MMO Updates |
- Marvel Heroes now featuring Team-Ups
- Working As Intended: There's nothing wrong with soloing in MMORPGs
- You can milk cows in Black Desert
- PAX East '14: Star Citizen and the DFM are 'more than just PvP'
- Smed confirms one Player Studio user earned $100,000
- The Daily Grind: What's your favorite MMO-related song?
- Perpetuum announces April 23rd Steam launch
- The Think Tank: Putting The Elder Scrolls Online's launch in context
- The Crew's five swappable classes, er, specs
- Let's all gape at Azeroth Choppers, a WoW motorcycle-themed reality show
- ArcheAge Korea adding XP for player kills, lots of other stuff
- Star Trek Online Season 9 is coming on April 22nd
- Elder Scrolls Online recommends third-party auction forum for trading
- Landmark replaces its trading post with the showcase
- The Stream Team: Strolling through Stros M'Kai in Elder Scrolls Online
- Venus Rising's internal alpha has started
- Age of Wushu's latest class sect features 'fatal musicians'
Marvel Heroes now featuring Team-Ups Posted: 11 Apr 2014 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, News Items, PvE, Free-to-Play, Marvel Heroes Gazillion has unveiled a new Team-Ups feature for Marvel Heroes. You can now recruit a few of your favorite heroes to battle by your side, according to the game's latest website update. Current Team-Up possibilities include Spider-man, Falcon, Firestar, and Magik. More heroes will be added "in the weeks, months, and years ahead," Gazillion says.Team-Up heroes have "their own unique set of skills and abilities," as well as a few other specifics that you can learn about by reading the FAQ. [Thanks Sounder!]
Working As Intended: There's nothing wrong with soloing in MMORPGs Posted: 11 Apr 2014 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Business Models, Economy, Game Mechanics, Guilds, MMO Industry, Opinion, Miscellaneous, Dungeons, Working As Intended A Massively community member recently wrote into the podcast to tell us that he prefers to solo, to craft for himself, to avoid group quests, and to skip guilds. Still, he told us, he loves MMOs and doesn't want to leave them to play single-player RPGs. "What the hell is wrong with me?" he asked.Nothing. Nothing at all. There's nothing wrong with soloing in MMORPGs. Continue reading Working As Intended: There's nothing wrong with soloing in MMORPGs
You can milk cows in Black Desert Posted: 11 Apr 2014 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items, PvE, Sandbox, Crafting, Housing, Black Desert Ready for another achingly awesome Black Desert trailer? That's good, because Pearl Abyss has released one that features "everyday life" in its action combat fantasy sandbox MMO.Activities on display include crafting, trading, mount taming, housing, camping, and even cow-milking. There's more, too, but you should really just click past the cut and see for yourself. [Thanks everyone who tipped us!] Continue reading You can milk cows in Black Desert
PAX East '14: Star Citizen and the DFM are 'more than just PvP' Posted: 11 Apr 2014 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Video, Events (Real-World), Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, PvP, News Items, PvE, Sandbox, Star Citizen, Buy-to-Play Chris Roberts took the stage at a backer-only pre-PAX event in Boston last night to show off some of Star Citizen's alpha dogfighting footage. Despite a few technical glitches, fans were able to get an extended glimpse of the game's first playable module, which Roberts said will likely release in a month or so.The dogfighting module will be presented as part of the in-universe fiction and thus will take the form of a space sim called Arena Commander which released to gamers in the year 2944. Players will load into the DFM through their pre-existing hangar module where they'll choose between five alpha game modes: Free Flight, Battle Royale, Squadron Battle, Capture the Core, and Vanduul Swarm (basically a horde mode). Cloud Imperium is including leaderboards and plenty of stats which will show up both on Star Citizen's web-based player and organization profiles as well as in the finished game. The upcoming module will also feature co-op capabilities along with PvE AI. "At the end of the day, for me, it's not all about combat," Roberts explained, "so if [combat's] not your thing you don't have to worry about it." Click past the cut to watch the full livestream. Continue reading PAX East '14: Star Citizen and the DFM are 'more than just PvP'
Smed confirms one Player Studio user earned $100,000 Posted: 11 Apr 2014 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: EverQuest, EverQuest II, Free-to-Play, EverQuest Next, PlanetSide 2, Player-Generated Content, Landmark, H1Z1 Talking to the hosts of Game Talk Live last night, Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley confirmed that a player has reached the $100,000 milestone for income earned on SOE's Player Studio.Player Studio allows users to create unique in-game items to sell on the SOE marketplace. When items sell in the marketplace, the user earns 40% of the sale price. Right now the toolset is only available in EverQuest, EverQuest II, and PlanetSide 2, but may release in future SOE games, including EverQuest Next and Landmark.
The Daily Grind: What's your favorite MMO-related song? Posted: 11 Apr 2014 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Culture, MMO Industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, The Elder Scrolls Online, Music We talk MMO soundtracks in depth here at Massively, but by and large our focus is on instrumental, orchestral, or electronic scores. Recently I've been setting my MP3 player on auto-repeat for a vocal track, though. It's called Beauty of Dawn and it comes to you courtesy of The Elder Scrolls Online and fan favorite Malukah, who rose to fame a couple of years ago on the strength of her Dragonborn cover.What about you, Massively readers? What's your favorite MMO-related song (or artist)? Continue reading The Daily Grind: What's your favorite MMO-related song?
Perpetuum announces April 23rd Steam launch Posted: 10 Apr 2014 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-Fi, Business Models, Launches, Free-to-Play, Perpetuum, Sandbox Avatar Creations' sci-fi sandbox Perpetuum might have a few years under its belt now, but that doesn't mean it's too proud to set up shop on Steam, and on April 23rd, that's exactly what it will do. In a dev blog posted today, the studio outlined what the Steam launch and gamma reset will mean for the existing playerbase:Those who already own the game are now able to link their Perpetuum and Steam accounts on our website and receive a free copy of the game on Steam. We have set up a new Account connections section under account management where you can do this. [...] Future purchases of Perpetuum on our website will not mean that you will also get a Steam key. Since Steam is not a requirement to access the game and will not give players any in-game benefits, we will still be offering Perpetuum through our own store as well.Perpetuum already dropped its subscription fee earlier this month in preparation for the relaunch.
The Think Tank: Putting The Elder Scrolls Online's launch in context Posted: 10 Apr 2014 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Bugs, Events (Real-World), Launches, New Titles, Opinion, The Elder Scrolls Online, The Think Tank, Subscription If you've been around the MMO industry long enough, you know that MMO launches rarely go smoothly for everyone. Some of them even crash and burn in such spectacular ways that veterans are still invoking their names a decade later. This week, I polled a few of the Massively staffers about the launch of the Elder Scrolls Online. How did it fare compared to some of the trainwrecks in MMO history?Continue reading The Think Tank: Putting The Elder Scrolls Online's launch in context
The Crew's five swappable classes, er, specs Posted: 10 Apr 2014 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Classes, Free-to-Play, Consoles, Miscellaneous What you call "classes" in other MMOs, The Crew calls "specs." There are five of them and they are swappable on the fly, offering the player control over his or her racing destiny.A new official blog post today details these five specs. Street specs are versatile jack-of-all-trade cars, Dirt specs are great for off-roading, Perf specs sacrifice maneuverability for speed, Raid specs are terrific for exploring rough environments, and Circuit specs are built for top-notch technical racing. If a player has not attained a certain spec yet and a mission requires it, the game will provide a loaner for the duration of the mission.
Let's all gape at Azeroth Choppers, a WoW motorcycle-themed reality show Posted: 10 Apr 2014 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Culture, Events (Real-World), MMO Industry, Previews, News Items, Humor, Miscellaneous We can't decide whether this is completely awesome or bizarrely terrifying, but because there really aren't adequate words for World of Warcraft's latest marketing stunt, I'll just let Blizzard explain it:Grab a front-row seat for the ultimate road showdown! Legendary custom motorcycle designer Paul Jr. has assembled two handpicked teams of bike experts to bring to life a pair of asphalt-kicking chopper designs inspired by World of Warcraft(R)'s two warring factions. Joining each crew on their epic quest are members of the World of Warcraft development team, on board to help to infuse the essence of the Horde and the Alliance into each bike. In the end, only one chopper will reign supreme as the undisputed king of Azeroth's roads in a winner-takes-all showdown voted on by World of Warcraft players around the globe.Get to da choppa already. And by the choppa I mean the trailer -- it's after the break. Continue reading Let's all gape at Azeroth Choppers, a WoW motorcycle-themed reality show
ArcheAge Korea adding XP for player kills, lots of other stuff Posted: 10 Apr 2014 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, Patches, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, ArcheAge, Sandbox ArcheAge may finally be getting on track in the West, but in its native Korea the fantasy sandpark title is already gearing up for its 1.2 update.Said update brings significant changes in the form of new crafting materials, new farm products, substantial XP boosts for open-world monster kills, and XP from player kills.
Star Trek Online Season 9 is coming on April 22nd Posted: 10 Apr 2014 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-Fi, Video, Patches, Star Trek Online, Free-to-Play Even though April 22nd has yet to happen, we have the time travel technology to see it because that tech is a dime a dozen in Star Trek. And on April 22nd, we can tell you with assurance that Season 9 will release in Star Trek Online to the wild split-finger salute of digital Trekkies everywhere.Season 9 will contain a new feature episode, a space battlezone, overhauls to the Undine content, improvements to kits, and more heads. More heads make for a better galaxy, we always say! To celebrate the imminent content update, STO is doling out bonus XP from April 14th through April 21st. Cryptic put together a trailer to help get everyone up to speed on the events leading to Season 9, which you may watch after the jump. Continue reading Star Trek Online Season 9 is coming on April 22nd
Elder Scrolls Online recommends third-party auction forum for trading Posted: 10 Apr 2014 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Economy, The Elder Scrolls Online, Subscription One of the more interesting omissions from Elder Scrolls Online's feature set is a lack of an in-game auction house, as the team preferred guild stores instead. But that hasn't stopped the fans from filling in the gap and even the developers from pointing players to the workaround.ZeniMax tweeted a recommendation today that fans check out TESO Elite's Marketplace forum as a facilitator of in-game trading: "Looking to buy, sell, and trade in-game goods and services in #ESO? Then @TesoElite's new marketplace is for you." The studio previously explained why it decided to omit an auction house from the MMO: "You don't necessarily want to do a global auction house for a game with one giant server because that generally leads to all the best gear being available at very, very cheap prices. A lot of times that can trivialize the game. You cannot have a healthy economy when there are no restrictions on getting the best stuff in the game."
Landmark replaces its trading post with the showcase Posted: 10 Apr 2014 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Economy, Patches, Free-to-Play, Sandbox, Crafting, Landmark Say goodbye to Landmark's trading post; the closed beta sandbox has replaced the old TP for a new and improved showcase. The showcase will not only sell items, but will allow players to vote in item competitions and browse through claims. SOE has even made the showcase available outside of the game for you work slackers out there.Today's Landmark update also contains an expansion of the claim system. Players now have the ability to own two root and three attached claims. While you're claiming choice spots left and right, you can check out the new pink lumicite crafting material and swappable hotbars as well.
The Stream Team: Strolling through Stros M'Kai in Elder Scrolls Online Posted: 10 Apr 2014 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, New Titles, Livestream, The Elder Scrolls Online, The Stream Team After checking out The Elder Scrolls Online's newbie island for the Aldmari Dominion, Massively's MJ cant wait to take her Redguard to the Daggerfall version, Stros M'Kai. Just think of all the pots, urns, and chests she can pilfer! Of course, any new adventure is better with friends by your side (usually to egg you on into doing something really crazy, but still!), so join us live in chat or in game at 3:00 p.m. EDT to be a part of the next step in a young Redguard's life.Game: The Elder Scrolls Online Host: MJ Guthrie Date: Thursday, April 10th, 2014 Time: 3:00 p.m. EDT Enjoy our Stream Team video below. Continue reading The Stream Team: Strolling through Stros M'Kai in Elder Scrolls Online
Venus Rising's internal alpha has started Posted: 10 Apr 2014 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Historical, Business Models, MMO Industry, New Titles, News Items Venus Rising, the MMO "where intense battle meets passionate lust," has launched its internal alpha. Foxysoft's ancient Rome-based title exceeded company forecasts for paid subscriptions over its first 10 days, and the game's initial alpha is expected to conclude either on May 15th "or at 500 total users."Foxysoft founder and CEO Alex Allen says that the firm is "relying on [its] users to really dive in and tell us what they want from the game experience for the beta release in Q4." The full press release is embedded after the break. [Source: Foxysoft press release] Continue reading Venus Rising's internal alpha has started
Age of Wushu's latest class sect features 'fatal musicians' Posted: 10 Apr 2014 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Classes, Expansions, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, Patches, PvP, News Items, Free-to-Play, Sandbox, Age of Wushu Snail Games has introduced yet another new sect slated to appear in Age of Wushu's Tempest of Strife expansion.The latest class addition is called Peach Blossom Island, and it's an archetype skilled in both ranged and melee combat. "These masters of art combine elegant music notes with lethal crowd-control moves to excel in group battles," Snail explains on its website. "For centuries, Peach Blossom Island has been an idyllic retreat for martial art experts and hermetic musicians. They are here to escape worldly concerns, and to bide their time until their services are needed once again. Trespassers come at their own peril; to arrive at Peach Blossom Island unannounced is to meet a swift death at the hands of a true master." Click past the cut to see a preview video of the class in action. Continue reading Age of Wushu's latest class sect features 'fatal musicians'
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