DotA 2 Is Transitioning Into Launch Mode Posted: Valve is now approaching the two year anniversary of Dota 2's limited release, so the team is busy preparing for the launch of the game. However, according to the latest official blog, this time Valve is going to take a different approach to the launch of Dota 2 than previous titles.  |
ArcheAge KR Free To Play - How It Works Posted: With the free-to-play charging mode becomes the mainstream of game industry, more and more highly anticipated games have joined the free-to-play team. Today we focus our attention on ArcheAge's free-to-play mode which will be carried out next month in Korea.  |
MMOsite 8th Anniversary Event Part Ⅲ: Show Your Graffiti Creativity! Posted: Does everybody remember the April Fool's Day event: Let's join the painting world? Are you longing for more graffiti events huh? We shouldn't suppress our creative inspiration, just unfold it here! MMOsite 8th anniversary event give the stage to you, just come and join the the graffiti creativity!  |
Next RIFT Expansion Details - Plane of Water Posted: During a live stream Trion revealed some big information about RIFT's upcoming expansion, companions, item advancement and new souls.  |
Dungeon Striker Unveils New Class Dreadnought Posted: The Korean action MMORPG Dungeon Striker is soaring in the weekly top 10 Korean game list recently with its open beta in full swing. Developed from the same company of Dragon Nest, Dungeon Striker is known for the cute version DN. And the latest class Dreadnought is released to the game.  |
Developer Interview Discusses What's New In the Aion 4.0 Posted: 4.0 is close to hit NA servers and many people have a lot of questions about it, so Massively had an interview with developer Seunguk Baek to discuss these topics. There will be an updated crafting system and changes to neutrals zones. Here is the full article.  |
League of Legends - The "Leagues" of Legends Posted: I'm pretty huge on e-sports; it's amazingly fun to watch and e-sports directly come from the game its self supporting a competitive automated ladder. Recently (well not recently any more) you may have noticed that the new "Leagues" system is incredibly similar to Starcraft 2's ladder system. I've been saying for years that SC2's ladder system is what drove me to compete even if what was to Low-diamond.  |
Age of Wushu(CN) Introduced New faction and Character Trading System Posted: After the reveal of Palace of Moving Flowers, Rootless Clan, and the school-less factions, Snail Game announced the 4th new faction coming to the Age of Wushu CN server, Villa of the Beasts (万兽山庄) which is founded by brothers and hidden deep within the wilds.  |
Dragon Nest Arrow Shower EX: Damage Calculation and DPS Analysis Posted: Arrow Shower EX is the lv70 EX skill for sniper. I have not played sniper before, but i has received a few request to translate the damage calculation as reported by Half Sugar in his recent investigation (see Ref 1).  |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Beta Screenshot Video Montage II Posted: Last week we share you guys with the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta screenshot video montage by 2pixelwide at Youtube, today the guy brings us the part II of the beta screenshot on Playstation 3. Due to the NDA in FFXIV, we can only enjoy the screenshots and narration by 2pixelwide. FFXIV lovers can definitely get a look at the video below!  |