


Darkfall: Original Game Shutting Down with Unholy Wars' Launch

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 06:22 PM PDT

Original Game Shutting Down with Unholy Wars

A new blog post on the official Darkfall Online: Unholy Wars site contains information for current players of Darkfall Online. When Unholy Wars launches, the original game will shutter its doors. Player characters will not make the transfer but owners have been promised the 'viability' will move with them. Current subscribers will also be able to score DFUW for the price of a subscription.

Firefall: Founder's Pack Contest -- Enter Now!

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 06:34 PM PDT


MMORPG.com has partnered up with Firefall developers Red 5 Studios to give out Firefall Founder's Pack codes to a number of lucky winners. We've got codes all the way from the base Ensign to Commander, but you're going to have to work for some of the better rewards.

Rift: Storm Legion Soul Reveal TODAY!

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 12:10 PM PDT

Storm Legion Soul Reveal TODAY!

MMORPG.com is pleased to be hosting Rift developers this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. PDT (5:30 p.m. EDT) for the next soul reveal from the upcoming Storm Legion expansion. Join us in the MMORPG.com live stream channel to find out more about the Rogue Soul: The Tactician!

End of Nations: Closed Beta 4 Cuts the Mustard

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 09:24 AM PDT

Closed Beta 4 Cuts the Mustard

The final closed beta event for Petroglyph's End of Nations is here. The staff over at RTSGuru.com has been toiling around inside its many game modes, and they've got their staff's first impressions to share. Check it out at RTSGuru.com.

General: How Free-to-Play is Killing Gaming – Part One

Posted: 03 Oct 2012 05:17 PM PDT

How Free-to-Play is Killing Gaming – Part One

A lot of talk has swirled around the MMO space in the past couple of years about the free to play movement and its effect on the genre as a whole. In a new editorial piece here at MMORPG.com, we take a look at the notion that F2P is killing gaming. Check it out and then add your thoughts in the comments.

General: Fly'N: An Addictive Puzzle-Platformer

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 04:24 PM PDT


Ankama Games is best known for games like DOFUS and Wakfu but it is a pleasant surprise to see that they are not stuck in a rut. Fly'N is an addictive puzzle-oriented platformer that is part of Steam's Greenlight program. We've spent some time in Fly'N and have a great preview. Check it out!

Rift: There's a Storm Brewin'

Posted: 03 Oct 2012 05:02 PM PDT


Trion Worlds and the Rift team are close to the final unveiling of the first expansion to Rift, Storm Legion. We recently had the opportunity to check out Storm Legion firsthand and have a lot to say about it. See what we've got in mind and then add your thoughts in the comments.

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