ArcheAge Feature Guide: Housing and Farms Posted: As a companion to the Exploring ArcheAge livestream series, Trion Worlds would also like to introduce ArcheAge Feature Guides that dive into the topics covered on the livestream in higher detail.  |
How the League of Legends 4.5 Patch Affects Dominion Posted: Riot Games recently released patch 4.5 for League of Legends and it brought about a lot of changes that dramatically affect the Dominion game mode. Here are some of the changes from the 4.5 patch that will impact Dominion the most.  |
WoW: New Tauren Male Model Posted: A new episode of Artcraft revealed Blizzard's current work in progress, the newest tauren male model ! They shared a lot of screenshots and videos comparing both old and the new updated model side by side so that players have an inside look in the whole development process starting with bones, ending in animations.  |
Guild Wars 2 Guide to WvW Posted: A lot of players get involved with the World vs World without having a full understanding of how the rankings work within it. Each server has its own ranking, and who you will be fighting against will be determined based on your rank relative to that of others. Understanding how this works will help better understand why earning points is necessary, and why you should continue going for the most (or least) points you can during each match.  |
Steampunk MMO Argo online Beta 10th April Posted: The game was hosted by Alaplaya,now it's developed by Mgame and published by .Closed beta starts on the 10th of April 2014! Players are immersed in the on-going war between the protectors of the Earth, the Floresslah, and the descendants of noble blood, the Noblian.  |
Black Gold Online Exclusive MMOsite Review Posted: Black Gold is one of those games that tries hard to be different. In a lot of areas it succeeds. But it does have a few problems thankfully this is beta. So hopefully testers point out the issues. So they don't hang around in the finished version.  |
Nanbo's World of Tanks Review Posted: Hello all my mmosite readers, visitors, and all other creatures! I recently got back into World of Tanks to check out the post 8.0 changes. One of the major motivations to coming back was the news of the new physics model to be introduced in the future! We will be able to destroy more objects and act more.  |
Mystic Fighter First Look Posted: Hey guys I finally got this to work for me. And I know a lot of people miss Dungeon Fighter. So here is Mystic Fighter Korean Server. It's every ones dream who used to play Double Dragon like games. But like Dungeon Fighter it's in mmorpg settings  |
The Elder Scrolls Online, time to give it a spin... Posted: Hey peeps, The Elder Scrolls Online is finally here, it was released a few days ago and apparently is flooding with players from all over the place, I have to be honest, I got the game because I could lol! Right now what I was thinking on doing is simply play the game for a while and then post here how exactly I feel about that game in a daily or weekly basis...  |
Jumping C9 - Free Level 50 Character Giveaway Event Is Here Posted: To celebrate 5th anniversary of WEBZEN.COM, we would like to team up with our Media partners to give away FREE Level 50 Character for the dungeon-based MMORPG, CONTINENT OF THE NINTH SEAL (C9). When your character reaches level 20, you will receive a level 50 character as part of this promotion.  |
A newbie view to League of Legends Posted: I am not a huge fan of PvP aspects in games and that is a reason why I have not played MOBAs for such a long time. As the days pass by and I get tired of a game I like and crave for trying something else, I got talked into playing League of Legends for a little longer run than my First attempt on that game.  |
MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [04.08] Posted: Morning, dear MMOsiters~ Here is your Weekly Cosplay Highlight show, I've collected some hot cosplays on Tera, Silent Hill, Frozen, Hokage Ninjia, King of fighters and lots more. Hope this morning call will bring you a good beginning of the brand new week! Enjoy the show!  |
Mobile Reviews - Little Galaxy Posted: Little Galaxy is a heart warming and welcoming mobile game. I downloaded this game like two days ago and I have to say that the game is really cool and special on its own way. The graphics, the gameplay, almost everything feels right in this game.  |