
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

DK Online reveals new details about its PvP

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 11:07 AM PDT

Aeria Games, has published new information about DK Online‘s PvP. As an important part of the game, the PvP is reflected in the diversity of the different classes’ gameplay and in the different PvP modes. The game has several options for PvP, from duels between players, to titanic RvR battles (realm vs. realm) that pits [...]

We are giving away 3000 closed beta keys for World of Warplanes

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 08:07 AM PDT

Wargaming.net  with FREE MMORPG and MMO Reviews are giving away 3000 keys to participate in the closed beta of World of Warplanes. Remember that we invite all our users to send us screenshots, videos, or whatever you want in relation with the promotion and we will publish it. You can send it Here. Step 1. [...]

A new housing system arrives to Rift

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 07:39 AM PDT

Trion Worlds has unveiled today a new feature that comes to Rift with the next Storm Legion closed beta. And this new feature is the awaited player housing  system, named as Dimensions. In addition Trion has released a new trailer that shows the  creative control that players will have when building their own personal Dimensions. [...]

Mechwarrior has announced the start of its Open Beta

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 05:38 AM PDT

MechWarrior Online has announced that is going to begin its open beta on October 16. The game takes place in the year 3049, at the beginning of an interstellar war, and that puts you at the controls of a powerful war machine, a Battlemech. Command your Mech and customize it to suit your battlefield role; [...]

Imperion has started its closed beta

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 03:41 AM PDT

Imperion the upcoming construction and management strategy Sci-FI browser MMORTS has started its closed beta on international servers. The game takes place in the year 2137, and has three races (Terrans, Titans and Xen) that are in constant conflict for supremacy of the Galaxy. Each race has a completely different type of game, with different [...]

PlanetSide 2 has announced its 1st ‘Wikia Official Community’

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 02:41 AM PDT

Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) with Wikia, one of the largest fan community of internet, are joining forces to release the first PlanetSide 2 ‘Wikia Official Community‘. Thanks to this union fans of the MMOFPS will have access to a large selection of exclusive content as videos, interviews, chats, game guides among other things. With [...]

Kill3rCombo has released a new update for Elsword

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:59 AM PDT

Kill3rCombo has released a new update for Elsword which brings improvements to the popular Dungeon “Henir’s Time & Space” and to the pet system. With the new content update the Time & Space Dungeon, has received new bosses, randomized “elite fights” and branching paths. In addition to facilitate access to the Dungeon, the need to [...]

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