General: Can Funcom Blame Falling Numbers on Free-to-Play?

Posted: 08 Mar 2014 02:59 PM PST

Can Funcom Blame Falling Numbers on Free-to-Play?

This week, mega-publisher Funcom announced its profits were down considerably, and blamed the drop on heavy competition among free-to-play MMOs. While there's certainly a lot of noise out there these days, with a new MMO appearing every five minutes, the company's reasoning seems faulty. After all, isn't competition what free enterprise is all about?

General: Harry Potter MMO Put on Indefinite Hold, Site Disappears

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 04:49 PM PST

Harry Potter MMO Put on Indefinite Hold, Site Disappears

The unofficial Harry Potter MMO has been put on indefinite hold and the website containing information about the game has disappeared from the web. There is no real reason given for the shutdown, nor is any timeline given for when the game might resurface.

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