


World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Launch Party: Interview with Victor Kislyi & Matt Booty

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 05:54 PM PST

Xbox 360 Launch Party: Interview with Victor Kislyi & Matt Booty

This week marked the launch of mega-multiplayer hit World of Tanks on Xbox 360. At an event held in downtown San Francisco, we sat down for a chat with two of the main players behind the launch and asked them about appealing to a console audience, Wargaming's growing pains, and the pitfalls of meteoric success.

WildStar: Legend of Kel Voreth

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 03:09 PM PST

Legend of Kel Voreth

Nestled in the bottom corner of Auroria lies the Ruins of Kel Voreth, one of WildStar's earliest dungeons. Besides being a place for the slaughter, this Osun stronghold contains a hefty amount of hidden lore. As part of his ongoing adventure through Nexus, Gareth Harmer reveals more about this barbaric race and their ties to the mysterious Eldan.

Marvel Heroes: Training Day Update Arrives

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 11:33 PM PST

Training Day Update Arrives

Gazillion Entertainment has announced the release of the latest update to Marvel Heroes Online. With "Training Day", players now have access to a special holodeck that features a gauntlet-style survival mode to help players hone their battle skills. In addition, both Daredevil and Human Torch have been spruced up in both look and play. Lastly, important changes were made to items, crafting and loot.

Bless: Beta Days 1 & 2 Detailed with Game Play Videos

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 11:26 PM PST

Beta Days 1 & 2 Detailed with Game Play Videos

The Steparu.com team has posted a pair of massive previews of the Bless Online Closed Beta. The articles not only feature insightful comments about what the writer has experienced, but also, and most significantly a ton of great game play videos to show off the look and feel of the forthcoming title.

EverQuest Next: Landmark: Need a Grappling Hook? Enter & Win!

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:36 PM PST

Need a Grappling Hook? Enter & Win!

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that it will be giving away twenty-five prime EverQuest Next: Landmark grappling hooks during the forthcoming weekend. All fans need to do is enter to win. The grappling hook will only be usable during the EQNL alpha test.

World of the Living Dead: Stress Test Ends, Live Service Begins

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:30 PM PST

Stress Test Ends, Live Service Begins

Zombie killers take note! The launch day for World of the Living Dead has arrived and 10,000,000 zombies have been unleashed on Los Angeles County, California. To celebrate today's launch, Ballardia has released a new trailer and a pair of blog posts to help ease players into the game and to get them excited for what is in store.

ArcheAge: Trion Returns from Korea & XLGames Visit

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:16 PM PST

Trion Returns from Korea & XLGames Visit

Trion Worlds has updated the ArcheAge site with a new blog post that details the team's trip to Korea to visit XLGames, developers of the forthcoming MMO. The two teams spent time discussing the game and efforts to bring a quality Westernized version of ArcheAge to this side of the Pacific. In addition, this little tidbit dropped during the discussion of free-form play: You can be a Sky Pirate.

WildStar: Stormtalon's Lair: The Birth of a Corrupted God

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 02:53 PM PST


At the end of the valley we discover a pier like wooden structure which clearly extends deep into a cave. A swirling blue mist covers the cave entrance and if you continue, you are given the standard Dungeon Difficulty options: Normal, Veteran and Rally the Instance Level popup. You have discovered a Dungeon entrance and need to decide how you will enter.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Videos Surface After Preview Event

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:09 PM PST

Warlords of Draenor Videos Surface After Preview Event

Blizzard has taken the World of Warcraft show on the world in both Korea and Europe. As a result some new information, including a trio of game play videos, has surface to give players a great look at some of the new features, content, character models and more that can be found in the forthcoming Warlords of Draenor expansion due out later this year.

Rift: Premium Mounts Going Account Wide

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 01:51 PM PST

Premium Mounts Going Account Wide

Trion Worlds has announced that all of Rift's premium mounts will now be available to all characters on a player's account. To celebrate the big change, all Rift mounts will be on sale from today through February 23rd at a hefty 25% off.

PlanetSide 2: Amerish Revamp Completed

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 01:39 PM PST

Amerish Revamp Completed

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the PlanetSide 2 revamp of Amerish is now complete. Players fighting on Amerish will see lots of big improvements, including new base layouts and implementation of the Lattice System. "The Lattice System has been implemented, which includes repositioning of outposts and roads to optimize map flow."

Diablo 3: Paragon 2.0 Revealed

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 01:32 PM PST

Paragon 2.0 Revealed

The Diablo III website has been updated with a new blog post that lays out in great detail how the Paragon system will change when the Reaper of Souls expansion goes live next month. Alterations in the Paragon system will be available to all players whether or not the expansion is purchased.

General: ESO vs Wildstar: NDA Free Edition

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 03:49 PM PST

ESO vs Wildstar: NDA Free Edition

Welcome back to Player Versus Player, your bi-weekly foray into the world of MMO debate! This was a week of free speech and strong opinions. Zenimax finally saw released the NDA keeping Elder Scrolls Online fans silent and the internet has erupted is review. Our authors are free to speak their minds, we're back for a revisit. Which game will win the day: Wildstar or Elder Scrolls Online?

Eldevin: Amazingly Good Stuff in a Browser MMO

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 03:22 PM PST

Amazingly Good Stuff in a Browser MMO

When Bill Murphy asked if I would review Eldevin by Hunted Cow, I first took a quick look at the website. I read the words "Story Driven" and was sold. I expected a slow casual romp and told him so. He agreed. So Sylvene was born in Eldevin.

Dark Souls II: A Peek Inside a Wonderful Wicked World

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 03:39 PM PST

A Peek Inside a Wonderful Wicked World

Earlier this week we were given the opportunity to play Dark Souls 2, From Software's upcoming sequel to the critically acclaimed Dark Souls. For those unfamiliar with Dark Souls it is a fantasy 3rd person RPG with a punishing learning curve based on trial and error. In today's 3 hour preview session of Dark Souls 2 I died more than 50 times, several of which were in the tutorial zone.

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