Legend of the Condor Heroes: Zero: New Features Briefed for Action Posted: Perfect World China previewed the final set of features a couple of days back for Legend of the Condor Heroes: Zero, and there are some elements of change which certainly are new to the usual template by the developer.  |
Episode 2 Update Coming to Phantasy Star Online 2 Next Month Posted: SEGA has revealed some information about the next expansion coming to Phantasy Star Online 2, which is known as Episode 2 to be launched July 17th, 2013. It will bring a new race, new weapon category, and a new planet. The whole update consists of three parts which is supposed to be finished in December.  |
Official English Website for Black Gold Online Goes Live Posted: Snail Game has announced that offcial English website has gone live for its new title: Black Gold Online. The China server has just started its debut test, while it seems that Snail Game doesn't want slow down their paces to the West.  |
Win Back Your Kingdom - Kingz Online First Test Overview Posted: Kingz Online, in which players need to cultivate their ability and try to win back their lands. Developed and published by Logiworks in Korea, Kingz Online's first team test has started on May 30 and ended on June 2. So here is a brief overview of this test.  |
League of Legends Cosplay Show Posted: Here I collect several different cosplay of League of Legends champions, including Akali, Katarina, Annie, Nidalee, Vayne, Leona and Lux. Both of them are awesome and particularly attractive. Take a look below and tell us which one is your favorite.  |
Top Five Android Games Weekly Posted: This week is pretty a big week for Android Games: Minecraft: Pocket Edition finally gets 0.7.0 Update, while Square Enix launches Final Fantasy IV on Google Play. Besides, the famous MMO Queen's Blade releases its mobile game. However, what excites gamers are more than that. Let's look into the Top Five Android Games Weekly to find out more:  |
A 15-year-old Critique of the Game Industry That's Still Relevant Today Posted: "The game business has succumbed to High Concept Disease." Till now, 2013, do you think the game industry has been really improved? As E3 2013 is just around corner, could we expect new light?  |