Xeno Quest - A Brand New 3D Turn-Based RPG MMO Coming This Summer Posted: Scheduled to launch this Summer for Android and iOS devices, Xeno Quest casts players as the heroes of a grand fantasy world where magic and technology dominate and balance must be maintained.  |
The Elder Scrolls Online - Time to move on...!!?? Posted: Hey peeps, around a month ago, I said that I wasn't going to write down a review about The Elder Scrolls Online, there is plenty of reviews around the net, some of them are positive and some of them are negative. The game is the kind of game that you better like it as it is, or hate it! There is very little in between as we all know.  |
Weed Firm: How to Gain Experience Levels Quickly Posted: Weed Firm is a new iOS and Android game where your one and only job is to grow weed and earn cash, while avoiding gangsters who want to rob you and bribing cops who want to arrest you. As you gain experience levels, you unlock all kinds of cool goods, from a safe to hide your stash in, to records and turntables, and cool equipment in general. Read on to find out how to gain levels quickly in Weed Firm!  |
Ruzzle Adventure Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide Posted: Ruzzle Adventure is a new game for the iOS platforms, and rest assured it will soon be on Android as well. Ruzzle Adventure combines the word-finding gameplay of the smash hit Ruzzle with the level-by-level adventuring of Candy Crush Saga and other similar games. Read on for some tips and tricks for Ruzzle Adventure!  |
Warframe: Storm Files - S2/Ep.19 "Player Ship and Devstream 29 thoughts" Posted: Maybe one of the best live streams I've seen in a while for Warframe. We had the awesome Kubrow make an appearance. Player ships look awesome if you haven't seen the stream. I'm sure it will be up to view on YouTube. I have taken screen shots from the stream you can check out and have fun with.  |
Amazing League of Legends Skins Designed By Players Posted: Skin is a significant factor in League of Legends: players focus on their Rank, while many of them also pay much attention to skins. Riot has designed many exquisite skins for the champions, and these will help players to have a better experience in the game. But we can't deny that a lot of player-designed skins show up, some of which are amazing. The followings are a collection of player-designed skins. Perhaps Riot should take a look at these skins, and you guys be sure to leave your favorite skin in the comment!  |
Criminal Legacy, The Latest Game Coming Out of GREE's Partnership Posted: GREE, a leading developer of mobile games, today announced the release of Criminal Legacy, an exciting RPG exclusively for Android devices.  |
The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle Earth Strategy Guide Tips, Walkthrough, Tricks and Cheats Posted: The Hobbit: Kingdoms is Kabam's latest strategy warfare game both available for Android and iOS. Since its release this year, we had been playing the game and have a full understanding of how the game works. Use our strategy guide and tips to build your city and conquer other players.  |
Weed Firm: Full Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner's Guide Posted: Weed Firm is a new game for the Android and iOS platforms that places you in the shoes of Ted Growing, a young high school dropout, somewhat reminiscent of Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad, who is tasked with taking care of an established dealer's weed stash. From there, you'll grow the business from a little obscure operation to a large moneymaking profit center that's targeted by aliens, gangsters and cops alike. Read on for the beginner's guide to Weed Firm!  |
Tree of Savior - Max Level Cap Confirmed & More Info Posted: Hello TOS/RO fans,today we are checking the new interview about the Upcoming mmo "Tree of Savior".Beside the level Cap they Confirmed :Housing,Character creation in the game rely on a barrack feature,create up to 4 characters,crafting features available to all classes,Auction House (or 1-1 trade).  |
Diablo: World's Fastest Torment VI Boss Kills Posted: Today, we'll have a look at a player, who managed to down Ghom, Siegebreaker & Zoltun Kulle in just 62 seconds. Slamina reached this record with his four fire crusaders, playing them all at the same time (quadboxing).  |
Knights Fable – Open Beta Comming This Month Posted: GTArcade announced that their latest MMORPG, Knights Fable, will enter the Open Beta on May 29, 2014 at 9:00 EDT. The game will feature an expansive loot system, tons of rare gear, gems, heroes, trainable beasts, and a PvP arena.  |
WoW: Warlords of Draenor Challenge Mode Weapons! Posted: The newest Alpha Build added some interesting items that will be awarded to players that complete Challenge Modes in Warlords of Draenor  |
The 10 Year+ Old MMOS Posted: I'm sure you all heard about those games,they still going strong,Patches every week,Expansions every 3-6-12 months.They question is what kept them alive all the time ?  |
Marvel Heroes: Character Spotlight Psylocke+Aoe heal/Debuff Build Posted: Sister of Captain Britain, Betsy Braddock is the psychic X-Man known as Psylocke. Originally just a telepath, Betsy ended up switching bodies with a deadly assassin that allowed her to become the psychic ninja she is today. Psylocke uses her telekinetic powers to manifest a "Psi-Knife" and her trained ninja skills to slip into the shadows and cut enemies down with her martial arts and katana skills.  |