


Darkfall: Unholy Wars: Recommitting to a Political & Economic Sandbox

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 08:04 AM PDT

Recommitting to a Political & Economic Sandbox

The Darkfall: Unholy Wars Facebook page has been updated with a new developer blog post that lays out the team's commitment to its original vision for a sandbox game that is driven by politics and economics. To further that goal, the post outlines several big changes to DF:UW including custom "mix and match" roles, a reworked economy, siege engines and much, much more.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: The Post-Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 05:56 AM PDT

The Post-Kickstarter Campaign

I've made it no secret that to me, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes represents some of the best raw potential that MMOs have to offer, even if the game's initial execution left a lot to be desired. That's why I've been excited by Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, the new MMORPG in development from Visionary Realms (VR), whose pedigree features the minds that brought us EverQuest 1 & 2, Vanguard, PlanetSide 1 & 2, Star Wars: Galaxies, and a whole lot more.

Guild Wars 2: Feature Pack, Largest Ever Game Update, Finally Arrives

Posted: 13 Apr 2014 06:59 PM PDT

Feature Pack, Largest Ever Game Update, Finally Arrives

The much-anticipated Feature Pack update for Guild Wars 2 has finally arrived. The pack brings overhauled systems, new features and several amazing quality of life enhancements into the game. This first feature pack begins a cycle of updates that will be specifically tailored to game systems and features. It is completely separate from the Living Story updates that will also continue as before.

Guild Wars 2: The Improvements We've Been Waiting For

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 06:46 AM PDT

The Improvements We

Today the first mammoth Feature Pack goes live in-game ANet gives us a Living Story break before season 2 begins (presumably next month when the game launches in China, I'd say). We had a great interview and demo of the new pack on the dev server with Colin Johanson and Jon Peters, which we've pasted past the break.

Age of Wushu: The Rootless Clan Revealed

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 06:29 AM PDT

The Rootless Clan Revealed

The Rootless Clan is the latest class reveal for the upcoming Age of Wushu expansion, Tempest of Storms. Members of the Rootless Clan are a network of eunuchs and murders who specialize in both melee and ranged combat using the power of speed to dominate and dispatch their enemies.

War Thunder: v1.39 Adds User Generated Content Support

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 06:21 AM PDT

v1.39 Adds User Generated Content Support

The latest War Thunder patch has been deployed that adds user generated content support, new missions and aircraft, an overhauled progression system and much more. Check out the video below for a full list of the major components of today's patch.

Borderlands 2: Final DLC Pack, Headhunter 5, Arrives Today

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 06:15 AM PDT

Final DLC Pack, Headhunter 5, Arrives Today

The final DLC for Borderlands 2 is available beginning today for $2.99. The team sets off for Wam Bam Island for a relaxing vacation in Headhunter 5: Sir Hammerlock Versus the Son of Crawmerax. The DLC will end with an encounter with the son of Crawmerax, a familiar Borderlands character from the original game.

Trove: Instant Access Begins At $20

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 04:57 PM PDT

Instant Access Begins At $20

Trion Worlds has announced that Trove is ready for the wider public to join the game. Players supporting the game at the $20 or higher level will receive instant access to the game. Other packages include the $5 (no instant access), $50 and $100 levels.

Warhammer 40.000: Eternal Crusade: Founder's Program Detailed

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 04:53 PM PDT


The latest newsletter from the Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade has arrived fresh in our mailbox. This month, the team details the creation of the Great Devourer and the team reveals the plan for the forthcoming Founder's Program.

Child of Light: Exploring the World of Lemuria

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 12:55 PM PDT

Exploring the World of Lemuria

As the April 30th release date for Child of Light nears, Ubisoft entices fans and potential players with a brand new video that centers around the game's world, Lemuria.

Elder Scrolls Online: Latest Ask Us Anything Focuses on Craglorn

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 12:49 PM PDT

Latest Ask Us Anything Focuses on Craglorn

The latest Ask Us Anything feature has been posted on the Elder Scrolls Online site. This time the team tackles player questions that specifically deal with the game's first adventure zone, Craglorn.

General: Transistor: A Beautiful, Story-Driven Experience

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 07:38 AM PDT

Transistor: A Beautiful, Story-Driven Experience

You wake up on the floor after a chaotic event, get up and go grab the huge JRPG-esque sword that's somehow....talking to you? Last year, at PAX East, one of my favorite things on the floor was Supergiant Games' Transistor. At that point, recently announced. The game blends genres, most prominently action RPG with strategy combat.This past weekend at PAX East I got the chance to demo the game, which will be released on May 20th.

World of Darkness: Development Stops, 50+ Atlanta Studio Employees Released

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 09:24 AM PDT

Development Stops, 50+ Atlanta Studio Employees Released

CCP Games has announced the cessation of production on World of Darkness. As a result of the stoppage, over fifty employees in CCP's Atlanta-based studio have lost their jobs. Remaining staff will be assigned to other positions on existing titles.

Black Desert: Party Game Play Shines in New Video

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 09:21 AM PDT

Party Game Play Shines in New Video

One of the more compelling features coming in Black Desert is party formation combat. The team has released a new video from the second closed beta phase that shows how this will work. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Guild Wars 2: Experience Tyria All Over Again

Posted: 12 Apr 2014 08:17 PM PDT

Experience Tyria All Over Again

I remember playing the Guild Wars 2 Beta, and entering my first event. Eight other players were in the area, and without needing to say a single word to each other, we grouped up and brought some justice in a small part of Tyria. I recently started a new character, and was in that same area, and the very same event popped up. I couldn't find a single other player near me. I wish things were like the early days, where exploring a new area was exciting. My wish may be granted!

Monkey King Online: Heading Straight to Open Beta

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 07:06 AM PDT

Heading Straight to Open Beta

After three weeks of alpha testing, R2Games has announced that its Asian MMO, Monkey King Online, will head straight to open beta with players able to immediately head to the new OBT server to make characters. According to the team, over the course of the alpha, the team has focused more on PvP, core elements and a more advanced UI.

Lord of the Rings Online: Shape-Shifting Beorning Revealed As New Class

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 07:52 AM PDT

Shape-Shifting Beorning Revealed As New Class

One of the things Lord of the Rings Online players are most looking forward to as 2014 wears on is the introduction of the first new playable class since Mines of Moira. In the latest LOTRO producer's letter, all is revealed with the announcement that the shape-shifting Beorning is coming soon. The rest of the letter details 2014's assertive schedule of meaty updates.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: PlayStation 4 Officially Launched

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 07:47 AM PDT

PlayStation 4 Officially Launched

Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn has officially launched. To celebrate the big day, the team has released a new game play trailer. Check it out!

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