MMOsite Exclusive Interview with Kings and Legends Global Posted: Kings and Legends Global is a brand new type of game which combines elements of original trading card games and adding tactical combat elements, it's an exciting new way to play!Here is the MMOsite Exclusive Interview with Kings and Legends, check it out!  |
League of Legends Champions Concept Art Posted: The various League of Legends champions are not designed by one person. Many outstanding artists create the characters we are seeing now. Their differentiated design makes each champion differ from the others.  |
World of Tanks Wants to Hang out with You at E3 Posted: As the pace of E3 Wargaming coming closer, Wargaming is inviting tankers for a date. They'll be in the greater Los Angeles area for E3 during the week of June 11th and they want to hang out with you! Be sure to visit the forum thread here and RSVP if you're intersted in coming.  |
Minecraft: Pocket Edition 0.7.0 Update Has Arrived with Realm Creation Coming Next Week Posted: You may have to wait for the iOS version of Minecraft: Pocket Edition, but you don't have to wait for the 0.7.0 update for Minecraft: Pocket Edition, because it has arrived after about a month of delays due to bugs. The wait has come to end now.  |
Granado Espada to Release Three Female Characters Posted: This June, Redbana will be releasing three of Granado Espada Online's Femme Fatales, such as the beautiful and dangerous Valeria Vendetta and the chance to get another Sharon and Grandies.When the harsh light of truth shines upon her past, the castaway princess Valeria sheds her naïveté and innocence to fulfill a new goal: revenge.  |
Nintendo Gave Leaked Game for E3 2013 Posted: E3 2013 will soon be held, and Nintendo are ready to disclose anything via E3 Nintendo Direct. According to Nintendo, they will start the presentation on June 11, followed by the trailer, interviews and much more. Here is the silhouette game that will be showcased at the upcoming E3.  |
Arcane Saga Is Now Live - Level Up, Gear Up, Step Up! Posted: The fast-leveling, no-grinding MMORPG world of Arcane Saga is now officially open to everybody! Arcane Saga is a previously known as Prius Online. The refreshed game offers players all-new content and features designed to appeal to today's MMORPG fan. Interested gamers should take action right now to play the game!  |
Marvel Heroes Deadpool Hero Overview! Posted: Zach Sharpes examines Deadpool in the early levels of Marvel Heroes. He examines the power trees, and also demonstrates what the gameplay is like and what he thinks of it!  |
Madfinger Games Officially Announces Dead Trigger 2 Posted: Madfinger Games has officially announces Dead Trigger 2, which is the sequel to Dead Trigger. In addition, they have released some screenshots and a trailer to show their new tilte.  |
Trion Details RIFT Update 2.3: Empyreal Assault Posted: Trion has posted a preview page for RIFT's latest update, patch 2.3 Empyreal Assault. Update 2.3 marks the games conversion to free-to-play and adds a massive new zone called Dendrome which introduces new raid bosses, a new Chronicle called Queen's Gambit, a new Silver called Grim Awakens and Strongholds.  |
Playssesions: Warframe - All New Prime Gear Posted: Hello people I'm Spammie and today I'm making a small video showing you all the prime gear that can be found in void missions.  |
Beautiful Flowers in Dragon Nest Posted: Dragon Nest is not only a game that you can enjoy the exciting gameplay, it is also a nice place to appreciate beautiful scenes. How many of you have noticed the beautiful flowers in DN?  |
Eve Online - Odyssey! The Best Expansion Yet... Posted: Hey peeps, I dont know what you people think but I am convinced that Odyssey is the best expansion ever released in eve online.  |
Granado Espada : Tips for Newbie Posted: Granado Espada is known for its unique MMORPG features such as the ability to control 3 characters simultaneously or what we call Multi-character control (MCC).  |
SMITE God Reveal - Athena, Goddess of Wisdom Posted: Today, Hi-Rez Studios have released a new update for SMITE that includes their latest god Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. A new video has been released featuring the venerable Athena that sheds light on her historic background and how she appears in the game.  |
The Future of Guild Wars 2 World vs. World Posted: A new developer update discusses the current state of Guild Wars 2's World vs World system and what Arenanet plans for it in the future. Focus so "smart" play over zerg tactics is discusses as well as changes to current siege weapons and the introduction new siege weaponry to rebalance currently play.  |
Soul of the Ultimate Nation Shut Down Posted: Shortly after the announcement of branding changes to Gala-Net, Webzen has revealed that the final month of SUN: Soul of the Ultimate Nation begins now. The cash shop was closed earlier today and full service will be terminated on July 4th.  |
District 187: Sin Streets Adds Flare for the Summer Posted: The latest update, "Blackout," adds a new team death match map, two blonde female characters packing loads of gameplay bonuses and hot pink weapons to add some flavor to summer shooting. Interested players can join the fast-paced, close quarters combat in D187 by signing up for free on the game'sofficial website.  |
Dragon Nest 2.0: Return of the King - 13th June Grand Open Posted: Today (5th June 2013) the Dragon Nest Korea website has been given a fresh new look. A big announcement have been made at the top of the new webpage as well: "Dragon Nest 2.0: Return of the King - 13th June Grand Open! D-8"  |
The Elder Scrolls Online Interview - Draw Non-MMO Players into the Fold Posted: Game Reactor has published another Matt Firor interview from last week's pre-E3 Elder Scrolls Online preview event. The ZeniMax game director had plenty to say about the game world, the social design elements, and the team's desire to draw in players who may not be MMO fans.  |