ARGO Online CB First Look Posted: Hello everybody, today I bring you another first look for a older MMORPG called ARGO Online a steampunk MMORPG, this is another game that has been released once again on Usergames portal and closed beta will run for another week until 21 April 2014. All closed beta players will get a founder pack and a unique title in open beta. ARGO online is one of the first games to have a action type combat even though is primitive its still a plus and for the time this game was released was epic as no other MMORPG in 2008-2009 had Open World Action combat. For more info watch the first look video.  |
League of Legends: Reworked Rengar Champion Review Posted: Reworking old League of Legends champions seems to be all the rage these days and Rengar is the latest champion to have a full rework as part of the recently released 4.5 patch. According to statistics charts at and, Rengar's win rate has actually fallen since the patch was released. Rengar is played less than 10% of the time across all game modes. Let's take a look at some of the major changes and see why.  |
Android Players Are Invited to Join the Beta Test for The Shadow Sun Posted: The Silver Award-winning The Shadow Sun is an RPG that we waited a long time to arrive on iOS. Luckily, we weren't disappointed. But The Shadow Sun still isn't on Android. However, that's soon about to change, and with your help, it could be on Google Play in no time.  |
Nanbo's Phantasy Star Online 2 Review Levels 20 - 25 Posted: Hello all Mmositers, visitors, and all other creatures! Last I left you in Phantasy Star 2 Online we had discussed a few menu systems and general game play through a few starter maps I had unlocked. This article will cover the next 5 levels from where we left off up to level 25. We will discuss upgrading armor, crafting, pay options, guild features, and the evolution of character progress into level 25. I will also give a score of this experience. Last time I gave the game a score of 4.5 out of 5. Will this level bracket hold the same score experience? Drop? Raise? Read on!  |
BnS Mushin tower - Destroyer Skill Guide with Boss Defence Data Posted: This is a simple guide on clearing mushin tower with a destroyer. This is NOT a speed clear guide. The build i suggested are for beginners who need some suggestions of skill build for clearing this solo dungeon. After you are familiar with the boss moves, you would probably be able to customize your own builds.  |
Black Desert Formation Based Combat/Life Skills Preview Posted: Today we are checking Black Deserts new Formation based combat Trailer.For example, a group that arranges itself in a circle will boast higher defenses while a straight-line formation will boost the DPS of the lead avatar.  |
Magic Barrage Retro MMORPG Posted: Sometimes retro works in gaming. See Minecraft and Starbound for those examples. Here is another example of retro working. Magic Barrage at first almost made me cut it off. But I gave it a shot. And all my kid feelings from my Nintendo days flooded back. It made me feel like I was playing Zelda and Secret of Mana again.  |
Blacklight: Retribution Open Beta Is Now Available in Asia Posted: The time has finally come - IAHGames has announced the Open Beta for Blacklight: Retribution in Asia! Wage war with advanced weapons and technology in Blacklight: Retribution, a free-to-play, futuristic first-person shooter.  |
MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [04.14] Posted: Morning, dear MMOsiters~ Here is your Weekly Cosplay Highlight show, I've collected some hot cosplays. Hope this morning call will bring you a good beginning of the brand new week! Enjoy the show!  |
WoW: Draenei Female Model Update Posted: Blizzard already "introduced" the new female Draenei model a while ago, but as you might have noticed, it was just an April fools. Keep in mind that the model is still a work in progress, and currently it does not have any animations to pose her body or face.  |