


World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Launch Party: Interview with Denny Thorley

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 06:20 PM PST

Xbox 360 Launch Party: Interview with Denny Thorley

Yesterday we posted the chat we had about this week's 360 World of Tanks launch with Wargaming CEO Victor Kislyi and Microsoft Games Studios GM Matt Booty. Today we round out the conversation by relating our discussion with Denny Thorley, General Manager of Wargaming's Chicago office.

WildStar: Chief Sarcan's Guide to Paths

Posted: 22 Feb 2014 02:47 PM PST

Chief Sarcan

Paths are WildStar's way of adding depth to your character and give you unique content based on the way you like to play. We have four possible paths to choose that will give you a variety of content to do alongside your normal questing which in turn provides you a number of rewards. Picking a path is required at Character Creation; however doing the content is optional. You can't currently change your path, once selected, it is now a part of who you are.

Seven Seas Saga: Get Your Free $10 Calypso Treasure Pack Now!

Posted: 22 Feb 2014 09:39 AM PST

Get Your Free $10 Calypso Treasure Pack Now!

MMORPG.com is very pleased to present Calypso's Treasures! We have partnered with gamespace.com to give away 500 gift keys valued at $10! Get your key now!

ArcheAge: MMOZG.net Interviews Jake Song Ahead of Russian Beta Start

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 03:35 PM PST

MMOZG.net Interviews Jake Song Ahead of Russian Beta Start

Today marks the commencement of the localized Russian ArcheAge open beta. As part of the preparation for the big event, XLGames' Jake Song was in Moscow and our friends at MMOZG.net were allowed time with him for a rapid-fire ten minute interview. We have been given permission to post the English translation of the interview here at MMORPG.com.

Star Citizen: Next Great Ship Announced: The Mustang

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 11:37 PM PST

Next Great Ship Announced: The Mustang

The Star Citizen team has released the next video in a series called "The Next Great Ship". This time, the Mustang is revealed. The ship's concept artist is interviewed and the video features tons of artwork and more. Check it out and let us know what you think!

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