Finally announced that the free-to-play martial arts inspired MMORPG will be entering Closed Beta on June 16, 2014.If you haven't registered for the closed beta yet, now is the time to do so.  |
Weed Firm: How to Stop Aliens, Gangsters and Cops From Taking Your Money, XP and Weed Posted: One of the biggest challenges in Weed Firm is the gangsters Jesus and Jhamal, and Mr. Malone, the police officer. Whenever they knock on your door, you either have to pay up, or you can kiss your money and weed goodbye. Aliens will randomly steal your experience points. However, there are a number of ways to minimize the impact that they have on your operation. Read on to find out how!  |
Make It Rain: The Love of Money Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide Posted: Make It Rain: The Love of Money is a bizarrely addicting new game for iOS and Android. Your goal is to make it rain money – seriously, you swipe up as if you were in a strip club with bands, sliding money off the top of the pile. By making it rain you make money, which you can then use to buy investments which make you even more money. Read on for some tips and tricks for Make It Rain: The Love of Money!  |
Hearthstone: Rank Play Season #2 Ends Soon Posted: The Second Ranked Play Season named Brave the Black Temple is coming to a close on May, 31. This season's reward is the Black Temple card back that is exclusively available only during this season, so if you want to add it to your collection, make sure to hit Rank 20 before June, 1.  |
Blade and Soul CN Open Beta: Pure Soul Ep.21 "Questing and Playability" Posted: Most of the comments I get on BNS videos, consists of questions. Number one question is simple. "How do I play this game without struggling" I have this saying for every game every country.  |
Cabal 2 Online Character Customization 1080p Posted: To start the week we have Cabal 2 Online's character creation. It's straight forward average customization. But it has that dreaded gender lock. Which I don't know why companies do it. Because no one ever likes it. The saving grace is the options are good. And the character design is stylish and fun. It almost makes you forget the class gender locking.  |