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MMOGaming News

Nanbo's Phantasy Star 2 Online Sign Up Guide


Nanbo's Phantasy Star 2 Online Sign Up Guide

I am about to start a Phantasy Star Online Review levels 1-10. Before I do so, I wanted to share a sign up guide for those interested in playing. It may look difficult on the surface, but it is really simple (more simple than the problems I had with some main stream titles) once in. It does take reading and comprehension skills more than it does patience. I was up and running in 20 min.

The Elder Scrolls Online PVE Beta Review!


The Elder Scrolls Online PVE Beta Review!

In this video, Zach Sharpes dives into this years most anticipated MMORPG the Elderscrolls Online by Zenimax Online Studios. This MMORPG, set in the Elderscrolls universe features action combat in the open world, but does it deliver the Elderscrolls charm we all expect? Find out!

MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [02.24]


MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [02.24]

MMOsite Morning Call here to meet with you again. This week we also have a great many of awesome cosplays, let's take a look together.

Hearthstone: Know Your Lore: Anduin Wrynn


Hearthstone: Know Your Lore: Anduin Wrynn

Anduin, the son of Varian Wrynn, the King of Stormwind, is behind the Priest class in upcoming game Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. After previewing Valeera, Gul'dan & Rexxar, here's the fourth instalment that introduces you to the character's lore.

League of Legends - Why I love ARAM and hate the 5v5 of Summoner's Rift


League of Legends - Why I love ARAM and hate the 5v5 of Summoner's Rift

Today I'm going to share just an opinion of why I love ARAM way more than 5v5 of Summoner's Rift. Sure there's more strategy and tactics involved as well as picking in 5v5 than Summoner's Rift. That's great and all but I'm trying to have a good fun time here.

STAR WARS: Attack Squadrons MMO Closed Beta First Look


STAR WARS: Attack Squadrons MMO Closed Beta First Look

I didn't know what this was in my email. I thought I was invited to a closed beta for Swtor. But what it really was is a totally new browser mmo for the franchise. So I gave it a spin and had a little fun. The game centers around Star War's space battles. You can have dog fights one and one. And team dog fights for more fun.

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