
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

Brawl Busters has launched its new content update, Mission Improbable

Posted: 04 May 2012 09:06 AM PDT

Rock Hippo Productions has announced today that its free-to-play online action-combat MMO, Brawl Busters, has launched its latest update, Mission Improbable, complete with new daily missions and more. Mission Improbable features randomly-generated daily missions where players can earn a variety of bounty. Complete your tasks against all odds and get rewarded handsomely in addition the [...]

Bethesta Softworks has released the presentation trailer of The Elder Scrolls Online

Posted: 04 May 2012 08:36 AM PDT

Today we inform you that Bethesta Softworks has just released the trailer of The Elder Scrolls Online presentation. This epic MMO, developed by ZeniMax Online Studios, is the first game of Elder Scrolls saga that allow players to explore the universe of Tamriel in the company of others. The Elder Scrolls Online will be available [...]

We are celebrating a anti-flash google giveaway for Mision Against Terror

Posted: 04 May 2012 05:12 AM PDT

Suba Games with FREE MMORPG and MMO Reviews, are giving away 1000 anti flash googles for the MMOFPS Mission Against Terror. The anti-flash google reduces the effects of a flash grenade on the player. Duration of item : 3 Days Remember that we invite all our users to send us screenshots, videos, or whatever you [...]

A new character, Leila Vergerius has arrived to Rusty Hearts

Posted: 04 May 2012 03:28 AM PDT

Perfect World Entertaintment has announced the arrival a brand new character for its free-to-play, action MMO, Rusty Hearts, named Leila Vergerius. Whether she’s elegantly slicing through enemies with a deadly blade or butchering waves of foes with an oversized axe, Leila is a force to be reckoned with. Great for both new players and veterans [...]

Upjers has improved its building simulation MMO Cubelands

Posted: 04 May 2012 01:25 AM PDT

The german developer Upjers has enhanced and improved its creative building simulation Cubelands and enables its users to experience an entirely revamped gaming experience directly in their web-browsers.  In the game the players can create their own lively world and let their creativity roam free. Thanks to the unity 3D-engine, the popular open-world gameplay has [...]

Bethestha has announced that the Elder Scrolls Online is coming!

Posted: 04 May 2012 01:01 AM PDT

Bethesda Softworks, has announced the development of the MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online by ZeniMax Online Studios. The Elder Scrolls Online will be the first Elder Scrolls game that allows players to explore the legendary Elder Scrolls universe with others. The game has announced that is going to be available in English, French and German. [...]

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