TERA review: Why Gold Rewards Need to Be Nerfed Posted: One of the worst things to come with the introduction of TERA's free-to-play model is the addition of much more gold to the economy. The quest rewards have increased, the drops have increased, and there are even boosts to how much gold you get as a reward for quests. These have done considerable damage to the economy of the game, and the situation is only getting worse.  |
ArcheAge: New update to Reward Players for Open World PK Posted: ArcheAge Korea will be getting its version 1.2 update next week (16th April), and player rewards will significantly increased for both PvE and PvP. Along with the new trailer, other new stuff include maps, monsters, gears, farm products and more. The English server under Trion is now in the Alpha phase.  |
Mobile Reviews - Billiards Empire Posted: Billiards Empire is as you guess it, a game about pool. If you ever played the real thing in the real world, you have an idea of what we are going to get ourselves into. I am going to be really really honest with you, I only play the electronic versions of the real sport. So I am going to review this from the perspective of another player, playing another video game.  |
AION: Update 4.5 Brings the Aethertech to Europe Posted: Version 4.5 of multiple award winning fantasy MMO AION Free to Play launches today in all European language versions. The most striking addition of this update is the second class specialisation for the Engineer.  |
Elder Scrolls plans no Auction, Auction Forum Preview Posted: Auction Houses are a part of almost every MMO today,TESO decided to omit the AH,but they are adding an Auction Furum with specific features/functions.Personally I dislike Auction Houses,staling prices,I used to open my own shops in Lineage 2,Perfect World,Fiesta etc. .Players will be able to use Different colored WTB WTS WTT tags and more.  |
DN KR 9th Apr: Gladiator boost (again!), skill CD reduction plate change Posted: Black Dragon Memoria P3;Entry Level: 70;Entry ticket: Key to Black Nightmare (drop from BD Memoria P1 and P2);Party size: 1-4;Clear limit: 1 time;Drop: Dragon Scale, Dragon Inverse Scale, BDN Ticket, life essence, etc  |
Blade and Soul CN Open Beta: Pure Soul Ep.16 "Journey Montage" Posted: It's been a long road in Blade and Soul. I just wanted to post something highlighting the fun. I get a lot of love from BNS fans. I just wanted to do something fun for everyone. And with a great song to set the mood. Also the game is coming NA soon. Might even see closed beta soon for this game.  |
Yulgang Online CB First Look Posted: Hello everybody, today I bring you another first look for a older MMORPG called Yulgang Online, the is also known by the name of Scions of Fate. This game is being released by Usergames that also have few more games coming up pretty soon and as an interesting fact  |