Black Desert (KR) Character Customization Overview/Review! Posted: In this video, I explain my thoughts on Black Deserts character customization! If you enjoyed the video make sure to follow my blog or subscribe to my channel because I have a lot more feature overviews on the way!Stay tuned for more Black Desert!  |
TERA Reaper class comming Next Month Posted: Today we are checking the new class of Tera online.The Reaper class is a mid range melee class,they can use their dark magic to bring enemies close or swamp their position with the enemy.To create the new class you will need another character on your account that is level 40 or above.  |
Mobile Reviews - Turret Commander Posted: Turret Commander is a shooting defense game, all the player does is stand still inside a B-17 turret while a bunch of German airplanes try to blow you up, what it is so awesome about this game is that you get to pretty much destroy a horde of enemy airplanes all by yourself. I know the idea is not exactly real, but that is what makes the game so friggin fun.  |
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Review Posted: I've been disappointed with the recent releases of games, so I decided to get the Diablo 3 expansion. I finally had some time to get around to farming a bit after getting all of my characters to level 70. I really like the action RPG style, but I dislike the fact that they made Diablo 3 much more focused on single player by removing most trade features in the game.  |
Elder Scroll Online: What Went Wrong? Nevermind that fix it fast Posted: Something that really annoys me is when companies act sneaky. Also I don't like when a company acts helpless with million dollar budgets. Well....ESO managed to do both of my gripes in the first month of existence. We all know subscription issues and how much discontent and money it caused.  |
WoW: World of Warcraft Services Price Increase Posted: Prices of certain WoW Services have been increased for anyone in the UK Region. Those customers that pay for their game time and/or other services in GBP (Pounds) will see a mild price bump for services listed below.  |