Black Gold New Submission: Dungeons & Instances Posted: Dungeons & Instances are arguably the most important form of PvE and group play in Black Gold Online.Players must form a small band of heroes to enter into the different Instances, exploring hidden passages and side-paths while defeating high level enemies and dodging traps, eventually defeating one or several major Bosses.  |
The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Review! Posted: In this video Zach Sharpes reviews The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot by Ubisoft. This Action RPG has had a lot of gripe for Pay 2 Win during its closed beta, as well as gameplay gripes, but did Ubisoft finally make this quest mighty? Find out in this edition of Level Up!  |
CrossFire: "Wave Mode" Goes Live Posted: CROSSFIRE's latest challenge, the "Wave Mode" has finally landed in CROSSFIRE SEA on the 4th of March 2014. Experience and explore different game play compare with other current FPS. The new patch including features like Classes, Destroying or Protecting Towers, Air striking, tri-lane and so much more, find out more details via official site:  |
Guild Wars 2: So We Are 80 What Now? - Ep.42 "End Of Scarlet?" Posted: It was quick it was fun now it's done. I don't know how I feel about all of that. We know Scarlet was being used. I did feel bad until she got rolled. Now I'm like yea new big bad guy. It's more interesting then Scarlet so yea don't miss her. We all knew what it was any way thanks to the week of spoilers.  |
ArcheAge RU Guide How to Buy Premium Account with Credit Card or PayPal Posted: For those of you who are wondering what does the Premium Account offers, here is a short description.Premium account will allow you to build houses and farms (options that aren't available with the free account), you will get 5 working points every 5 minutes even if you are logged out and the WP pool is set to 5000 points (with the free account you get only 1 point every 5 minutes if you are logged in and the pool is limited to 1000 points).  |
BnS KR New Hero Dungeon: Sunken Pirate Ship Posted: A new hero instance for level 50 cap, Sunken Pirate Ship was updated in Blade and Soul Korea recently.The entrance of the instance is located, surprisingly at the low level area, Emerald Village. The following video are shared by korean players and the info are translated by 17173 and duowan.  |