


Elder Scrolls Online: Review in Progress Part 1

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 10:55 PM PDT

Review in Progress Part 1

The Elder Scrolls Online is easily the most anticipated and biggest MMO launch since Star Wars: The Old Republic. Many people probably wrote ESO off as another SWTOR in terms of hype and let down, but so far... I believe those people are mistaken. There are a lot of wonderful design choices in ESO, and plenty of bugs to grind an axe on. But one thing's prevailed: I'm having a lot of fun, and the rabbit hole keeps going deeper.

ArchLord: Sequel's Preregistration for Closed Beta Begins

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 04:39 AM PDT


Players interested in trying out Webzen's Archlore II will want to head to the official site to preregister for the closed beta set to begin in the very near future.

Guild Wars 2: Biggest Game Sale Ever Wraps Up Patch Reveal

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 06:47 PM PDT

Biggest Game Sale Ever Wraps Up Patch Reveal

As the final blog posts have been revealed on the Guild Wars 2 site that describe the Features Update that is set to deploy in game later this month, ArenaNet also unveiled the biggest game sale. Potential players can't find a better time to jump into the game with both the Digital Deluxe and Heroic editions of the game coming in at a cool 50% off.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Alpha Test Begins

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 05:11 PM PDT

Warlords of Draenor Alpha Test Begins

The World of Warcraft community site has been updated with the news that the Warlords of Draenor expansion alpha test has officially kicked off. In addition, the team has announced that the "MPQ" file storage system is going the way of the dodo in favor of a new file system called "CASC" (Content Addressable Storage Container).

General: Van Helsing 2: Monster Invasion Causes Slight Release Delay

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 04:06 PM PDT

Van Helsing 2: Monster Invasion Causes Slight Release Delay

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II will be delayed slightly due to what the development team is calling a "monster invasion". In a letter sent to subscribers, devs said that the extra time will give the team additional hours to polish the game even more in an effort to keep players "nailed to their seats".

Elder Scrolls Online: A Look at the Game Via the Numbers

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 04:01 PM PDT

A Look at the Game Via the Numbers

Bethesda has published a fascinating infographic to give players an idea of the sheer enormity of the game. In "Elder Scrolls Online By the Numbers", we are told that five million people registered for the beta, that someone offered their firstborn for a chance at beta participation, and that there are over ten thousand NPCs in the game, among other interesting tidbits. Click the image below to check out the full infographic.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: SWTOR Insider Details v2.7 'Invasion' Update

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 03:48 PM PDT

SWTOR Insider Details v2.7

The latest Star Wars: The Old Republic Insider takes players and fans inside the next update, v2.7. Called "Invasion", the update will feature a new level 55 flashpoints as well as a new Huttball map, a new operation and a new Galactic Starfighter mission. Check it out!

Wizard101: Get Your Free Random Elixir Gift Key Now!

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 03:12 PM PDT

Get Your Free Random Elixir Gift Key Now!

MMORPG.com has been given special gift codes for our users that will give 3 random elixirs in Wizard101! These special potions will boost your combat prowess, crafting genius, give you more xp and gold and so much more! Get your free code now while you can!

Shroud of the Avatar: First Anniversary Fete Planned

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 02:22 PM PDT

First Anniversary Fete Planned

The Portalarium team has a lot in store for fans, backers and players of Shroud of the Avatar. Monday, April 7th marks the first anniversary of the initiative that saw a wildly successful KickStarter program come to fruition. To celebrate the milestone, the team has tons of activities and opportunities for fans and potential backers of the forthcoming title.

Guild Wars 2: Guilds, World Bosses, Events & the New Megaserver

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 02:15 PM PDT

Guilds, World Bosses, Events & the New Megaserver

After yesterday's announcement of the new megaserver technology incoming with the next big update. The two blog posts talk about the implications of the megaserver on world events, world bosses and the guild system in Guild Wars 2.

ArcheAge: New FAQ Addresses Most Common Questions

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 02:06 PM PDT

New FAQ Addresses Most Common Questions

A new FAQ has appeared on Trion's version of ArcheAge. The FAQ seeks to answer the most common questions that players have about the game, including alpha access, regional issues and much, much more.

General: Mordheim: Warhammer Meets XCOM, Sort Of

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 05:32 PM PDT

Mordheim: Warhammer Meets XCOM, Sort Of

From its dark fantasy setting to its heritage as a tabletop miniatures wargame, the Warhammer franchise has always been a bit hardcore. Rogue Factor and Focus Interactive's newly announced third-person tactical strategy RPG, Mordheim: City of the Damned, certainly looks like it will fit that mold. With a gritty art palette, permadeath options, and player looting, Mordheim will aim to appeal to Warhammer fans and hardcore strategy gamers alike.

Elder Scrolls Online: Servers Down in Preparation for Launch Tonight

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 12:34 PM PDT

Servers Down in Preparation for Launch Tonight

It looks like Early Access is over, folks. Elder Scrolls Online's servers have gone down for one last bit of maintenance in preparation for the game's official launch on 4/4. However, the servers are scheduled to open back up later tonight... click through to see when.

Albion Online: Hands On the Alpha

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 05:31 AM PDT

Hands On the Alpha

Last week while many gamers were celebrating the release of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls another lesser known MMORPG was opening its doors for an alpha test. Sandbox Interactive, a developer based out of Berlin,Germany, allowed players trickle into their freshman effort, Albion Online. We got our hands on the game, and have our own first impressions to report.

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