Age of Conan Fifth Anniversary Celebrations to Begin Next Week Posted: It's hard to believe it, but Age of Conan: Unchained (AoC) is about to turn five. With the fifth anniversary celebration set to begin next week, Funcom has laid out a list of special offers, gifts, and events for players starting with an anniversary membership special. Available now, the offer provides a 50% additional game time for players that subscribe for 3, 6, and 12 months throughout the celebration.  |
Million Arthur Cosplay - Sexy Beyond the Limit Posted: Million Arthur has been popular since it was launched, elegant gpainting style and rich gameplay. DenKa, a famous coser from Taiwan can't resist the temptation of this title, and she recently cosed a character of Million Arthur:  |
Neverwinter Dev Blog Delves into the Foundry Posted: In the latest Neverwinter developer blog, Foundry producer Rob Overmeyer delves into the Foundry.  |
Dragon Nest T4 Smasher Skill Build by Chaos Posted: Here is the latest Smasher build at lvl60 by Freedom guild leader chaose5. It is mainly for PVE only, with casual PVP.  |
ChinaJoy 2013 Help to Boost Mobile Payment in China Posted: Thanks to the maturing mobile Internet and the wide use of smart phones and tablets, mobile game has been enjoying a rapid growth. Figures indicate that the number of China's mobile game players amounted to nearly 300 million by the end of 2012, and the market is expected to be worth over RMB 7 billion by the end of this year.  |
Dragon's Prophet Free Beta Key Giveaway Event Posted: MMOsite has teamed up with Runewaker to give away free beta keys.  |
Bethesda: Play Testers Wanted Posted: Want a chance to try out some new and upcoming games? Bethesda is looking for play testers in the Dallas area!  |
ChinaJoy to See New Wave of Mobile Advertising Posted: Mobile advertising saw a significant breakthrough in Q1 2013 in terms of customer acceptance and click volume of mobile advertising brands, with some industry players estimated to double their revenue at least this year.  |
Lime Odyssey (KR) Will Begin Final Test Posted: It has been awhile since I have last heard from Lime Odyssey Online, apparently the English and Korean versions of the game was delayed because of a couple serious bugs. Thankfully, the developers finally squashed the serious bugs and they are planning on proceeding with the final test scheduled to start late next week from May 22nd to May 26th.  |
Animation Area Added to ChinaJoy 2013 Posted: The Organizing Committee of ChinaJoy recently announced that the Animation Area will be added to this year's event, aiming to help further promote ChinaJoy's diversified services as a distinguished game industry platform in China, to expand the range of industry sections on exhibition, to encourage international cooperation, and to boost the development of game and animation industries at home and abroad.  |
Netmarble Introduces Online Board Game Sensation, Dice Venture Posted: Netmarble, a leading worldwide game portal, expands its portfolio with Dice Venture, an online casual board game known internationally as Modoo Marble. The global casual game sensation with more than 5 million players worldwide will kick off a beta test on Wednesday, May 29 in North America.  |
NPD: 72 Percent of US Gamers Play Online Posted: Recentely, the NPD Group released the findings of its Online Gaming 2013 report, revealing 72 percent of gamers in the United States play online. This is an increase of 5 percent over 2012.  |
MMOsite Mobile Game Center Kicks Off Posted: High-quality mobile games come into our view with an increasing number. Additionally, some client-based MMO games have also enter this field, such as the DNAPP and Queen's Blade Prelude of War. To make a part of the family, MMOsite Mobile Game Center Kicks Off now.  |
OnNet USA Releases Gameplay Trailer of Tour Golf Online Posted: OnNet USA has released the first video of its new golf online game Tour Golf Online. In this video you can see the stunning graphics of this new generation online golf game developed in collaboration with a physics specialist for the planning and the early Shot Online developers.  |
Dragon Nest PVE Spirit Dancer Guide by Shekina Posted: This guide is made by MMOsite user Shekina (MMOsite account is Jackalkoh). Check out the detailed guide and hope it will be helpful to you.  |
Show Your Ship Collecting! Posted: So, how about sharing your ship collection here by in-game screenshot?  |