


General: Game On Podcast - Sexism in MMOs

Posted: 13 May 2013 08:12 AM PDT

Game On Podcast - Sexism in MMOs

Welcome to episode 07 of Game On: Epic Slant Press Edition! This week we tackle the big topic of sexism in gaming, why white knighting isn't all it's cracked up to be, and how Penny Arcade's podcaster Kickstarter might just break the site. Reminder: Leave a written 5-star iTunes review for your chance to win a copy of Defiance and tune in next week to see if you've won!

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cathar, Update 2.1 & Free To Play

Posted: 11 May 2013 05:22 PM PDT

Cathar, Update 2.1 & Free To Play

The latest series of updates to Star Wars: The Old Republic have been interesting ones from players. In addition, good news about the F2P transition was revealed during an investors' meeting recently. We caught up with Cory Butler to find out more. Read on and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

General: Check Out This Week's Live Stream Action

Posted: 13 May 2013 06:36 AM PDT

Check Out This Week

The MMORPG.com Live Stream schedule for this week has been posted and it's packed with awesome action from some of the day's hottest games. Be sure to find the stream you're most interested in and then log in at the appointed day and time!

Diablo 3: Gold Exploit Profits to Be Donated to Charity

Posted: 13 May 2013 06:25 AM PDT

Gold Exploit Profits to Be Donated to Charity

Blizzard has chosen a classy path to take care of the recent Diablo III auction house upheaval due to an exploit found after the release of the v1.08 patch. Rather than a wholesale rollback of the servers, ergo penalizing all players, the team has opted to remove the 415 players utilizing the exploit and will donate any profits made to charity.

Guild Wars 2: NCSoft Earnings Up Due to GW2

Posted: 13 May 2013 06:20 AM PDT

NCSoft Earnings Up Due to GW2

NCSoft has released its latest earnings report. The report shows that earnings are up largely in part thanks to the release of ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2. While earnings fell in the final quarter of the year, profits were up for the year overall.

Atlantica Online: Exclusive Ascension Tips & Strategies Video

Posted: 12 May 2013 02:52 PM PDT

Exclusive Ascension Tips & Strategies Video

This brand new exclusive Atlantica Online video shows off the new content in the Ascension update released late last week. This video gives tips and strategies on how to take on the new raid dungeon, how to gain the new centaur mercenary, and details of the new class talents. Check it out!

General: The Sapphire AMD 7870 HD Review

Posted: 09 May 2013 05:57 PM PDT

The Sapphire AMD 7870 HD Review

One of the most important pieces of hardware for any gamer is the vaunted video card. In our latest hardware review, we take a look at the Sapphire AMD 7870 HD and give you our verdict. See if you agree before heading to the comments.

WildStar: Why Movement Matters

Posted: 09 May 2013 05:46 PM PDT

Why Movement Matters

In a recent video developer blog, Carbine Studios laid out an amusing but true video about how MMOs need to transcend the WASD keys. In an exclusive interview, we talked with Lead Combat Systems Designer Chris Lynch about how movement will matter in WildStar. Read on and then leave your ideas in the comments.

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