


WildStar: The Gaffer Speaks - Part 1

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 05:57 AM PDT

The Gaffer Speaks - Part 1

Over the weekend at PAX East, we at MMORPG.com managed to snag an interview with one of the busiest people on the show floor, Carbine Studios' head honcho Jeremy Gaffney, aka the Gaffer. Given that a number of WildStar's biggest fans were unable to attend the convention, I thought it would be cool to reach out to them and other fans who were present to gather up some questions for the Gaffer, to truly make it more of a community interview rather than a standard press interview.

General: God of Destiny - English Version In Production

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 06:24 AM PDT

God of Destiny - English Version In Production

The God of Destiny MOBA is now in production for English-language speakers with the Chinese version headed for beta in the coming months. The team has released some new information about some of the more unique aspects of the title and the team behind it.

Landmark: Landmark Live Twitch Broadcast Slated for 4pm PST

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 03:38 PM PDT

Landmark Live Twitch Broadcast Slated for 4pm PST

Join the Landmark team today via the game's official Twitch.tv channel to check out the latest happenings from the beta as well as view player creations in game. The broadcast is scheduled for 4:00 pm PST / 7:00 pm EST today!

PlanetSide 2: Looking Ahead with Higby at PAX East

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 11:56 PM PDT

Looking Ahead with Higby at PAX East

We recently caught up with PlanetSide 2's Matt Higby at PAX East to discuss SOE's plans for the game this year. From Hossin to the Outfit captured bases, there's a lot coming to PS2 over the next few months. Read on!

Dark Age of Camelot: Team Kicks Off Steam Greenlight Campaign

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 01:17 PM PDT

Team Kicks Off Steam Greenlight Campaign

The Dark Age of Camelot team has officially announced that it has started a Steam Greenlight campaign in order to bring the title to the gaming platform. Fans are invited to head to the Greenlight page to vote.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: iPad Version Released Worldwide

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 01:11 PM PDT

iPad Version Released Worldwide

Thanks to eagle-eyed MMORPG.com user, Nadia, we now know that Hearthstone is now available for iPad in the United States and in other countries not included in the version released earlier this month. Previously, Hearthstone was only available in select countries. The US version of the game can be downloaded from iTunes.

Forsaken World: Blood Harvest to Feature New Class & Level Cap Increase

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 12:52 PM PDT

Blood Harvest to Feature New Class & Level Cap Increase

Perfect World Entertainment has announced that the next expansion to Forsaken World will include a new class and a level cap increase to 90. Players will also see two new skills added to each class and a new zone in which to adventure.

Age of Wushu: Weather Effects & Dynamic Events Previewed in New Trailer

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 12:46 PM PDT

Weather Effects & Dynamic Events Previewed in New Trailer

Snail Games has released a new trailer that shows off the forthcoming weather effects and dynamic events that will be incoming to Age of Wushu with the Tempest of Strife expansion. The expansion is set to go live later this spring. Check out the video and let us know what you think!

WildStar: In the Pink

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 08:59 AM PDT

In the Pink

A rocket ship of WildStar news came out of PAX East last weekend, but what does it all mean? In this week's column, Gareth Harmer breaks it down.

Elsword: Secret Dungeon: Temple of Trials Released

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 11:16 AM PDT

Secret Dungeon: Temple of Trials Released

Elsword players have a new dungeon to explore that is not-so secret any more. The Temple of Trials is part of the massive overhaul of the Secret Dungeon system for players level 60 and above.

Defiance: Arktech Revolution is a Revelation

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 06:33 AM PDT

Arktech Revolution is a Revelation

Trion World's Defiance continues to entice players with more DLC content, coming fast and furious since the studio reconfigured the live team last year. The fifth addition, Arktech Revolution, launched yesterday. We got the chance to talk with Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead on the game, about some of the boosts players will be getting as well as more upcoming content. Defiance has lots of plans and with season two of the show coming up, and Trick was happy to tell us where things are going.

WildStar: Jeff Kurtenacker Talks Nexus Music This Friday!

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 09:52 AM PDT

Jeff Kurtenacker Talks Nexus Music This Friday!

While our team spoke to the developers at PAX East, we've also arranged for an exclusive interview with game composer Jeff Kurtenacker. This Friday, at 4pm Eastern time (1pm PT), join us on www.mmorpg.com/streams.cfm as we stream an interview with WildStar's maestro while he takes us on a magical musical tour of his creations from within the beta itself. We'll be discussing his career and the process for how he composes for the world of Nexus.

Elder Scrolls Online: Adventure Zones as End Game

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 05:50 PM PDT

Adventure Zones as End Game

End Game, those two little words can spark major debates. What exactly constitute as "End Game" content? Is End Game content in a MMO raiding, clearing high tier level content, receive epic items as a reward? Or is it just added quest and story arcs that progress the overall game timeline? Perhaps it is Tri-Realm PvP content. Whatever you consider to be End Game, the Elder Scrolls Online has it.

World of Tanks: v9.0 New Frontiers Launches Tomorrow

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 08:15 AM PDT

v9.0 New Frontiers Launches Tomorrow

The latest World of Tanks patch will launch on Thursday. Called "New Frontiers", the v9.0 update brings a new game mode, enhanced graphics in all battle arenas, new graphics for tanks and in-game objects as well as new hi-def models for ten popular tanks.

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