Aura Kingdom Introduced Unique Battle Companions -- Eldolon Posted: Many of us have pets in our real life, so a companion in a game makes us feel the same way. Here's an unique battle companion named 'Eldolon' introduced for the highly anticipated MMORPG -- Aura Kingdom. Gaia's power manifests itself in many ways, but none so majestic as the enigmatic creatures known as Eidolons.  |
Five Dominion Tips for League of Legends Posted: Dominion is a much different game mode compared to Summoner's Rift. Rather than just trying to kill your opponents and destroy their Nexus, you have to capture and defend control points until the other team's Nexus eventually runs out of health.  |
"Next Gen" MMO HeroWarz to Kick Off Live Beta Test on Dec.10th Posted: Korean Diablo style 'next gen' MMORPG Hero Warz is going to kick off Live Beta Test(LBT) on December 10th. Players can sign up for the test at the official website from Nov.22nd to Dec.8th.  |
Guild Wars 2 Champion Farming Guide (November 2013) Posted: Hey beautiful people, this is my second Guild Wars 2 guide, and just like the last one, it's really just aimed towards new players or players making new characters. It's a level 20+ guide, but does recommend the second person be level 80.  |
League of Legends Season 3 World Championships Draws in 32 Million Viewers Posted: According to Riot Games' latest press release, they have tallied the global viewership numbers from last month's League of Legends Season 3 World Championships and revealed today that more than 32 million fans watched SK Telecom T1 earn the Summoner's Cup in front of a sold-out Staples Center.  |
NCsoft Revealed The Initial Tease of The New Race - Ertheia, Coming To NA in 2014 Posted: You might have known the upcoming race to Lineage II - Ertheia. Today NCsoft revealed the initial tease of the race to players in the press release. While a lot is still unknown about Ertheia and the impact they will have on the world, it can be rightly assumed that they will be quickly drawn into the ongoing conflict in Aden. Players can plan to experience everything the mystical race offers when it debuts in North America in 2014 as part of the Lineage II 10th Anniversary celebration.  |
Dragon Nest KR 20th Nov 2013: Assassin PVP Nerf Posted: A relatively small update. Buff icons can be displayed up to 20. And Assassin skill changes (PvP only).  |
Dragon Nest KR Black Dragon Preview - Coming December 2013 Posted: Dragon nest korea official site has just updated a new teaser for the new 8-man raid Black Dragon Nest, expected to be updated in Dec 2013.  |
Guild Wars 2 'Fractured' Update Delve Into the Fractals of the Mists Posted: ArenaNet has announced the latest Guild Wars 2 content update, Fractured, featuring changes to the Living World that players voted for in-game earlier this year. You can delve Into the Fractals of the Mists in Fractured, the update will go live on November 26,2013.  |
Blade and Soul: Exclusive China Localised System and Content Posted: Thanks to the China Content Localisation Team, we will be able to enjoy more unique content on the China Server in the near future. As you can see from the above image, you can earn Honor Points to exchange for titles. You can now invite players to a pvp match by clicking on this icon.  |
A Crazy Gaming PC You Never See Posted: The PC Gamer team sets out to build the greatest gaming PC, the Large Pixel Collider, the most inspiring, dangerous, and liver-damagingly potent PC we've ever built.  |
WoW: Warlords of Draenor: PvP Things to Come! Posted: In Warlords of Draenor, some nice additions and changes are being implemented in terms of PvP. User-Interface improvements, new challenges and powerful rewards!  |