Monster Hunter Online (CN) Unveils A New Area Posted: Monster Hunter Online is a brand new MMORPG developed exclusively for China using CryEngine 3. Only two areas are officially confirmed thus far on the official website, with them being the Milad Village and Wind Valley. And Today Tencent has unveiled the third mysterious area, the Hermit Forest.  |
Ammo's Pick: Top 5 Bugs, Glitches, and Errors In MMOFPS Posted: We all know there are certain problems with games but what I am going to mention in this thread is the vast number of errors I have received for playing many FPS games.  |
[First Look] Arcane Saga (CBT) Posted: Arcana Saga is the revamp of „Prius"/"Anima Online"  |
More Sub Losses Expected in WoW; Is It the time to Go F2P? Posted: Of course, even with the loss - over one million - during the first quarter of the year, WoW is still the most popular sub-based game in the world, but shares in the studio still dropped after the announcement was made to investors, down by nearly 5% on Wednesday. According to Activision-Blizzard, subscription numbers are expected to dip even further.  |
Show Your in-game Dress Collocation! =W= Posted: Do you want to show your collocation to others? Here's the stage!  |
Conquer Online 10th Anniversary Free Item Key Posted: MMOSite is now teaming up with Conquer Online to give away glorious packs to make your journey easier.  |
The Frostbite Engine is Coming to Mobile Posted: Details are ridiculously vague as of this writing, but the internet is exploding this afternoon with news of a recent update to the Frostbite "History" page which makes mention of something called "Frostbite Go," a mobile version of the Frostbite engine being in the works:  |
Granado Espada Online New Content to Look Forward to this May Posted: Redbana has announced their May roster of Bristia expansion updates for its hottest MMORPG title, Granado Espada Online. Granado Espada Online is a well-known fantasy roleplaying game set on the fictionalized Age of Exploration with an emphasis on beautiful Baroque-inspired aesthetics.  |
WoW 5.3 PTR Patch Notes - Updated May 14 Posted: Patch 5.3 is now available for testing on the Public Test Realms! This patch includes a brand new Battleground, a new Arena, new Scenarios, assorted bug fixes, and more.  |
Hounds (KR) Update Preview: 10 Gaming Modes on the Way Posted: Korean game company Netmarble today gives a preview of the upcoming major content update for its MMORPS Hounds. The Chapter 3 update includes the brand new game modes.The new storyline is on the way to HOUNDS, players will get new fun by the new rescue and annihilation experience.  |
Rovio Announced Rovio Stars Publishing Initiative Posted: Rovio Entertainment, the Finnish mobile game developer who has created Angry Birds, has announced the launch of its third-party mobile game publishing initiative, Rovio Stars.  |
GunZ: The Duel Closes English Server Posted: Back in the early days, the GunZ was hosted by NHN's own North America portal, Ijji. The portal later closed down, and most of the game went under Aeria Games' stable as part of a deal. Fast forward a couple of years, Aeria has just announced the closure of GunZ: The Duel.  |
Bluehole is Recruiting for Next TERA Posted: According to respected Korean news source ThisIsGame, Bluehole Studio is now preparing for either a sequel to TERA or a whole new MMO entirely.  |
Guild Wars 2 Launches The Secret of Southsun Update Posted: Keeping true to their monthly content release schedule, ArenaNet today launched the latest update for Guild Wars 2 with The Secret of Southsun. The latest update continues the MMORPG's Living Story following the conclusion of the Flame & Frost series as refugees oppressed by their contracts with Southsun Cove begin to rise up and agitate the local wildlife.  |
ArcheAge(CN) Unveils Deluxe Package to Welcome First Beta Test on May 22 Posted: ArcheAge CN server will enter its first closed beta on May 22, one week's time from the start of the test, Tencent has unveiled a deluxe ArcheAge package which looks really amazing! The exquisite package includes a special 32G USB drive in the shape of a key, ArcheAge novel, customized card bag, mouse pad and the CBT invitation.  |
Spry Fox Announced New Puzzle Game: Road Not Taken Posted: Spry Fox, the developer of Triple Town, has announced their new game which will be a new puzzle game called Road Not Taken. The new title has a rather deep theme to it regarding life and loss, however, it still contains the cuteness found in Triple Town.  |
SWTOR Game Update 2.1 Customization Now Live Posted: EA and BioWare have released Game Update 2.1: Customization for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This update gives players more options to customize their character's look, gear and gameplay experience.  |
DC Universe Online - Origin Crisis In Now Live Posted: The latest installment in the DC Universe Online saga - Origin Crisis in now live! In the seventh DLC pack, new high-level multiplayer and solo adventures will send players through alternate realities as they amend or alter the origins of their favorite Heroes and Villains.  |
GREE's Q3 2013 Earnings: Sales Declined to $370.9M Posted: Mobile-social gaming giant GREE today has released their Q3 2013 Earnings report. Accroding to the report, GREE reaned 37.9 billion yen ($370.9 million) in revenue and spent 10.8 billion yen ($105.7 million) in operating profit for the third quarter of 2013, a quarter-over-quarter decline of both sales and profits.  |
Dragon Nest T4 Guardian Skill Build by Snow Posted: This guardian guide is made by freedom guild member Snow (MMOsite account is snow_tsuki). Hope it will be helpful to you.  |