Diablo: Reaper of Souls Available, March 25, 2014 Pre-purchase Now! Posted: Diablo III's first expansion entitled Reaper of Souls is now available to pre-order via the Battle.net Shop. Only digital versions of the game can be pre-purchased. While Diablo III. was available for free to everyone, who has subscribed to the Annual Pass (12 month subscription to World of Warcraft), this expansion needs to be purchased. There are two editions:  |
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Closed Beta Review Posted: Hearthstone is a free to play card game created by the guys at Blizzard. The cards in the game are based on characters from the Warcraft universe and for some reason, the artwork reminds me of Magic: The Gathering. While Hearthstone seems like an interesting game, it takes a while to get started due to how new cards are obtained.  |