MMO Updates |
- Ask Massively: Newsletters, EVE Online, and the value of alpha previews
- EVE Fanfest 2014: Project Legion brings DUST 514 to the PC
- WildStar puts up patch notes for its latest weekend beta
- The Repopulation team has squashed a lot of bugs
- The Daily Grind: What NPC ability would you like to have?
- EVE Fanfest 2014: Economy talk highlights PLEX prices and reveals titan production statistics
- SOE compensates players for All Access issues
- Today's Elder Scrolls Online AMA discusses bug fixes, housing, spellcrafting, and more
- The Think Tank: Founder packs, exploitation, and choices
- Azeroth Choppers revs up to episode three
- SMITE to offer new Nemesis ninja skin
- Neverwinter shows off new Black Ice armor sets
- SOE updates Landmark, pushes back international Player Studio rollout
- EVE Fanfest 2014: EVE Valkyrie demos gameplay, features Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff
- Portions of RIFT's May cash shop proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders
- Guild Wars 2 begins Chinese open beta
Ask Massively: Newsletters, EVE Online, and the value of alpha previews Posted: 02 May 2014 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, EVE Online, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, Massively Meta, Ask Massively, Miscellaneous Welcome back to a grab-bag edition of Ask Massively. First up is reader Roy, who asked,Do you have any kind of newsletter or weekly email on this site?Nope, no newsletter or email blasts! But there are lots of easy ways to follow our work. If you want the whole shebang, you can follow us through your RSS reader of choice as well as several social media avenues, all outlined in an Ask Massively from last year. If you want just a summary of our best stuff, you could follow just our Week in Review column, which runs every Sunday evening and might just serve your desire for a weekly summary of cool posts. We also publish weekly roundups of MMO in beta testing, crowdfunded MMOs, and pseudo-MMOs, including coverage of some games we don't traditionally cover separately. What else have we got this week? How about an internet spaceships question from Gabe. Continue reading Ask Massively: Newsletters, EVE Online, and the value of alpha previews
EVE Fanfest 2014: Project Legion brings DUST 514 to the PC Posted: 02 May 2014 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, PvP, News Items, PvE, Consoles, MMOFPS, First Impressions, Events (Massively's Coverage), DUST 514, Dev Diaries, Sandbox One of the main complaints about DUST 514 since its announcement was the fact that the game was a PlayStation 3 exclusive. DUST was CCP's first attempt to break into the massive console shooter market and its first game to use the free-to-play business model, but things didn't exactly work out to plan. The millions of console gamers CCP expected to flood into New Eden failed to materialise, reviews were mixed at best, and DUST quietly fell off the console radar. Players have been asking for a PC release ever since, as the game's unique connection with the EVE Online universe could potentially make it popular with existing EVE players.If you've been hoping for DUST on the PC, your prayers may have just been answered. A few hours ago at EVE Fanfest 2014, CCP demonstrated a prototype of something it calls Project Legion -- an attempt to bring DUST 514's shooter gameplay to the PC but with all-new sandbox gameplay. The project is extremely early in development, but CCP was able to put together a concept demo for Fanfest attendees showing how the game will work. Most of the demo was a slick UI and transition into a DUST planetary environment which has had its graphics significantly improved. DUST 514 is severely limited by the specs of the PS3, so Legion being on PC means it should actually still look that good when deployed. In addition to signing up for mercenary contracts, players will be able to scan the entire EVE universe for open sandbox salvage zones where resources have been found. These planets have no pre-defined missions, victory conditions, or teams; Instead, they're free-for-all PvE zones with open world PvP, and CCP hopes that this will promote the same kind of emergent gameplay as is seen in EVE. It won't be a true sandbox until you can stab someone in the back, CCP announced to a pleased audience. Little else is known about the project, and the announcement has raised some pretty big questions. Will Legion link in with the EVE universe in any way like DUST? And what will happen to DUST 514 on PS3 if Legion takes off?
WildStar puts up patch notes for its latest weekend beta Posted: 02 May 2014 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Patches, News Items, WildStar, Subscription, Buy-to-Play It's about a month until WildStar launches in full, possibly while playing an electric guitar and riding a motorcycle over a bus that's been set on fire. That means that the patches are coming fast and furious with each weekend beta, and this weekend is no exception. The most recent patch trims up some lag and instability issues while also updating and improving several aspects of the game, from character customization to Warplot functionality.For example, players will no longer be subjected to having facial customizations that don't quite work, nor will they be able to hurl themselves to their doom while building Warplots. War parties now require at least 10 members online to queue as a group. Players will now be limited to editing their costumes at Protostar Dye Specialists in Illium and Thayd. Dead players may no longer be the target for starting a duel (not counting Mordesh, obviously). You get the idea. Check out the full patch notes for a clearer picture of this weekend's beta.
The Repopulation team has squashed a lot of bugs Posted: 02 May 2014 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Bugs, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, Sandbox, Crowdfunding, The Repopulation Above & Beyond has released its latest monthly recap for crowdfunded sci-fi sandbox MMO The Repopulation. April saw the launch of Alpha 3, and the dev team says that next week they'll start inviting "preview weekenders" to grow the tester numbers yet again.The team's primary focus right now is bug fixing, as there have been "quite a few new things that we never expected to happen bug-wise." Most of them have been dealt with, though, as the massive list of fixes in the update makes clear. You can read the full report at The Repopulation's official web site.
The Daily Grind: What NPC ability would you like to have? Posted: 02 May 2014 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription I'm pretty content with my avatar in The Elder Scrolls Online. He looks cool, he's a badass with a crazy amount of useful combat and crafting skills, and he has a tremendous singing voice.One thing he can't do, however, is lean back and flip a coin like the NPC in the image up there. ESO does feature a couple of nifty wall-leaning emotes and plenty of other appealing fluff. But I want a coin and I want people to see me flipping it, dammit! What about you, Massively readers? Is there a certain NPC ability you crave for your character?
EVE Fanfest 2014: Economy talk highlights PLEX prices and reveals titan production statistics Posted: 01 May 2014 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Business Models, Culture, Economy, Events (Real-World), Guilds, PvP, Opinion, Events (Massively's Coverage), Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Crafting, Player-Generated Content, Subscription, MMORPG When we asked our readers to to pick the EVE Fanfest panel they most wanted to hear about, the most popular choice by a comfortable margin was Economy: Into the Second Decade. So today I popped in to hear what CCP's Lead Economist Dr Eyjo had to say on the year's biggest economic events and plans for the future. The talk started with the usual comparison of ISK sinks vs. ISK faucets, showing the various ways that ISK enters and leaves the game. Too much entering could cause rapid inflation, while not enough could cause economic collapse.A net value of around 20-25 trillion ISK is reportedly injected into the game each month, a level that Dr Eyjo insists isn't enough to cause any inflationary problems in the economy. The big focus of this year's economics talk was the destruction of around $270,000 US worth of Titan class supercapital ships in the recent Bloodbath of B-R5RB. Also on the table for discussion was the recent rapid increase in price of the 30 Day Pilot's License Extension (PLEX), an item that can be bought on the market for ISK and exchanged for game time. This can effectively make EVE free-to-play, but prices are now at over 700 million ISK and are starting to become prohibitive for some players. Read on for a detailed breakdown of CCP's entire economics talk from Fanfest 2014, including surprising stats on how many titans are built each quarter.
SOE compensates players for All Access issues Posted: 01 May 2014 06:45 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, EverQuest, EverQuest II, Events (In-Game), Free-to-Play, DC Universe Online, Giveaways, PlanetSide 2, Dragon's Prophet, Landmark Acknowledging that the recent switchover to the new All Access program has been "frustrating," SOE announced today that it will be compensating its playerbase for these issues.The studio will be handing out 50 replay badges to DCUO players, adding an additional week to seven-day Landmark closed beta keys, and triggering double XP weekends for Dragon's Prophet, EverQuest, EverQuest II, and PlanetSide 2. "The implementation of this new membership plan across SOE's game portfolio has been one of the most complicated updates to our billing system to date," SOE apologized in a post. "As fellow gamers, we know that this has been frustrating and we sincerely regret any inconvenience this has caused."
Today's Elder Scrolls Online AMA discusses bug fixes, housing, spellcrafting, and more Posted: 01 May 2014 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Bugs, Classes, Game Mechanics, Patches, News Items, The Elder Scrolls Online The Elder Scrolls Online's Paul Sage, Matt Firor, Rich Lambert, Brian Wheeler, and Nick Konkle descended upon Reddit today along with a bevy of community managers to run another ask-me-anything, perfectly timed after the release of this morning's release of ZeniMax's plans for the game in 2014. Here are just a few of the highlights:
[With thanks to tipster Leiloni!]
The Think Tank: Founder packs, exploitation, and choices Posted: 01 May 2014 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Business Models, MMO Industry, Opinion, Massively Meta, Miscellaneous, The Think Tank, Crowdfunding Free-to-play MMOs have learned at least one key lesson from crowdfunding: Some people will shell out huge amounts of money for pixels, far more than we've traditionally paid for industry-standard preorders and collectors editions. Most recently, Landmark, ArcheAge, Trove, and Transformers Universe have come under fire for offering pricey "founder packs" that provide a range of early access benefits, some of them significant, for what are otherwise F2P games.I polled the Massively writers for their take on this trend. Is it exploitative or just the reality of modern MMO funding? Continue reading The Think Tank: Founder packs, exploitation, and choices
Azeroth Choppers revs up to episode three Posted: 01 May 2014 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Video, News Items, Subscription You've met the teams. You've understood the concept. Now it's time to get to the exciting work of watching people build fantasy motorcycles for World of Warcraft characters to ride in the newest installment of Azeroth Choppers. This is the first stage of assembly, leading to the usual ramping drama that you see in any sort of reality show wherein someone runs out of something and everyone panics before more is obtained in a minute of screen time.If you've enjoyed the previous installments, you'll find more to like here, as both of the factional teams are feeling the pinch in time and one team loses a crucial member. This episode also gives the barest hints of what the bikes will look like in preparation for the first look for Blizzard at the end of the episode. Take a look past the break to watch the full show, and stay tuned for future installments. Continue reading Azeroth Choppers revs up to episode three
SMITE to offer new Nemesis ninja skin Posted: 01 May 2014 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Previews, News Items, MOBA Do you enjoy playing Nemesis in SMITE? Do you ever find yourself thinking that you'd much rather be playing the Greek personification of vengeance if she were dressed up like a Japanese ninja for no adequately explained reason other than the fact that ninjas are cool? Well, you're going to get your remarkably specific wish with the next major SMITE patch. (If you had hoped to see her dressed up as a Portugese milkmaid from the 16th century, we're afraid your pleas have gone unanswered.)So what does she look like in the new costume? We're glad you asked because otherwise you'd have no reason to click past the break and check out the video of the new Nemesis costume in action. So... you know, do exactly that. The patch is currently scheduled for early next week. [Source: Hi-Rez Studios press release] Continue reading SMITE to offer new Nemesis ninja skin
Neverwinter shows off new Black Ice armor sets Posted: 01 May 2014 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, Previews, Free-to-Play, Neverwinter Neverwinter's Curse of Icewind Dale is two weeks away, and the team at Cryptic hopes to whip up interest by showing off the new armor sets coming with the update.Module 3 will allow players to forge this new type of armor from black ice, a special material that they'll be picking up from quests and adventuring. There are two different types of sets that each class can make from it, Corrupted and Purified Black Ice armor, each with its own stat builds and the ability to be powered up for a limited time. The armor not only looks all cool and jaggedy but it will help protect characters from the new black ice damage that's also coming in the new area. The studio posted pictures of the armor sets for each one of the classes, a few of which you can check out after the break. Continue reading Neverwinter shows off new Black Ice armor sets
SOE updates Landmark, pushes back international Player Studio rollout Posted: 01 May 2014 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, EverQuest, EverQuest II, Contests, Economy, Patches, Free-to-Play, DC Universe Online, EverQuest Next, PlanetSide 2, Landmark It was the best of times for SOE and it was the worst of times. It was the season of glorious patches and of disappointing delays. It was also May 1st, in case you haven't checked your calendar.SOE delivered an update to Landmark's beta today, including claim feedback, chat improvements, new props, and the ability to teleport to other claims from the gallery view. The studio also launched its first competition, this one to create visually stunning landmarks for the game's environment. The competition will conclude on May 7th. Unfortunately, international players of SOE's library looking to partake in Player Studio goodness will have to wait a while longer: "Initially, we hoped to expand Player Studio to Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom on or before May 1st, but given the intricacy of the program and our recent launch of the new All Access Membership plan, we have decided to roll out international support for Player Studio at the end of May."
EVE Fanfest 2014: EVE Valkyrie demos gameplay, features Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff Posted: 01 May 2014 12:10 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, EVE Online, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, Lore, MMO Industry, New Titles, PvP, News Items, Consoles, Casual, Events (Massively's Coverage), Dev Diaries, Sandbox, MOBA, Virtual Reality Moments ago at EVE Fanfest 2014 in Reykjavik, Iceland, developer CCP Games revealed some exciting developments for its upcoming virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie. Among the announcements was the revelation that actress Katee Sackhoff (of Battlestar Galactica fame) will be starring as the voice of Valkyrie faction leader Ran. The Valkyrie faction is a breakaway sect of EVE Online's Guristas pirates that has become a mercenary outfit, using cloning and genetic enhancements to get an edge on the other pirate factions of New Eden. Sackhoff's character will be handing out missions to players in the final game and barking orders in your ear throughout each mission.Read on for our the highlights of the Valkyrie demo and Sackhoff's video missive to players.
Portions of RIFT's May cash shop proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders Posted: 01 May 2014 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, RIFT [Thanks Zuji!]
Guild Wars 2 begins Chinese open beta Posted: 01 May 2014 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Launches, Guild Wars 2, Buy-to-Play Guild Wars 2 has made in-roads with a significant MMO audience this week, as it has kicked off its open beta in China.While local publisher KongZhong is calling this a launch, it's technically the beginning of a two-week head start period before the full open beta commences in the region on May 15th. Guild Wars 2 is the first major MMO to use a buy-to-play business model in China, selling 500,000 copies during its pre-order period. Interestingly, the official press release admits to regional "doubts" as to the effectiveness of this model. All pre-order players are now able to check out the game during this head start period, with any future purchasers required to wait until the 15th to try it out.
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