Cut The Rope 2: Walkthrough & Guide & Cheats & Tips & Cheats Posted: Here, we have managed to gather all of the Cheats & Tips for the Cut The Rope 2 mobile game, available to download in both the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store.  |
The Storm MMO Show Episode 18 "Week 4/13/2014" Posted: All I can say this week is thank you. My views subs likes are all hitting all-time highs. If I knew why this week is better than any other. I would bottle it sell it and retire. But at any rate this week with the MMO Show. We have a mixed bag of fun and different items to show. You should say wow and find some goodies this week.  |
Blade & Soul CN Weapon Evolve Tree Updated with Pirate's Weapon (海盗武器) Posted: Required Materials: 17x Moonwater Evolve Stones, 570x Spirit Stones, 46x Grandpa's Souls, 50x Silver Coins, 100x Warrior's Badges, 39x Pohwaran's Perfumes & 17x Moonwater Refine Stones | 80x Mercury (Optional) | 78g (Non-VIP) OR 62.4g (VIP)  |
ArcheAge: 4 Races Character Customization Posted: I was asked to do this a long time ago. I finally sat down and did it tonight enjoy. Each races got their own video both male and female on each video. I did it as fast as I could each one is an average of 5 minutes. Because in most cases the videos I found took 10-20 minutes on it.  |
Hellgate Revisted Review For Nostalgia Posted: I was kind of shocked when someone requested I review this. Because I didn't even know this game still existed. To be honest it shouldn't it's really dated as a title. And this is more of an amusing all of us review. Let's do a bit of a history lesson on this.  |
WoW: Heartbleed Account Security Notice! Posted: A lot of websites are currently reporting vulnerabilities (dubbed the Heartbleed bug) discovered in OpenSSL, the encryption technology used by a majority of websites and/or online services like banks, e-mail providers and social media sites, to protect sensitive data as it's transmitted from users to web services.  |
My Top 10 F2P In Game music By "Rokwood" Posted: It's really hard to choose 10 songs from hundred of different mmos, of course there's some specific music which is a step above the others. Today I will show you my top 10. Feel Free to leave links with your Favorite F2P mmo songs.  |
Diablo: Kabala's Gambling Drop Rates! Posted: In Patch 2.0.4 the drop rate chance to get better loot from Kabala for Blood Shards has been increased via a hotfix.With Reaper of Souls released, a NPC has been added to the game that sells gear for all slots for Blood Shards.  |